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Everything posted by 0wnage

  1. your actually the cool leader in Ch, im pretty sure it will be hectic in there from now on would offer Dv but your mind seems set, id prefer Dp over Eop anyday, much more mature leaders and more p2p activity, Gl
  2. not intending to flame but the topic seems pretty pointless you beat Ir when they were ******* around or something? got 3-0 by cpr and killed a few dp pkers? not worth a topic imo but gj nontheless
  3. thing is you actually sound like your trying to troll? Gj Fi, seemed like you did well
  4. too many topics about this ****, its getting old and your topic wont change things no matter how hard you try this forum is what makes people flame/troll if there was no forum then im pretty sure it wouldnt be half as bad as it is now
  5. Tlp basically cleared you in your own vid before ir crashed, there was no way 40 dp lol, maybe 15 or something Gj anyways it seemed really fun
  6. seemed boring :S so much for ''were not posting on these boards coz ill try be cool and everyone else might think im cool and follow me!'' Gj on your trip
  7. no it wasnt fool, we never fought you guys, only time we saw you was when you were crashing everything and teaming with eop other than that we never fought you at clanwars unless that was you we pushed into clanwars then we left to alter, But gj on your trip i guess Gl today hope you pull carries
  8. looks like you guys got a big clump of carnage, that might help you push for the #1 spot pretty soon, gj
  9. Today 1. MM 2. Dp/Fi - looked pretty even at sc although Ir crashed it and then mm crashed, would be stupid to claim anything 3. ^ 4. Foe 5. Rest who had full outs today and who won? df v cr ch v ?
  10. nah, you need a strong leadership who actually makes their own site's and knows how to use it, and it doesnt help a clan if they recruit from other clans so basically you need solid ranks, the members come if the community and trips are fun, takes hard work running a clan
  11. was probably the closest clan dv had for the majority of the time, **** never went rosey for any1, but if you all feel its the right choice for you then i wish you the best of luck irl kinda sucks seeing you guys go, you were probably one of the coolest clans around, never had drama, Gl once again, will be missed
  12. Tbh I wished fi the best of luck on their comeback, but its all gone to their heads, i just hope they calm down because if the same **** happens to MM or Foe im sure it wont end too good, just chill out and enjoy ur trips instead of thinking about other clans trips Overall 1. MM - clearly 2. Foe - kinda solid here 3. Dp - have been doing great tbh deserve this spot 4. Fi - really close between you and Dp 5. Tlp - can be solid here when they want to be
  13. lol'd 1 p[ic and its not even up, lol gj tho, worth reading for that lulz
  15. will turd you suck ass bro! 1. Foe 2. MM 3. Dp 4. Fi 5. Tlp
  16. makes me lol people correcting grammar on the internet, thats like tell some1 how to **** a bird man, wo wo wo play with it first man!
  17. heard foe beat mm in a prep today 1. foe 2. mm
  18. you meet our Fa reqs, i thought you were smart enough to look into Dv rather than just look at the 1st option, if your wanting to join you can as a Fa, i wouldnt post if you didnt meet our reqs. not really recruiting just offering you a place to go seen as you are looking Gl
  19. kinda agree, just we havnt had it easy the last few months, i went inactive for roughly 2 week or so, then 3 ranks got booted, 2 decided to open a clan and took about 5 dv members with them, but atm i think you will see alot more of dv in the summer, i hope i can keep to my word and actually bring us up to where we were Overall 1. MM 2. Foe 3. Dp 4. Fi 5. Tlp
  20. fail mods be failing, dont delete my post when it isnt any flame im laughing now ill be crying of laughter later just what ur slogan is, but a bit more of a reality
  21. check out Devastation, fun community hoping for big expectations this summer, come check us out bro #Devastation Gl
  22. k ill go for Df since everyone saying Cr although i thought Df merged with ch? :O Gl both clans, kinda **** when its a fun full out, means more if its against a clan you hate
  23. Join as a Fa in devastation, really hope you stop by and check us out bro #devastation
  24. Dv even tho i used to flame you in aao? or was it fs? i think #devastation chill and see what you make of it
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