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Everything posted by Roman

  1. Roman

    Hysteria Minis x2

    i hope our topic can be like theirs someday. soz that ur clan sucks and hasn't done jack all in the past 8 months inb4 u make df jokes we havent been open 8 months????????????? EXPLAIN p.s df died
  2. Roman

    Hysteria Minis x2

    i hope our topic can be like theirs someday.
  3. Valid point, but you're just saying this because our ml is small. If anyone brought more randoms, it was you. Ehhhhh cbf proving. Just know it. Please prove it, i wanna see this.
  4. Said this on TP's topic. You broke defence cap rules. Both sides attacked as one of the TP member's blitzed TR SDOT, and you rushed at 3 7i and provoked him to attack, so both sides were at fault. If you look at other clans, if an attack happens and is stopped re-do's are not done, both side's apologize, clan sits, and we move on. We sat, and won. TP respect for prepping, I honestly cbf for drama on here atm, so just accept the loss, if you feel as if you should of won, ask for a rematch in the future, preferrably when runehead is actually up, because i saw alot of randoms ive never seen from TP before. Thanks for the prep -Roman
  5. Steven, you are nowhere close to our activity. You claim ur ml is more active, you peak at 19 on sundays, we even invited you to come hit us about two weeks ago when you had latkuz scouting us, and you didn't come, you've also asked us to Team on several occasions. If you're that confident feel free to pm me for a run-in on sunday instead of a offer to team. Ok. Basically like i've said on other topic, you broke the def cap rules, and you say it didnt make a difference, you got completely DESTROYED in the other rounds. Speaking for the maging, one of your members also blitzed TR SDOT and you guys rushed at Ryan which provoked the barrage, it happens in all prep's, and you don't see other clans trying to call re-do's, apologys are made, and its forgiven. Both sides attacked, and we sat and then beat you. Breaking the defence cap and both sides attacking are different things. You lost, i'm sorry. You did do good, and i respect you for prepping, but accept the loss and if you think you should of won, ask for a rematch in the future. But now as it stands, sorry we won. Thanks for the prep.
  6. no. their was only one re-do round and that is because they brought people in 30 defence gear. It ended 2-1. Vid/pics are being made now.
  7. TR and TP both decided on a date for a matched P2P Prep, with dung, and curses on. Set for wednesday 6:30 est. TR pulled 30 strong and ready to go members to pick up another matched opts P2P Victory. They brought 30 defence gear the first round. So we did a re-do. Trepidation won their attacking round, and we won our attacking round and the run-in. (During run-in both sides attacked eachother, i apologize for this misunderstanding) Round 1 TR Starting: 28 TP Starting: 28 TR Ending:0 TP Ending:10 Round 2 TR Starting: 27 TP Starting: 27 TR Ending:18 TP Ending:0 Round 3 TR Starting: 26 TP Starting: 26 TR Ending:18 TP Ending:0 Thanks TP, have your members stay all the fights so we don't need to sit please.
  8. We're a smaller clan, dominant in P2P, and pretty decent in F2P but sure could improve with a little help. We have the highest averages out of any med level clan. and are extremely balanced at matched opts. (18:27:37) -Vectra[18]- ** (CLANINFO): Tribulation (http://www.trib-rs.com) | Total members: 44 | [Avg] Cmb: (F2P: 81.08 | P2P: 86.2) Cons: 86.16 Magic: 96.02 Range: 89.91 Skill total: 1,417 | F2P or P2P: F2P & P2P based (Homeworld 97) | Cape: Wilderness36 | RuneHead link: http://www.runehead.com/clans/ml.php?clan=tribulation Our Ts is usually active 24/7, and an active irc. Recently been striving to go further then we have. We average 5-6 mini's a day with times being reasonable for GMT. I pmed you on IRC. We have a planned p2p prep wednesday, and plan to get more after. Have a dedicated staff, and a very experienced leadership. Drop by our IRC if you want to talk, i'll get ahold of you. #Tribulation
  9. Be proud of what you guys accomplished.
  10. uploaded clips vs team omega/tlp, they challenge as omega then post as tlp to look cool or something, team downfall, hysterical the coolest kidz everz, and WAR
  11. Make a solid core for the staff of people that you trust 100%, and can rely on, where you don't have to do it all on your own. Not give up, and boot anyone who causes drama.
  12. uploaded mini vs team barragely, HYSTERIA WE'RE CATCHING UP TO YOU.
  13. CP TR v TP Matched P2P prep 20 def cap dung/curses on (happening wednesday
  14. Mini vs tp uploaded, we're so ******* cool.
  15. lmfao if that was a mini HY would of streamrolled you!
  16. lol np, we'll see if i can lower it next time ^^. im off to bed though peace.
  17. The next time you guys look for a mini try to lower your cb average by 20. Just playing but for a low leveled clan you guys got your fair share of addy daddies. We're a med clan not low, and also thats hard to do lol, we have the highest p2p combat average next to tlp, and they only got us by about a level.
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