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Everything posted by 0wnage

  1. Today 1. MM - nice pull, sign ups possibly 2. Tlp - same as above 3. Foe - probably an off day woulda beat below with ease 4. Fi/Dv/C - all had similar numbers 5. ^ 6. ^ 7. Ir - lost to above 8. E - lost to Ir then ended? correct me if im wrong
  2. well there is 2 ways of looking at it, you may ahve sign ups every week and pull good every week, but clans like to have slack weeks for people to do other things, dont forget saturday/sunday is your weekend and people mostly waste it at trips on the other hand, if clans do that they may only pull 50 and probably have a full potential of about 70/80, just they rather let people do things on saturday and **** obviously you made this topic because this is what epidemic get critisized for, obviously consistency is good and yes better than potential in most people's eyes
  3. bonus points for if they die within 3 days? Today 1. Foe
  4. whats with sd do they just team with any clan lol? wasnt they dp's but buddy last week? 1. MM 2. Foe 3. E 4. Fi 5. Cp+Sd/Tlp/Dv - tlp beat cp+sd, dv had an even fight with tlp before it got crashed, so yeah i guess 6. ^ 7. ^ 8. Eop? 9. Ir? 10. M?
  5. Hope to see you join devastation, we have alot of old dy there and it is a really fun community, z0mz0m stops by at trips time to time also hope to see you in #dv_clan chillin www.dv-site.com Gl with your choice
  6. Last night from what i saw 1. Foe - guessing your here since epidemic beat mm? 2. E - beat mm it says in your topic 3. MM - beat dv lost to E 4. Dv - woulda beat below shame alot of them ended early 5. Fi - need to pick yourselves back up 6. Tlp - heard u had a nice pull 7. M - 48 woulda took below imo 8. Cp - despite what dp and cy say i think you woulda beat them single 9. Eop - planned a big trip and failed to preform, i think my 1 month estimate was right 10 Cy/Dp - heard they did average
  7. Made me lol yea fi seems to be having a few rough times lately, i also think dp have done really bad
  8. Saturday Preds 1. Foe 2. MM 3. Fi 4. Dv/E 5. ^ 6. Eop 7. Cp 8. Tlp/Dp 9. ^ 10. Ir P2p preds 1. Foe 2. MM 3. Fi 4. Dv/Tlp 5. ^ 6. Ir/C 7. ^ 8. Dp/E 9. ^ 10. Eg
  9. some ppl dont read, im only here for my free post
  10. Foe - they seem to enjoy the game more than majority of other clans Carnage - cool ppl in there i no many of them, rather pick foe because i would fit in alot better (level wise)
  11. It was 1-1 in clan wars and mains crashed pvp so im sorry but nobody can claim a win when mains crashed not even close to it finishing That was after the mains crashed and i dont see many ir if im honest, but yea like i said i didnt claim a win there is about 20 dv there and a large majority off the minimap but yeah whatever, ir has stepped up i guess we need to start having some sort of sign up, was fun but as you can see from the pic you cant claim a win sorry F2p List 1. Foe/MM 2. ^ 3. Fi 4. E 5. Dv 6. Eop 7. Cp 8. Tlp 9. Ir/Dp/Cy
  12. Its Dv's 2 year anniversary <3 Overall 1. Foe 2. MM 3. Fi 4. Dv/Tlp 5. ^ 6. E 7. Ir/Eop
  13. stupid reason to close imo and also #1 lower med? does that mean your about #15 ? but saying ur #1 in a catagory u made up sounds better i agree
  14. why so low pull, some1 in fi told me you prepped kinda hard for this
  15. Editing was good, didnt like the vid in general idk why, and there mainly all old clips =S Gj anyway 1st mm vid, dont expect you to perfect it in 1 go
  16. About what? seems your so eager tocomment because ir isnt on the list, your the 1 that seems mad
  17. Apped for Dv, Topic can be closed
  18. Detailed F2p List - Past months 1. Foe/MM - these guys enjoy there clan more than anyone else and have well experienced members with the ability to take #1 spot, there leadership is solid and their levels are strong, this is the clan i look up to more than any other clan 2. MM/Foe - this clan arent relaly strict as far as i see, they like playing the game and dont give a **** about what other people think, have really good organisation and will never drop from the top 3 while there alive imo 3. Fi - Hitting a bad spot atm not sure if your leadership is as good as top 2 clans, you guys are ''F2p kings'' and the name is for a reason, you can bounce back at any time and i really hope you step it up soon 4. E - obviously well known for their organisation and nobody can say anything bad about it tbh, what there not getting credit for is there consisency, you have awsome leadership with the ability to break top 3, the only thing your missing is levels and a few more numbers cant hurt 5. Dv - obviously im biased :) nah i think we have been consistent and trying to give E a run for #4 but recently we have hit a bad patch but still in many people's eyes #5 F2p, will be coming up to their 2 year anny on the 12th, hopefully will see a rise in activity, lets see 6. Eop - You guys get this spot easily atm, some say you are #4 or #5 which quite easily you can be but as of yet you havnt been consistent enough, you pulled about 70 to your full out war and people expected too much from you after that, i think you guys let it go to your head, just keep consistent weekends and you should move up 7. Cp - Well about a month or 2 ago you were really down in ranking, but recently your numbers have grown and your organisation has got better, down side is that i dont think your leadership is doing a good job, if you guys can keep up the numbers improove your levels i cant see why you wont be giving Dv/E a run for there spot, keep it up 8. Dp - You guys were great 2 month ago and i really looked forward to having alot of fights with you guys, but you let it slip when raza was absent, now he is back i hope you start picking up the pieces and giving 4-7 good fights, before that i hope you start coming out alone on saturdays so clans can see where you stand, potentially a good clan just not showing it atm 9. Tlp - Dont need to say much about you guys, when you focus on something you will succeed, would love for you to focus on f2p more than you do p2p for a while 10. This spot is up for grabs, i know clans like Ir may say they have it but oh well, no clan sticks out for me at this spot, step up and take it somebody
  19. Well done but what about me? =]
  20. Pretty much the same thing imo, there were also a few other mains you were the only 1 that i noticed on topic Overall 1. Foe 2. MM 3. Fi 4. Tlp/Dv 5. ^ 6. E 7. Eop 8. Rest
  21. Was a bit too much :S was fun either way
  22. 1. MM - ppl say u beat Foe 2. Foe 3. E - beat fi? 4. Fi 5. Dv 6. Eop? 7. Dp+Vo - once again teaming 8. Cp? 9. Tlp
  23. i was on Cy vent before their trip/as they were massing i heard p0ke on about how they had a **** pull and didnt have sign ups etc bla bla, then he actually got onto how cy would team with some1 to take Cp, dont no exactly if it was malice what he said but it seems that way i know who i believe
  24. why dont you control your members then lol Qxz if Eop have spies in Dv or Eop they are mis informing you L All we said was ''we managed to **** Eop off on saturday'' thats it, but it doesnt say anything about crashing eop or being scared of eop L @ur statement to scott, you declared on E 2x when you were on your high horse as per usual, but when you slump dont complain when E declares on you just for the lulz because i guarantee you that you will slump within a month or 2, if im wrong then you clearly are a better clan than E and Dv Atm i think Epidemic clearly are #4 F2p, opts arent as good as usual but no other clan has put them in their place week in week out, so im sure this spot is secured P2p : Tlp
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