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Everything posted by Eruption
thanks for the fight around gdz, personally got about 6 kills and 1 death while 1 iteming, was a feast
its easier if i just hack them, then i get access to the entire forums
Eruption of Pures vs. Young Rebels [F2P Mini]
Eruption replied to Father Justin's topic in Mini Wars
**** YES -
sunday 1. MM - pulled high and got no fights again 2. FOE - seemed to be beating fi at gdz 3. eop/fi - shame we didnt get 2 fight 4. ^ 5. tlp/z/npo/cp - ??
we already got some spies into fi's leadership its only a matter of time now
Is the 39 his IQ?
v sefket v you don't decide when you close, sefket does we're all pawns on sefkets chessboard
I'm sure the EOP cape doesn't hint at anything. :mellow: its a rot cape too, and its one of the most used capes in the game the people sniping us are lead by an ex-high council of yours, thus theres actually evidence hes sniping for you if using mains is your master plan to not getting slumped by us for the 7th time in 2 and a half years, i'm afraid it won't work in the longrun, your members will get tired of meatshielding for rune lads ;\ m8. refer 2 this pic plz. just plz go straighten ur hair or somethin lolz. you need 2 simmer down i think [sat] [07:48:06 PM] -NickServ- [EoP]Solo is Z0DZ [sat] [07:48:06 PM] -NickServ- Time registered: Jan 31 19:42:02 2012 UTC [sat] [07:48:06 PM] -NickServ- Last seen time: Feb 07 00:45:45 2012 UTC [sat] [07:48:06 PM] -NickServ- Last quit message: Client exited [sat] [07:48:17 PM] -NickServ- Solo is The Chat cool people use [sat] [07:48:17 PM] -NickServ- Solo is currently online. [sat] [07:48:17 PM] -NickServ- Time registered: Sep 02 19:25:30 2010 UTC [sat] [07:48:17 PM] -NickServ- Last quit message: Ping timeout lol do you see this members of fatality, this is where we expose your ranks for registering irc nicks pretending to be our leaders and taking picture of them saying things to make you dislike us gotta hate to see rookies gettin unstuck like that, fi ranks step up your game its gonna take better propaganda than that. not like yours don't, shut up pathetic loser lol. I remember during one of MM's trips (Mm can back me up). Your ranks said "FOE WAS NOT THERE AT ALL IN THAT FIGHT GUYS", when in MM's video, they were clearly there during one of their p2p trips thats a great comeback pal, managed to change the subject and try and reverse it on us, while making the statement just vague enough that you didn't need to add any actual evidence and so that i have no idea when or what you're talking about and can't dispute it. i never seen us exposed like ya boy mitch just got exposed, honestly its just shameful he should go back to the rookie leagues, embarassing 2 da maximum
I'm sure the EOP cape doesn't hint at anything. :mellow: its a rot cape too, and its one of the most used capes in the game the people sniping us are lead by an ex-high council of yours, thus theres actually evidence hes sniping for you if using mains is your master plan to not getting slumped by us for the 7th time in 2 and a half years, i'm afraid it won't work in the longrun, your members will get tired of meatshielding for rune lads ;\ m8. refer 2 this pic plz. just plz go straighten ur hair or somethin lolz. you need 2 simmer down i think [sat] [07:48:06 PM] -NickServ- [EoP]Solo is Z0DZ [sat] [07:48:06 PM] -NickServ- Time registered: Jan 31 19:42:02 2012 UTC [sat] [07:48:06 PM] -NickServ- Last seen time: Feb 07 00:45:45 2012 UTC [sat] [07:48:06 PM] -NickServ- Last quit message: Client exited [sat] [07:48:17 PM] -NickServ- Solo is The Chat cool people use [sat] [07:48:17 PM] -NickServ- Solo is currently online. [sat] [07:48:17 PM] -NickServ- Time registered: Sep 02 19:25:30 2010 UTC [sat] [07:48:17 PM] -NickServ- Last quit message: Ping timeout lol do you see this members of fatality, this is where we expose your ranks for registering irc nicks pretending to be our leaders and taking picture of them saying things to make you dislike us gotta hate to see rookies gettin unstuck like that, fi ranks step up your game its gonna take better propaganda than that.
I'm sure the EOP cape doesn't hint at anything. :mellow: its a rot cape too, and its one of the most used capes in the game the people sniping us are lead by an ex-high council of yours, thus theres actually evidence hes sniping for you if using mains is your master plan to not getting slumped by us for the 7th time in 2 and a half years, i'm afraid it won't work in the longrun, your members will get tired of meatshielding for rune lads ;\ You really think so? It would appear yours haven't. I don't know who you are trying to fool, but we all know EoP is well known for using mains on trips. I won't deny the fact that Fatality never has either, but it's not a great basis of discussion when you don't have any ground to stand on. We do not call Nip, in fact as I'm sure you have noticed you've probably seen him sniping you when you are fighting other clans as well. Nip does what he wants. Actually no, the only time i ever see him is when we're fighting Fatality, seeing as you're the ones that give him our locs. And we aren't well known for using mains on trips, we're well known for killing Fatality every few months, which nippon or no nippon i think we both know is the innevitable outcome of this ;p I'm sure the EOP cape doesn't hint at anything. :mellow: its a rot cape too, and its one of the most used capes in the game the people sniping us are lead by an ex-high council of yours, thus theres actually evidence hes sniping for you if using mains is your master plan to not getting slumped by us for the 7th time in 2 and a half years, i'm afraid it won't work in the longrun, your members will get tired of meatshielding for rune lads ;\ m8. refer 2 this pic plz. just plz go straighten ur hair or somethin lolz. you need 2 simmer down i think lmfao ru srs dawg, solo doesn't even use that nick, hes either Solo or [EoP]Solo_K1ng, thats just god awful home slice
I'm sure the EOP cape doesn't hint at anything. :mellow: its a rot cape too, and its one of the most used capes in the game the people sniping us are lead by an ex-high council of yours, thus theres actually evidence hes sniping for you if using mains is your master plan to not getting slumped by us for the 7th time in 2 and a half years, i'm afraid it won't work in the longrun, your members will get tired of meatshielding for rune lads ;\
Nice inventory. Lol Thoughts on the masser clan "LS" ? In case you forgot. how does showing a pic of a main sniping u during your trip when i have no idea who he is and you are nowhere near eop prove anything? thats some terrible "propaganda" right there, lmfao.
oh and sorry for the double post, but why do you need to team with nippon when you're fighting EoP 66v52? I mean i understand when the opts are even because otherwise you have no hope of winning, but when you have a +15? :\ i mean if you're going to be hugging each others nuts so hard, surely it would make more sense to just merge cc's for administrative purposes?
We had roughly 15 less than you in both fights, still i think we did very well in both of them before they were crashed. It's a shame for the past 3 years when you've had less than us you've logged out whenever we've hit you :L o well, was interesting seeing you guys come and flame us at edge today, thought you guys would have known not to give us a reason to get stirred up after the past few times, some people never learn ;p
the day the wilderness came back we pked at w20 for about 3 days straight and cleared the entire world, the world was busy at first but by the end of the 3 days it was empty except us, now no-one pks there, lol. ;p
f2p today 1. MM - pulled 90 and did nothing 2. Fi - pulled 66, fought us twice, both fights got crashed, will just rank above due to pulling more 3. EoP - didn't lose to anyone, certainly would have beaten the below 4. CP - apparantley had similar to us yet when we asked them for a runin they accepted, then crashed hostility instead, then we showed up to hit them and they ran to single and logged. Then declined run-in offers and we got bored and ended. 5. FOE - didn't see you cept when you were sniping our returners 6. NME/Z/UP - ? 7. ^ 8. ^ 9. TLP - ?? dunno your pull but you tried to crash our fight with fi and ended up getting wrecked by mains 10. IR/Hi
seeing as we were voted the #1 pure clan by rsc perhaps we will make an appearance
Thanks for the prep, you guys have improved a lot so i don't know why you've refused to prep us for so long, last time i remember having an f2p prep vs you guys was on your anniversary weekend in 2010 on the friday when we beat you and then you said you'd never prep us again, lol. Anyway well deserved, we probably went into this a little unprepared as we haven't had many f2p preps in the last few weeks, personally i'm a little annoyed that i woke up at 7am on a saturday morning to go to this **** when i got ddosed as soon as the 1st round started and apparantly ended up running around in the middle of nowhere until i eventually died, didn't even bother going in the 2nd/3rd rounds lol.
Venom Bites Back - P2P Midweek [3/1/12]
Eruption replied to TheGodKing's topic in Clan Warfare Archive
mocely dun -
lol do you even believe that yourself, our clan was simply better organized and better lead. we did have some great fights though, particularly in p2p once you guys stopped competing with us in f2p and we started moving onto your server, i remember that 2 and a half hour return fight around fog, what a horrible day for my bank. The fight at Fog? I think it weighed more on your F2P return sets because after the first hour that's what y'all returned with :thumbsup: If you're implying anyone on either side wasn't in complete **** gear after the first hour you must be having a laugh :P
I'd say EoP would probably be your best fit based on your description, we're pretty much the masters of f2p warring and we're always delighted to welcome experienced warrers into the clan. In terms of f2p activity we're one of the best, at least 2 f2p trips a week, as well as 1-2 preps and our speciality, f2p miniwars, which i'd say we win 95% of the time. We also have a p2p side despite being more f2p based for 6 and a half years, we've beaten the "top p2p" clans in matched clan wars preps, and our weekly p2p trips usually get a fair bit of action. We have a fairly chill community, and the most active clan irc on the irc network, as well as one of the most active forums and teamspeaks. If you're interested further check out www.eop-rs.com and post an intro, i'll look out for it and give you a welcome If not, CP and Z would be smaller, less experienced, f2p options. GL
lol do you even believe that yourself, our clan was simply better organized and better lead. we did have some great fights though, particularly in p2p once you guys stopped competing with us in f2p and we started moving onto your server, i remember that 2 and a half hour return fight around fog, what a horrible day for my bank.
Cool topic, read most of the longer posts. As for mine; Started off with a few RSB pure clans back in 2006, mainly AUS timezone based ones, including one that i lead (and i actually met one of my members from back then in EoP recently as a few months ago, was crazy), which were mainly p2p pking clans, we'd go out with 10-20 people and just cruise around the wilderness and kill other small teams, as there were plenty of them back then. In 2007 one of my friends, I C E D U P who i'd met through the RSB clans, told me about a pure clan he'd joined called Atrocity, he was also the first pure i knew personally with a 99 stat (he went on to become a maxed main i think). He introduced me to swiftswitch and their forums and i was excited mostly by IRC which i'd talk for on hours with people while i trained my account at caged ogres. I got a taste for what the pure community was like in Elven Gaurd's clan, until in late 2007? i think? when the wilderness got removed, i played the bh crater for like a week, thought it was the worst thing ever, and quit. Came back to RS in mid 2009 when i heard about PvP/Bh along with 1 of my irl friends. I wasn't interested in the game so much as i was in coming back to clans, and after checking out a few clans like E and IR, i eventually decided on Ascendency to be my first clan upon return. The clan was starting to go downhill already when i joined, and we didn't have many events except our gmt unit f2p minis where i learnt the art of f2p warring and became pretty much the best f2p miniwarrer of all time. I also met a few cool people who i still talk to to this day, like Azrael and Altus. After i left A we closed seeing as i was pretty much the last active person being bothered to do ****, and i joined Malice, the clan i probably should i joined originally due to the large AUS core that was there. I really enjoyed my time in Malice, and i was around for some of our best moments, like pulling 65 and beating the likes of DP and CP. After a few months though, with 3 of our 4 leaders deciding to retire at once, there was talk of us closing, and when elmo (our only remaining leader) went on holiday for a few days, Iced Havoc showed up and closed the clan without him knowing, lmfao. Well heres where i had a big choice to make. Half of Malice was joining MM and the other half was joining Epidemic. I met E reqs but didn't really like them, seeing as towards that time when they started pulling highly and competing near the top of f2p, their community degraded to a bunch of idiots flaming each other around the clock. So i decided i was gonna join MM, but i didn't meet their reqs, and didn't l2bot yet, so in the end i took the 3rd choice and was the only Malice member to join EoP. At first i got declined for being an MM or E spy by Goop, but i was like yo home slice let me in, and he was like kk. I Rose through the ranks from Junior member (good times) > Member > Elite > Officer > High Council in EoP in the space of about 8 months, getting ranked up around the same time as Solo/Milky/Tayyab/Suwoop were, getting ranks quickly due to the fact the majority of our leadership had retired or gone very inactive in early 2010 after we were teamed on by FOE and MM following Epidemics closure, as well as MM's co-leader hacking our forums. We learnt the hard way that theres no friends or allies in the pure world, as for the mid part of 2010 we pretty much got kicked around by every clan there was as our pulls dropped from 125 to 40, but it gave us a chance to start anew with our new leadership and a new attitude. People were calling us the clan most likely to close but all this hate towards us spurred us on to the no-sympathy attitude we displayed to the clans that had kicked us while we were down, and from about june 2010 onwards we rose back up the ranks, smashing Ch, Ex, CD, CP, TLP, and finally DP and Fi to get back to the #3 spot we've never dropped below since. Around this time it was like a revolving door of 1 clan getting momentum and competing with MM/FOE for a month, then getting slumped, then another clan would do it. We were smarter than the rest of these clans, and instead of trying to climb everest when we were only just getting used to the altitude, we continued to pound on DP, CP and Fi, declaring a crash war on them and preventing them from having 1 clean fight in the wilderness for about 4 months (was a lot easier when there was only like 4 worlds). A lot of DP members started joining us and eventually DP closed, like 3 months after they were pulling 70 to trips and being touted as the next big thing. It's kinda annoying to see CP take the credit for their closure when everyone who was around at the time knows that once Epidemic closed into DP they pretty much pounded CP for 6 months, lol. Those were my favourite times in EoP, but from about October 2010 until now, we've been mainly competing with MM and FOE, being the first clan to be consistently a "top 3 clan" since Fi slumped like 4 years ago, which is something I and the other ranks who got us there are very proud of. We've pulled 120+ to trips a few times since then, including pulling 100 to p2p for 2 weeks in a row. We've been top f2p matched at numerous stages, beaten FOE in a p2p prep, and in my opinion been #1 f2p for the majority of the last year and a half (although MM have put up very stiff competition). And all this from a clan that was expected to close after being the punching bag of the pure community for a few months. We've pretty much achieved everything there was to achieve and with that in mind, i decided to retire from EoP and runescape in january, hopefully EoP continues to go strong into the future, but regardless of what happens i know the pure community will remember the period that EoP was dominant for during our leadership.
gratz on your miniwar sons ;p wrong section doe if i am not mistaken
Implying CP had anything to do with this at all or any other clan that recently closed. NPO has done more damage to clans than CP. RIP TH, good clan that did things the right way. No point in getting so defensive. My god not everything is an implication of us closing a clan. We respected th. and they had a good run. But like big said. Corrupt Pures. Every clan that closes you have members camping the topic insisting that the cause of the closure was CP. It's nothing personal, but maybe you should try controlling your members. Love how you judge our clan right away based on what some troll account on pure warfare said. Nonetheless tho using the words of the legendary eop, if you don't like how we run our clan, we must be doing it right. don't judge dawg I believe i was the one to first coin that phrase B)