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Everything posted by I_Sh00t_U_I
Erm duval BTW ef was teaming with Zenith, ask the EF leader mate.. And fs weren't anything to do with us at the first hut fight BTW so it was 3 vs 1 Z, Ef & CH and yes we won, check the videos for yourselves on Complexity's topic And that CA fight we were teaming with Zenith? your kidding?? Yeah check the video out mate, its the 2nd fight there.. And they was another Hut fight which we won again and that was Cx vs Z,Ef & CH and fs came in within the last 1 minute but the battlefield was clear. Good fight chaotic
Complexity's Saturday F2P Topic 18/9
I_Sh00t_U_I replied to I_Sh00t_U_I's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
Thats all of our fights and either watch the vid or read the writing and check the pictures, we didn't lose.. -
http://pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=10212 <- our f2p saturday topic Peaked at 55 people and owned all :D a good time to join ^^
Http://www.clan-cx.com So certain clans claimed wins and chaotic said we teamed with EF just to compete with Zenith, but Ef teamed with Zenith, pm the EF leader, trile hes in #clan-ef or check this vid Ef's latest vid which shows them in zenith capes spamming as Z , so in those 2 hut fights it was 3 vs 1 and just check the video we didn't lose. Complexity headed out with a 54 PULL and Peaked at 55 half an hour into the trip. Fight #1 Well we heard Zenith was out and it was like some anniversary for them? so we thought they'd put a bit more of a fight up, so we thought lets go and see, we found them just south of clan wars and hit them killed a couple right there and zenith moved into the ghost hut we rushed into that pushing them after about 30 seconds of fighting there was like no zenith left, but just as zenith died chaotic turned up and crashed so we held our ground, it was pretty hectic. Chaotic was fighting fiercely but so was complexity, zenith re rushed after 2 minutes of them getting cleared out and then chaotic ran south and we decided to take chase and we got up close and personal and finished the fight because we had word several clans were coming. Complexity starting 54 Zenith + ef starting 45~ Chaotic starting 30~ Complexity ending 45 (with returns at bhb) Zenith + ef ending 10~ seen some disburse into the trees Chaotic 0 Fight #2 We headed to BH bank our loot waited there for 5-10 mins while we were trying to organize some fights, no 1 accepted, thats because they were already fighting, so we headed to CA to get some pray, and then we found out CH & IR was there and we remembered CH crashing us and thought why not? We rushed into the Alter walls flushed them out, killed a few, the rest ran behind the CA we then went to the gap for a rest and Fall in, we then decided to flush them out properly so we rushed down the west side on the CA and cleared them both. Complexity starting 55 Chaotic starting ? Intense redemption starting? Complexity ending 55 Chaotic ending 0 Intense redemption ending 0 Fight #3 After banking our loot we headed to Clan wars, seen zenith asked them for a fight after a few minutes they accepted, complexity rushed out onto the sperm hill and defended, and then zenith came out (i dced so watch the vid) when i resumed all i could see (i was stood in clw) is loads of purple dots pushing a few white dots (zenith) all over the sperm hills, zenith then retreated after a few seconds and ch turned up so we charged at them, pushed them south they ran into the hut and we followed to finished the job the zenith regrouped and rushed the fighting went on for a little but we cleared them just as Fs was arriving, I called them just incase another clan was ready to rush. Complexity starting 50 Zenith + Ef starting 40 Chaotic starting 30 Complexity ending 40 Zenith + Ef ending 0 Chaotic ending 0 P.S. thanks to Fs for killing some of the Ch escapees ;) fight #4 IR told us to pm 1 of their leaders and we arranged a maze fight, Complexity defended. Complexity starting 41 Intense Redemption starting 26 Complexity ending 38 Intense Redemption ending 0 Respect Ir for the fight. Hope you enjoyed the topic, Was just telling our story.
Cx had 20 and i was told it was 50/50 when hf crashed Not saying we won but we certainly didn't lose, thanks for the fight.
Yeah i agree and if thats the case i'd post the f2p run in we had on saturday which lasted approximately 10 seconds but the thing is yous died before we could press the screen shot button :x its on our 9/11 saturday f2p pk trip vid though. ty for the fight, btw just when we were getting in position hf rushed and just about cleared us and we didn't really remass to as much as we initially set off with but yeh good fight DP
Ty 4 the support, it was a incredibly fun trip ^^ TeeHee :)
63 peak cmoooooooon maintained 60 pull for almost 2 hours, fighting foe fatality eop etc ^^ was an amazing trip
CPR And CX And Dp look stronger.
Saturday tripppppppppppppp ^^ aiming for a 60 pull and judging by our signup activity we are going to achieve it + ;)
Weyyyyyy finally been released haha zenith must be embarrassed
Recruitment week is going great ^^ NOW is the best time to join Complexity :)
Who are you??? Watch the video ... we had 43-44 remaining after 3 clans constant rerushing and hes not talking about that fight anyways.. Goodfight
Peaked at 53 people yesterday, omg THE SKY ISN'T OUR LIMIT !!! keep rolling rolling rolling :D
1st was a real fun trip ^^
Good work dF and Cpr, Dunno why IR teamed with CH after they crashed CX vs IR maze fight but meh :confused: The fight looked fun ^^
Any Vids pl0x ? And the first fight if we lost 10 it was to 3 clans constantly re-rushing but non the less good fight, was fun, glad to see yet another clan out fun fun fun
cx is #1, cant wait for tomorrow trippp
Glad to see Cy back :)
Yeah to be fair all of those people are official Complexity that had not been added to the ml for some reason (missed out) OR Applicants and 1 invite, Thanks for highlighting but . And im Sorry, i was told by the person that was leading that PKri and I THINK accepted it, he told me 32 vs 39, we DEFINATLEY did not have over 40. Thanks for the support guys! and meh the TLP bit was just a bit of banter whatnot ^^
Complexity Runehead Memberlist Complexity's Official Forums OK Complexity went out with a solid 49 People and our main aim was to prove that we can cause damage and were not easily beaten. (Not saying We've been beaten but yeah) And Congratulations to the Mayhem Makers on their Jagex cup final win over Foe ! Fight #1 This fight Was at clan wars, it was mainly a cluster war between CX, Ch, CY, Df, Z. OK so first things first, we seen Z inside clan wars and we challenged them to a "pkri", we rushed north outside of clan wars and headed to the 2nd north hill, we waited anxiously and then we looked to the south and seen CH and then Z and then CY all starting to fight, at first we weren't going to hit the fight between CH, CY and Z but then we reminded ourselves of the rubbish CH had been saying so we rushed south to the spurm hill parallel with Clan Wars and called to clear out green capes on the east side of the hill, we then got rushed by Z and handled them pretty smartly losing like very little, and then DF appeared and started trying to come round the east side of the "spurm hill" and then CH came and they started to fight on the west side of the "spurm hill" we started to snipe them from the other side, and then CY with 15~ appeared from the Hillz gap and rushed up into us, we cleared them pretty fast, some escaped to the north hill so we ran up their and got on them, and Z came in from clan wars after a regroup with not sure how many about 25? and tried to get onto our hill but we got their first and red:cxxxxx pushed and scimed them ooot Then CP rushed in i think it was and we needed to bank as we'd been fighting for between 5-10 mins non stop. CX started with 47 Z started with 35 Ch started with 45 CY started with 20 DF started with 30 Fight #2 We were at BHB just waiting for returners and banking our loot when we seen Zenith hurt trying to RG, We challenged them to another fight at CA and we rushed out to get inside the CA and then they came in less then 5 seconds after we arrived but that was fine, we were fighting hard and then Ir comes in and crashes so get lines of cxxxxx up and push extra hard, we just about clear IR and Z together within seconds, some of ir escaped to BEHIND the chaos alter to wait for us to look small i believe idk, anything for a win eh l0l, and then CY comes rushing in and we clear them fast, but some got away because we orderd to stay inside the chaos alter walls as we'd get picked off 1 by 1 and we couldn't afford that as we'd cleared 3 clans INSIDE the CA (with returners not being able to return) so every person was very important to us, we ordered everyone to drink their last dose of pot get red cxxxx ready and get ready to rush to the entrance of CA on 3 2 1, we did so, those ir that were behind CA came in behind us and we scattered them all over, nice try IR ;) and then chaotic comes in after we'd been fighting for a good 10 minutes. Cx started with 43 Ir started with 25 Z started with 30 Cy started with 20 CH IDC its irrelevant Chaotic i don't know how you could claim a win over us at all today, so please don't put Ft coz yous just look like ..... . Pkri with dF Cx started 39 Df started ? They asked us for a pkri and we gladly accepted it was arranged at dwarfs but it started just east of the gap, we got a quick spread and rushed into them with our lines of CX and i seen a weakspot and ordered a push, we gained some real ground and got some kills, our pushes were epic, our piling was second to non, we deserved the win and with a push we split them and toke it, I was returning at the time so couldn't go into too much detail, check the vids. CX f2p average combat level: 57.5 DF f2p average combat level: 73.62 I'd like to thank all the CX members that attended this trip and proved what CX is about, Vids Pictures DF PKri Thanks for reading my Topic, i hope you enjoyed it!
1st Fight: OK We went out with 48 people, we ended that first fight with 45 in CW after cp rushed and we'd already fought 5 clans, 2nd Fight 40-45 starting in that ca fight and we were fighting inside ca (without returners hardly being able to get to us) with Z and then Ir crashes and THEN CY and i see z spamming off gold capes earlier so they were all obviously teaming and failed, 3 in 1, we seen CH coming in and we'd being fighting there for a good 5-10 minutes and we decided 4 clans is too much while such low supplies and food and pots, we should bank our loot, we remassed to 40~ OK ?
The Topic Description is so correct, we are breaking new boundaries all the time, Bring on the weekend !! :)