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The 2nd of April 2011 was a day like any other for Control, with a 53 Man Pull and some tastey lootations to add to our collection. We dominated the med scene fighting clans such as FI, CP, TR, WAR, EF and more. Despite our best efforts, we didn't manage to get a clean fight against Fatality today with their boyfriends crashing on their behalf but we pretty much cleared them before they got there. We ended after three hours with around 40 people left.
Control vs Tribulation
We were told by our friends that WAR were crashing a fight at the maze and so we ran up with our maple bows ready to get some loot. We hit what we thought war WAR, but it was actually TR. We cleared them after a minute or so of fighting and heard that WAR had logged out before we got there.
CT Starting - 50
TR Starting - 30
CT Ending - 50?
TR Ending - 0
Control vs Exiled Force
We heard there was another **** load of teaming going on at the sperm hill so we rushed in to kill the crashing clan. We hit Exiled Force at the sperm hill and pushed them into the ghost hut, clearing the last few out.
CT Starting - 47
EF Starting - 35?
CT Ending - 42
EF Ending - 0
Control vs Corrupt Pures
Right after beating Exiled Force, we got word that CP were at the chaos altar with 60 people and just thought why not and hit it. The battle went on for a good five minutes and then TLP crashed right at the end. I died before TLP crashed, but from the pictures my members have provided, I'd say it was even or we were winning. Good fight.
CT Starting - 42
CP Starting - 60
CT Ending - 25?
CP Ending - 32
As I know CP will try to claim they cleared us because they've been spamming our IRC all day, here is the last picture we have before TLP crashed...
Control vs Fatality
We had waited all day for it and finally got a run-in vs Fatality. They defended the lava gap and it was all set. We pushed right through the gap and took complete control of the fight, and then CP came rushing from behind. We ran north east next to FI expecting them to help but after their caller yelled "Off CP!! on their Teamspeak, we just ran to gdz and logged out. Really disappointed with the teaming between you guys.
CT Starting - 43
FI Starting - 40
CT Ending - 40
FI Ending - 25
Control vs Exiled Force vs We Are Royalty
EF crashed us in our fight against CP earlier in the day and so we thought we would pay them back. They had a fight with WAR and we hit it with full force, destroying the loots in our path. We chased em all the way from piper to sperm hill where we made the final push and cleared the battlefield. After this fight, we went out to kill mains and got hella loots.
CT Starting - 35
EF Starting - 25
WAR Starting - 25
CT Ending - 35
EF Ending - 0
WAR Endingg - 0