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After some debate, we decided to head out on this glorious saturday, the first day of the year. We set out with a little over 30 people and then later on in the trip peaked at 38 People with which we would do some amazing damage. We displayed our true organisation through outnumbered and outleveled fights, taking on every clan that we could find. After a long break from events over christmas, our members showed no signs of weakness and we fought every battle with 100% effort. I'd like to thank each and every member who attended.
Control vs Hysteria
Our first fight of the day took place on the sperm hill. We defended and Hysteria rushed in with an aggressive attitude trying to push us off the sperm hill immediately. We held our ground and started pushing back but Corrupt Pures crashed the fight half way through and so we fought off Corrupt Pures for a while and retreated to clan wars for a rematch against Hysteria.
CT Starting - 34
HY Starting - 30
CT Ending - ~30
HY Ending - ??
Control vs Hysteria
As Corrupt Pures were busy with another fight, we took on Hysteria a second time. This time we defended a different hill and took the fight quite easily. Our organisation was perfect and we managed to clear Hysteria after a few minutes. Thanks for the clean fight Hysteria!
CT Starting - 32
HY Starting - 28
CT Ending - 32
HY Ending - 0
Control vs Chaotic
Chaotic approached Control asking for a run in. We had around the same as Chaotic and so accepted to defend at the altar. While waiting for Chaotic, we were hit by a main clan and had to hop around. After losing a few people with the mains and hopping around, we were significantly outnumbered. Despite being outnumbered we held the altar with all of our strength and pushed Chaotic back to their home world where they belong.
CT Starting - 29
CH Starting - 35
CT Ending - 27
CH Ending - 0
Control vs Hysteria
Hysteria then approached us and asked for another run in. With us heavily outnumbering them, they had some major balls. Props to you guys for fighting us. We defended the hill giants hut and won the fight with everybody left. Thanks for the fight Hysteria!
CT Starting - 32
HY Starting - 23
CT Ending - 32
HY Ending - 0
Control vs Corrupt Pures
Immediately after defeating Hysteria, Corrupt Pures rushed the hill giants trying to get a cheap shot at us. We left our loot and got back into the hut, defeating Corrupt Pures within minutes. Nice try CP but next time you crash one of our fights, make sure you win.
CT Starting - 32
CP Starting - 30
CT Ending - 30
CP Ending - 0
Control vs Zenith
We were approaching the final moments of our event and decided to fight the best clan out with the people we had. After our glorious victories, the confidence was booming and rightly so. We fought Zenith at the maze outnumbered and nearly took the win. The dedication and concentration shown by our members in this fight was amazing, although we lost I was pleased with the outcome.
CT Starting - 29
Z Starting - 37+
CT Ending - 0
Z Ending - 20