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Everything posted by xVideos
damn second ... Our trip/war lasted 4hours! And all u had was 1 war against Ex .. See you next week :) You won't get easy win next week
Louzy .. You keep reply'ing.. Here is a tip.. Just edit them? And you can't say you were waiting there for 5 Minutes ... Cuz arrows disappear after 1minute .. You could just wait a little bit till we get a fall in again so we can rush .. But you had to log out .. Gf though ..
So Ur Saying u started with 33 People.. (Thats what ur leader said!) And like 24 People came in 10 Minutes? After u hopped! Thats what u are saying right?? Now please STOP BS-ing...
Edited topic.. And about Cp .. U lied about ur ops & u wanted to crash Ex vs Ch ..
Nope we had 28 at that point .. We had 2 Scouts in our fall in... We really got pushed .. But we got a regroup and re-rushed .. I even said to Hugh Come back and he said to late we hopped.. U can get the win but meh .. I wanted to finish the fight ..
Tonight we actually had wrong sign ups.. Our stupid leader gave everyone the wrong time for the war against Guthix Warriors. Anyway.. I hope you guys enjoy reading :) We started massing at 6.50Pm GMT thats 1.50PM EST.. And we massed up 48 People. And went to clan wars and see GW with their 18 People. We kinda expected atleast 30pull ... But looks like they have a lot of inactives.. Rules were: Overheads On Multi Only 3 Rounds (2 Clan Wars & 1 Turrets) Corrupt Off Round 1 (Classic): Exclusive Starting: 48 People Guthix Warriors Starting: 18 People Exclusive Ending: 45 People Round 2 (Turrets): Exclusive Starting: 48 People Guthix Warriors Starting: 16 People Exclusive Ending: 47 (I died because I was first pile :( ) There was no 3rd round .. They said they had no point in fighting us anymore.. And I agreed with them. So we started to mass again .. And we got word that Ch & Cp were leaving untill 4Pm Est, 9Pm Gmt! So we had to wait for like 40 MORE MINUTES! We waited 20 minutes and went out to find Dv or Cs ... We found Devastation and asked for a fight.. But they just got in DD and left.. So we were walking arround and got word CP Finally want to come out! We asked a pkri and they accepted! So CP Leader told me to go and dd already since they were hopping .. We went to Trees and were waiting there for about 15 Minutes .. Killing some mains.. And finally we see some dots .. But guess what .. It was DP! So we just ran south again and had to regroup.. We regrouped and said to CP nvm.. Since they just made us wait for like 1hour .. We asked Ch for a pkri and they accepted .. CD came for Anti Crash.. So Ch went out and we were going to rush and see Ch running back inside Clan wars .. Since CP was there already to crash the fight.. CD went out to hit up CP.. And we went there to help them .. So we kinda were winning against CP... Then suddenly DP came again ... We got word from a scouter that FOE was going to rush .. So we quickly got back in Clan Wars ... And yes FOE rushed.. So Ch asked if we still could fight .. And we just agreed even though we knew we would get owned this time.. Exclusive had 28 People at this point.. Chaotic said they had 30.. But they had more than 35 (Duval said that in #Chaotic .. So they pushed us into Non Multi we made a quick regroup and re-rushed them.. Killed 5 Ch members and looks like they were just gone... (Idc if u won but u just ran away .. We wanted to finish this) After this we said to everyone from this moment its non mandatory if people want to leave they can since we've been out for about 3Hours.. We made a regroup and still got 23 People.. We asked our scouts or they can find some1 and they said IR is still out with 25 People.. So we regrouped and asked IR a fight at Hillz.. And they accepted :) So we started fighting at hillz killing IR members 1by1 .. And Fearless came from south .. So at this point we had arround 16 People left and we all ran north to the hillz .. IR kinda ran to west of volcano's we pushed them all the way north of clan wars.. And they started to hug the CW.. At this point IR had 8People left.. Ex had 13people left.. Note: Not all the white dots are IR members.. There were a lot of scouts/randoms/Fs Members/mains So we were close for a win and suddenly CP rushed us from the east... Even if we only have 13 people they still crash our wars.. So we just got in Clan Wars got a fall in again and went to bh.. to dismiss.. This was our longest event ever! It lasted for about 4 Hours! I'm proud of all Exclusive members.. There will be more pictures and vids will be out soon
I'm from Belgium :) so you are saying all leaders that are from Belgium are epic leaders :) Damn ur right! Now I'm gonna show u a funny picture .. Please don't flame .. And try to explain :) Yes thats ur warlord spamming "We are Cd" Lol xD Pretty funny xD! Gj on the win hope you try to start fighting clans like IR & Ch & R ... Don't stay in PvP .. Come to Bh..
I can get 2 Main clans to anti crash for us ... They not that good but they in the top 15 main pvp clans...
I think we owned u last Saturday 1vs1 fair fight .. No extra mates or anything .. Why are you mad if u saying Please Matched if we outnumber you :S? And about the teaming up .. We helped Cd that day don't think why we shouldn't we got hacked by the same way.. Since you can't take Ex down u think u can bully on Cd right? And u keep saying Quantity < Quality .. We owned u in a matched on mid week .. Now please face it we have 10 More people on memberlist and pull 2x of ur ops ... Please sort ur memberlist out and start kicking/booting ur inactive people.. Enough of this talking ... Now please ask us a prep again or something else .. We will be there and ready for u guys this saturday .. After our War..
I say 1 thing ... #Exclusive ... 1 of the fastest rising clans.. Get on our vent and u will see why people join and stay Ex..
Exclusive mate :) 1 of the fastest rising clans :)
Pretty epic **** .. Hope you delete the NH 1vs1 things and all :)
If all clans are up for it .. I'll be there with Exclusive.. (Don't think it will happen.. Since it will get boring after 20 Minutes..)
This saturday 1) Mm 2) Foe 3) Dp - Small Gap that will close soon - 4 / 5) Eop/Fi (They should both have a run in and see who's better) 6 / 7) Cp/Ex (This time Exclusive is going to give you guys a better fight .. Lets see or we can win this time) 8 / 9) Ch or Ir .. I heard you guys are allied .. Looks like there will be some teaming up.. 10..) Rest
Its a secret :) I hope WW & VL are going to have a full out against each other .. And dF is kinda looking good .. All I heard from them is some promised things :) They got the levels .. They just need some more numbers :D
Like I said .. And I will keep saying this.. Its because of these new/small clans that the Pure World won't die that quick ... Gj Virulent :) Hope u will rise and try out the bigger clans like CS..
Close this topic ... We won in a matched war .. Enough proven .. We don't need to prove anything more .. Hugh already tryed to settle things down .. Looks like we might do and focus ourself to the other clans... And yes Anthoni .. Thx for letting us use ur vent .. U kinda helped us when we started.. If u need antything please pm me on IRC.. I will help you.. CLOSE TOPIC WE HAVE ENOUGH VIEWS!
Gf IR :)
Did u have fun at ur F2P & P2P Trip? If yes dw you get more trips like these.. :) Duval will be happy if u have fun :) Not a flame .. Ps: I heard Ex owned Ch tonight in a prep (ON A SCHOOLDAY) Are we better than you now? Thats a question please answer..
Normally we had you guys we still had enough and people were still returning to CW to come back to the war.. 2vs1 .. No problem .. We had the numbers .. But 3vs1? IR with 40people .. Nope can't do that :S Gj on ur trip :)
Is that all you did? Was a good trip for you guys :)? We gotta admit we owned 4/5 Ch except 5 members.. But meh idc? Gj on the 3vs1 :) We had our fun and we went from 50 to 43 people after 1hour ... That pkri I asked never came .. Was pretty funny when u said DP WILL HUNT YOU GUYS .. While u get owned by DP :S And for Omni you arrived and deleted 80Reply's!!!!! Ewwwwwww Still love ya :)
Gj Carnage.. Gf Cpr :S And I'm amazed at the options!
So let me start with this... Exclusive & Chaotic have been the 2 rival clans in the Low/Med clans.. This week Exclusive dominated Chaotic .. We massed and were ready to get Chaotic.. Like yesterday we wanted them tonight .. Chaotic said they will be ready for us every time & any where.. So we asked a pkri and guess what? THEY DECLINED! No matter what.. We want to hit Chaotic.. So we started massing and pulled 50 people!!!! Ready for Ch! Note: A clan called True Savage & SM merged into us They closed and joined us! :) Exclusive was pumped with 50 people! and heard Chaotic were at Clan Wars w137.. Potting.. They went outside and we ran from Bh to Hillz.. We got word then Ch were fighting Fatality .. But I didnt care I wanted to clear Ch and we did.. Then we took Ch spot and fought Fatality.. We were winning but IR came north of us .. and we got cleared by 2 clans :) But gave Fatality an awesome fight! Exclusive Starting: 50 Chaotic Starting: 30 (Leaders dont want to talk..?) Fatality Starting: 28?? Chaotic Ending: 0 (All died no-one even tried to return..) Vid will be up soon! And again remassed and got 43 people.. Ready for Chaotic once again! Now they want a pkri.. And talked shet about us on ventrilo.. Pretty much funny how Duval was raging.. So we were spread and waiting for Chaotic to rush us! Guess what.. Before they got out DP already cleared them in 10 Seconds :S After that we went to w124 and spammed with DP & EOT.. Waiting for Ch to come back.. After 15Minutes they finally came back and we said w137 since all clans were in w124.. They took like 10 more minutes and finally went out to defend this time .. So we potted and see FOE logging in Clan Wars.. I said to Hugh FOE IS LOGGING IN but Hugh changed his name and I was banned from Ch channel.. So we just spammed R.I.P Ch.. Foe cleared Ch in 5seconds.. So then we heard Duval raging again .. and calling a dismiss.. I kinda got mad when they ended .. Cuz I rlly wanted that pkri :S We went out in a huge clumb Eot vs Foe vs Dp vs Hf .. We just stood there in the middle of the madness .. No1 was hitting us they all aimed at each other while we're killing the leaders 1by1 xD 3 minutes later and they started on attacking us .. Daym.. After that we ended .. :) There will be more pictures.. For all Exclusive .. You did great in P2P :)!