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Everything posted by 0wnage

  1. alright, i really didnt wanna get back into scape, but just for you, give dv 2 weeks and we will see where we go from there ok? also you said ur 2010, you know jack **** about clanning and dont no the right way to go about it, massing and talking **** on a pure community forums isnt the right way to go End of May preds 1. Dv 2. Ex
  2. We raped you in p2p, and your right we wouldnt fight you in f2p because you had 50 people running around not knowing a single thing there doing, plus there was alot of mains and scouts on you as per usual oh and errm 1. Dv ilu ilu2 yep another person who i love now :) just because i put you on my list doesnt mean you have to be nice to me :P and errm yea this videos kid is just a joke lol, he takes **** way too serious, what he doesnt understand is that Dv's leadership more or less quit runescape and were being run by loyal members, if all our ranks actually put half the effort you put into massing up your clan we would roll on you anytime lmao 1. Dv 2. Foe 3. MM 4. Dp 5. Fi 6. Cp/Eop 7. ^ 8. Not ex
  3. that is such a waste of time, i cant believe you died and there is no ending to the vid, bummer gj cp eop back to the usual self
  4. Would be a great asset tp Devastation stop by sometime and check us out #Devastation www.Devastation.ipbfree.com
  5. what made you think that? i have never had anything against fatality, if you pressume that because you wasnt in my list its because over the past year you guys have sudden activity burst and then eventually pull low again, i dont think you will make it to top 3 anytime soon sorry if you dis agree Btw why is E on about may 4th? some1 let me in on this big secret 1. Dv 2. Foe 3. MM 4. Dp 5. Rest
  6. Cs is a unknown clan and we saw them this saturday and literally destoryed them :) never seen them before this saturday so when is E re opening? if so 2010 preds 0.5 Dv 1. Foe 2. MM 3. Dp/E 4. ^ 5. Rest
  7. There is more than just you 2 zany OT, cant really comment on your discussion about no honour when in actual fact you encourage it by being in a no honour clan, which sucks imo
  8. Dv wasnt in sc, returning people may have been but majority of dv pushed fi all the way to fog
  9. in your vid dv wasnt even there rofl, that was eop and ex lol, dv was inside clanwars as foe came in to clear **** up, you certainly didnt beat us, and you claim your vid prooves it? i dont see 1 dv member in the vid we cleared you and ex at your little clanwars hug fest run in, then eop came in we fought them, then foe came in so we got in clanwars, we got a fall in had well over 20 then ex wanted to fight us with less ppl (weirdly) so dv went out and owned them, not so long after eop crashed so we fought them but got outnumbered, so we got in clanwars and hopped worlds, that was when ch came back to clanwars spamming green:chhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bollocks lmao you fought dv ones today and that was in the planned run in which u got merked
  10. in the big cluster thing ,we cleared all who was there and then cleared you down to fog, where you had a fall in inside dv hopped worlds by then everyone was cleared, so your opts are clearly wrong
  11. Ch never once beat dv lol, dv cleared you in the planned run in, and we hit you and ex then fought eop, idk when else we fought you, but we didnt loose other than ex+eop vs dv 1. Dv 2. Foe 3. MM 4. Not Ch
  12. what? we heard it was ir v C or some **** and then we rushed and you was there, we was like wtf, and you all got cleared anyway lol? we cleared you all down to fog went inside and you were there with about 10 ppl remassing so we hopped... Today 1. Foe 2. MM 3. Rest
  13. y day 0.5. Dv 1. Foe - beating #3 clan with fire blast LOL 2. MM - yea 3. Dp - must have been a boring trip 4. Not Ex
  14. but havnt your clan ever crashed some1? i recaall the recent friday fi crashed foe v mm? and it changes because people wont fight another clan when they know there outnumbered, so the other clans resort to crashing or spying or sending 500 scouts to get options and **** scouting now has become a big part of the change, what ever happened to walking around and having clear run ins instead of tracking a clan and hitting them when they have a clear advantage clans crash for a reason 1. boredom 2. revenge 3. new generation of pure world /topic closed
  15. seems like cp steemrolled :O gj on your trip, seemed kinda fun ish, gj
  16. epic clan, walks around in safe zone spamming ''we are ex!!'' with like 5 scouts and 5 mains falled in on you :P gj on your trip, looks like you won ur ''full out'' then lost to everyone on your trip
  17. Ban him plz...thats a team not a clan 1. Dv 2. Foe 3. MM 4. Not Ex
  18. maybe because you have 40 randomers at a trip (or are ur members clearly ****?) and you have random scouts and mains all over you, you would attract clans to crash, you need to calm down KID lol kid, because when you come to some clan that can beat you weekly and have weekly locs on you and start paying attention to your **** talk, you will surely loose even up by 10 ppl 1. 0wnage 2. Dv 3. Sheshls 4. Titans - new entry 5. Not Ex - copied titans lolwut! i always copy cool ppl ya know
  19. Your learning well my son 1. Me 2. Dv 3. Malice 4. Speshls - gaining
  20. most of your team/clan was recruited by kingrang auto messaging his bots saying JOIN NOW WE POWN! gj on your trip which didnt seem to be too fun, start fighting more competetive clans instead of masser teams
  21. These ******* mods delete my posts all the time for jack ****! and u missed out Pa :) i love you! 1. Dv 2. Pw Mods 3. Ex 4. Foe 5. That Ch klen
  22. yes you did, dv near enough cleared ex out and you came in and crashed it O.T ur organisation is bad with the numbers you had, scouted you so easily, and you had at least 3 other scouts lolz not sure if they were all ex but you really need to work on organisation and raise your reqs
  23. thought u were in cd? or an app or some ****
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