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Everything posted by 0wnage

  1. didnt read any of it, who are u? never seen u around before
  2. same as these ltd kids, there all **** pkers that think if they copy some1 they might make something of themselves, or try be cool wannabe twins
  3. your the scrub on here prateek really...who has a name like prateek you were a let down in Epidemic now your making dp look bad also, i remember dp were kinda strict with retards posting on here, kinda went out the window past week or 2 since they been looking up, possibly a bad idea getting jitty with mm, not 1 clan has came out on top of mm atm :S
  4. what can he actually do spying on you in a cw fight ''omg asher u better eat there about to pile you, LOL GG SPIED'' what?
  5. Fyi foe were the underdogs for that war, so your gay point is invalid, i win Foe 1st round ending 69 2nd round ending 47 3rd round ending 72 Gl!
  6. asher ur tanking was a bit **** lol, but other than that u guys rocked them xD Gj C, still amazing when it comes to matched
  7. you never foughy dv, we saw u but never fought
  8. Today, taking a wild guess 1. Foe 2. MM/Dp - unsure saw dp in cw and foe spam ncie mm or something idk 3. ^ 4. Tlp 5. Dv 6. Eop 7. Ex/Ch 8. ^ 9. No1 else were out or ended within 30 mins
  9. good trip cp looked same as usual!!
  10. yea im sure thats what happened...lol
  11. why did all clans have low opts? something im missing here? gj foe #1 ?
  12. Stop by and check out devastation sometime, you meet our hybrid reqs #devastation Gl, look forward to speaking to you soon
  13. take it back 3 year and 30 defence wouldnt be seen in any clan why should it be allowed, i think anything past 20 is pointless tbh, not like vh or hf accept ppl with 60 def melee based is it? so why is this acceptable in the pure clanning its purely because clans want the extra opt, **** tbh now days
  14. pretty ironic seeing as you guys have a few 30 deffers, i assume u voted no, and why is it pointless its just pointless to you retards who wont do anything about it and think that extra opt will make ur clan better, also arent weekend topics pointless if u call this pointless? jw i kinda laugh at how hes made a topic about clans having 30 def and ppl are flaming him for making it, seems like there is only 1 way up, thats your defence OT: I voted yes
  15. k ill do 1 of those all time things just so i can rank E even tho there dead 1. Foe 2. MM 3. Fi 4. E 5. Eop 6. Cp 7. Th 8. Tlp
  16. he must mean Dp coz Dv is #1 P2p 1. Dv 2. Foe 3. Who cares
  17. makes u panic a little when u pk and it makes it hard to see your hits tbh :S dont think it will affect clans tbh only make them lagg more and makes it hard to see ur hp in barrage piles
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