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Everything posted by Lamotrigine

  1. Pot may not have been successful as a clan but as a community everyone in pot loved it. We had fun, we all pked together and most importantly we all knew each other. In my eyes pot is and always will be the best pure clan. They went back to the roots and had fun. You wont find a single member of pot who wouldn't stick up for it and defend the name.
  2. Im aware lol, members are all required to record all of their fights now, which will benefit because it will create a faster production of CPR pk vid 1 lol. In theory it sounds like a good idea to get everyone to record, but in reality some people's computers cant handle it. All in all. I say let kids tele if they wanna tele. It's a game, play how you want to. That's why I have respect for clans like ROT. They don't use the honor code
  3. i'll keep my g2h thank you. I've yet to get any def xp with it either
  4. I love my rapier(granted I'm a zerker). As a first chaotic weap rapier is the way to go. Just because of its versatility and uses it has. I'm getting maul as my second though.
  5. True Whip **** still a beast. Release anymore peekay vids? Ps. Ily Luke
  6. I've actually talked to forty lashes in VH's irc. For awhile he said he was gonna go zerk...guess not lol
  7. good stuff to know. It's always good to practice safe web browsing.
  8. Tough call. Unless it was a really close friend or someone who lost 80m+ I wouldn't have ruined my pure :sleep:
  9. fishing is **** money now v.v :sad: :sad: but money is money.
  10. Pot for brids tbh. They get a lot of hate. Why? Cuz they do what others cant. As for 1v1 edge. Who cares? All pures rely on luck specs and that's all edge pking is.
  11. wont matter when Hf, Vh, Rt, Px and whoever else decides to crash comes. (13:43:13) <+i_pet_noobs> lol, hf and mm are going to crash (13:43:20) <+i_pet_noobs> the red v blue thing
  12. If I recall about a 9 months ago we had a topic titled "should prossy pures be allowed?" Imo I think pure clans should allow 1-45 def as well. Just simple because it would allow a broader range of people in a clan and pure clans could actually compete with HF and etc. Also because I'm a zerker and still quite involved in the pure world :blush:
  13. this. The spec can never miss, It's a mage based atk(So stronger on rune etc), it can chain hit up to 2 other people and I've seen/be hit a 700 by it. Not only that but it only uses 60% of the spec bar. The stats are like 70 stab and 70 str. All in all it's a 250k dscim with ags spec that can never miss. I pray to god it gets nerfed.
  14. I've said it once and I'll say it again. No wonder E closed. They spent their time making stupid lines and ***** on the mini map. OT: A lot of spiffy pics in here. I didn't get into clanning back in the day though :confused:
  15. well excuse the **** out of me for not knowing what level addy mains are D:
  16. I think the max now (Assuming you consider 30 def/99 pray a pure) is like 118 or something along those lines. Mainsaywhat OT; The bonuses of def already outweigh the bonuses of 1 def. Look at it this way. Low lvl pures(40-60) hate fighting kids in rune/tank gear cuz they cant hit and rely on lucky hits. Pures around 70-80 hate fighting up and coming tanks cuz they cant hit. 80-90 pures hate fighting zerkers(Assuming its nto a fail zerker) cuz they cant hit and zerkers can combo 24/7. Pures rely on spec past 80 cmb imo. Pures are fighting an uphill battle to stay alive. Theres almost no reason to be a pure anymore except for clanning and fighting other pures. Also, all this nonsense of 30 def with turmoil..still isn't as good as a zerker with veng. I'm willing to prove that any day of the week just ask. Tl;dr The bonuses of def already outweigh being a pure. Pures are the under dogs and high level pures rely on spec.
  17. Can we get an IP ban on this person :mad: Praise be to Taylor
  18. In other news. Lets be real here. A lot of the pures are created by kids who think "pures are cool. Check out how low lvl I am with these stats." So they join a clan with other kids and just like kids do when they don't get their way. They cry.
  19. I like your pk vid. 120 cmb no veng = pro.
  20. I was meaning to get around to this but I quit my zerker and my new pure is low pray so it's hard to make a guide. :L If I can convince a friend of mine to let me use his account for barrows I'll make it
  21. I think I saw 1 guy pick a balloon up and try and bite it :geek:
  22. He's...hes not that great of a pker but his video's are funny. His newest one where he comes back to scape after like ayear and see's all the new weps is funny tbh. He freaks out at turmoil, chaotic weps, hand cannons etc. It made me lol tbh
  23. lolz. Turmoil is all you have going for you atm. Need to train some...well..A lot.
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