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Everything posted by 0wnage

  1. errm teams nowadays kinda suck, id suggest u just gather some of your friends and pk tbh, or maybe ask eop staff for more p2p events, or leave
  2. 0wnage

    Dv vs TP

    was that a dv inner or what? and ur vid blows it sauys enjoy the rest of the song when the song finishes, roman U SUCK
  3. why post on pw, u attract mega trolls idiot! like me! lol who is ROD Dv are ****, summoning mains
  4. i thought the 1st part was over edited, and the rest of the time all u did was rush and safe, other than that gj on the ending part with ur blooopers, best part of the vid if im honest
  5. (12:41:02) -Vectra[21]- ** (TRACKER): [All] EXP gains for y0 in the last 1wk: Overall [+7] +7,903,508 | Str(103) +10,777 | Consti(104) +713,824 | Range(102) +65,066 | Mage(103->104) +1,430,354 | Fletch(90) +4 | Craft(67) +652 | Herb(56) +1,045 | Agil(70) +15 | Summ(93->99) +5,681,771 (12:41:09) -Vectra[21]- ** (TRACKER): [All] EXP gains for uh in the last 1wk: Overall [+11] +9,003,652 | Str(101) +103,998 | Consti(102) +929,376 | Range(101) +789 | Mage(104->105) +1,805,046 | Herb(62) +24 | Summ(85->95) +6,164,419 just 2 nerds in dv n all
  6. dp went out today if im not wrong, if u go out tomorrow there would have been nothing different than a usual weekend Tomorrow 1. Foe 2. MM 3. Tlp
  7. F2p Today 1. Whoever had a trip (sado's) 2. Eop hi x
  8. double post yay more post count
  9. ilu2 but seriously, did u only loose ur 2 fullouts to dv and fi? and who did u win 13x or w/e it says on topic btw the vid in the topic was a 40 v 40 against dv not a full out xD
  10. Somebody that is socialy active with the clan, can deal with minor flames etc, is mature, active and dedicated to the clan, a much more detailed list contains of how he preforms in wars, minis etc. How active he is at trips and his behaviour. person that takes responsibility for **** he ***** up on, etc can go on butg i cba, thats a rough idea of what i look for
  11. wow 1st topic was ok, but this is the 100th topic, SHUT...THE...****...UP its seriously getting boring now, you wont change people's minds and make them make ndew pures just because you say its not a pure pointless topic is pointless
  12. who did u loose ur 2 full iouts to, dv and Fi? no1 else?
  13. alot of effort into a topic jus for a 5 v 5 :S Gj i guess
  14. Hit the spot right there without drama how boring would it be
  15. 0wnage


    ditnt hink it was anything special, you die to a kbd...well i guess u need some bs to vid lol, gj i guess
  16. i heard i came for a free post, but gl in mm, you came from impact so i think you will fit perfect in mm
  17. F2p 1. Foe/MM 2. ^ 3. Dp 4. Eop 5. Fi/Cp P2p 1. Foe 2. Tlp 3. MM/Dp 4. ^ 5. Dv/Fi/C/Ir
  18. Dv dont go out on friday as alot of ppl actually go out drinking n **** on fridays believe it or not, we havnt skipped a saturday or a sunday p2p since i can remember and yea Cy die on sat and kill mains on sunday, awsome achievment, u left cy anyway, says something doesnt it? 1. Dv 2. Foe - catching 3. Ir 4. Eod
  19. May aswell tell me your pass now, coz id take that bet
  20. wont change, there will always be clans such as fi and tlp etc who will not support or are too stubborn to fight other clans on a even playing field Gl with this
  21. i knew a pure called black zulu, like 3 year ago, so i beg to differ, ur just some new kid called zulu now ur classed as 1 of THEM!!! HORRID PKER!
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