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Everything posted by Drunky
didn't you guys crawl back out of that just this year?
If you support and/or care pass this on to your leaders
Drunky replied to walli's topic in Clan Discussion Archive
you're chubby -
F2P Fullout: Fi vs. EOP - Who will win
Drunky replied to Pig Benis's topic in Clan Discussion Archive
EOP may win as revenge for summer 2007. listen bro defense doesn't matter as long as you wear 1 def gear. whats 10-11 more lvls than 35 gonna matter? not like its 99 -
would be interesting
if 8 pure clans signed up they would probably all be 39- def accepting. idk if mm will sign up for this one :o
cause someone i knew got me to
Dont get me wrong i totally agree on many levels, 30 defence doesnt look nice but i think its a sacrifice worth making for the offensive power of turmoil, somewhat like some people believed 13 was worth for gloves or 20 for mystic offence. The reason you would get them extra 8 or whatever, is for the offensive... all i can say to it really it is still significantly overpowered for your combat level and blah blah.. my idea of a pure not maybe yours or any1 elses but the biggest offence with the lowest defence and combat etc. Each to their own, not telling you how to to make your acounts i understand and respect people like having 1 def acconuts, if i didnt get 1-5 def with the throw of a chin in the mm fullout i would still be a maxed 1 def account with steel titan. I however hated to look at the 5 def so i chose to get turmoil. Making a new 1 def account anyway because i enjoy having them. As for konka ~ hardly babypures look at their ml lol, most are maxed and loads with steel titan... fat babies. no you're not. bot nuke'd D:
gf both fights you cleary won the 2nd one but dont 1 item us (5pade and others) and expect not to get 1 itemed back.
concerning the 'affording it' part, 80% of our ml can afford turm. It's just that no one wants to get it because they have a main/zerk with it already.
or no rules no cap in the wilderness :rolleyes:
there were plenty, the only name i remember, probably cause hes not a random, was semtex but semtex IS a random
the mighty 1 def advantage :ninja: I gotta thank Cory though for going through with the fight. If it was MeMe it would have been declined, and idk why posted on pw. good fight TLP. Don't take it to heart you've beat us in like most of the preps we have? IDK why mad posted on pure warfare b/c i get tired of **** clans pull.
the mighty 1 def advantage :ninja: I gotta thank Cory though for going through with the fight. If it was MeMe it would have been declined, and idk why posted on pw. good fight TLP. Don't take it to heart you've beat us in like most of the preps we have? IDK why mad
They pull it off well, but quantity over quality really does own. Best example? Enemy. OT: The Pure world would be dead + They wouldn't. we wouldn't know we have the highest reqs out of the hpcs. Also MM will never go 30 def as long as the current leadership exists.
nope ckyl3 would still be there
your spy on ts should have told you that :mellow: I mean, every pile we called was literally echoed by your members lol. gl next week though
nicely worded topic :whistling:
Because foe is happy to fight the fight, we dont need advantages to win. now why dont you and all the other good little girls in mm whipe your vaginas and sort it out. Lol walli'd. Unlike Mm we are looking for a challenge and not the same old fight over and over. Even if Fi and Tlp have more 30 def we see this as a way to make ourselves better. If you really wanted a challenge, then you would have accepted our fullout. Walli you're retarded; you somehow managed to spell a 4 letter word wrong. If you didn't need advantages to win, you wouldn't have complained about MM declaring on you with 1 def cap, and yet you did, instead saying that you wanted no rules whatsoever. The contradictions keep piling up as you spout more and more garbage rofl. Also, not to beat a dead horse, but since it hasn't penetrated your thick skull yet, MM gets no advantage from 1 def gear, just less of a disadvantage. i see so you are saying we declined because you declared with 1 defence.. ah so it is an advantage i see. oh but wait now 1 defence is not an advantage. noooooooo this is all just propagandaaaaa and we can and will call ourselves legends of p2p because we have many solid years to back up the statement. Likewise i dont really think, nor does anybody who means much to in my opinion, anybody cares what you want to call yourselves with your run of high opts. woooooo crazy curry, you are well cool you mate. I have sat through this many a time, then sat through the time which will come where the tables turn and i have to facepalm everytime a mug in foe acts exactly like you and thinks he is the big balls because we are pulling big and winning a lot at the moment. that being said though, not winning much lately. Taking the scraps in the wilderness like good boys. Keep doing exactly what every other clan allows you to do in the wilderness... maybe fix up them leaks first. I'll start by pointing this out. If I were to go pking on a maxed main in edgeville wearing full dharok's, and I fought a med lvl (70 def) in the same gear, I would utterly destroy him, despite only being 29 def lvls higher. You can't possibly say that I don't have an advantage over the med lvl despite us using the same gear. That's the exact same level difference as between a pure and a turmain. Even if the gear is the same, the higher combat account has a distinct advantage. Therefore, if both sides were to wear 1 def gear, the side with all the 1 defers would still be at a disadvantage. Anyways, on to all the lies you feed your members and this community. So, the main reason FOE declined is because their pulls are pathetic and you can't compete, but not according to your propaganda. You decline a 1 def cap fullout but then say this: As I have already gone over, 1 def cap is not an advantage to us, it is simply limiting the disadvantage to just levels rather than levels + gear. So you would accept a fullout with no def cap because you think you would win if you could use better gear than MM's 1 def pures, but not when the playing field is equal (and not even equal, you still get 34 def levels on us)? That's strange, because I seem to recall you saying this: Seems a bit contradictory, doesn't it? Looks like that's another lie FOE's been feeding its members and the rest of the pure community. But don't worry Walli, you're not fooling anyone as you continually raise your def cap in order to compete. You can cling on to the past. Yes, you used to be the #1 p2p, but under the current leadership, who, based on your leaderboards, are your puppets, your clan is dying, having been relegated to #3 p2p and #6 f2p. We are the "big balls" as you say because nobody can match us in the wilderness in either server, and until that changes, everyone who isn't hiding their head in the sand as you are knows that MM is #1. As for our trips, when we have the most kills just about every single Saturday and Sunday, it's pretty difficult to dismiss that as scraps. But then again, I guess that's all the current FOE amounts to: scraps. Obviously I haven't been around that long so I don't know how you got out of previous slumps, but something tells me that it wasn't by lying about your losses and spouting propaganda. Look where that got EOP. This time last year they were pulling 130 and competing with MM, now they pull a third of that, around 45 and fight CP. When we were getting destroyed by FOE in p2p when I joined, we didn't pretend that we were winning. We blamed ourselves and used it as incentive to improve, and here we are, the undisputed #1 in p2p now. Maybe it's time for you to let someone else take hold of the reins of FOE because it seems like you don't have the mental capacity nor the character to man up and drive your clan forward. Alternatively, you can keep feeding your members and the community lies and watch as it slowly asphyxiates your clan. LMFAO. I don't necessarily respect FOE for their recent actions but you are full of **** lol. Every Sunday your clan would have topic(s) on their forums about killing FOE when they completely dismantled you, couple I have leaked on our forums aswell. You talk about them teaming? What about the teaming you've done with HF against them in P2P for the past 2 years? And by the way, just for the record in case you're new, HF + MM formed the FOEOP alliance. And just because we aren't competing with MM anymore it means we're slumping? Okay lol **** OT: FOE will win no one cares if you're slumping or not. and if you think HF+MM caused the eop alliance, even PW logs of trip aftermaths prove otherwise. Sad that you're even buying into the propaganda you fed our clan. Weren't you the one who cried about mm bringing 'mains' into 'pure' fights because you couldn't 2v1 us as usual? :teehee:
Was only changed because Mm said they were not entering oh so you're telling me the rest of the leaders cried about a prep where you could lose items?
But a prep with no overloads is bs ffs
Give us the full out war??? if i remember correctly the pulls were reversed at that time and we still accepted it. you just admitted to yours and your clan's hypocrisy :thumbsup: ""You havnt been around long enough clearly to witness or even experience the countless mm slumps "" you speak like you have. :mellow: Just don't post man you aren't even in foe anymore. and if you come up with your 1 def account argument. i could get on a med level with turm, wear one def armor and show you that combat levels + defence matter no matter what you wear. Then again, I could use your logic and call you inferior because you can't beat me when i have my barrows armor on :whistling: your first point is completely useless as i already said we have declined the war and other wars yet so has mm when things didnt suit them... therefore what the actual **** are you getting at by complaining about foe declining any war when your clan has declined a war also in the past? You either accept every war declared on you or you dont have any grounds to pass judgement or complaint when another clan declines for whatever reason on you... thought that much would be pretty straight forward and logical. You also counter everything with the same old boring line of full of excuses or come up with new excuses... yet all i hear from you is an excuse to counter an excuse which means yet again you are doing what you preach shouldnt be done. DOH. you are uneducated if you dont know how many mm slumps ive been through or had a hand in causing... yea i will be that guy and claim some credit, make up an excuse as to why i am wrong now like a good boy. wait whats that... another excuse? turmoil? in 1 def? a likely excuse there my good friend. If your clan accepts med levels with turm in 1 def armour then so be it, if we declare a war on you we will know that and happily fight them obviously. enjoy. Idk if you're writing so much to make people actually believe the bs you're saying or you're just plain retarded BUT, in my 4 years of mostly being mm, we declined one war but redeclared on our own terms. you declined like 3-4 p2p fullouts. My point isn't completely useless because we've only declined one but re-challenged right after but you 3-4. I wont even reply to the next one or your own good because I don't see any excuses in my post :mellow: About slumps, You've had a hand in causing slumps because you would team with other clans and on top of that bring mains #foemains. Your clan alone hasn't slumped anyone lately :rolleyes: Also i like how hypothetically speaking if we accepted med levels you would want a 1 def war but earlier you asked for a no cap declaration. Must be nice Subconsciously being a hypocrite. Old habits must be hard to break. :whistling:
Because foe is happy to fight the fight, we dont need advantages to win. now why dont you and all the other good little girls in mm whipe your vaginas and sort it out. Lol walli'd. Unlike Mm we are looking for a challenge and not the same old fight over and over. Even if Fi and Tlp have more 30 def we see this as a way to make ourselves better. If you really wanted a challenge, then you would have accepted our fullout. Walli you're retarded; you somehow managed to spell a 4 letter word wrong. If you didn't need advantages to win, you wouldn't have complained about MM declaring on you with 1 def cap, and yet you did, instead saying that you wanted no rules whatsoever. The contradictions keep piling up as you spout more and more garbage rofl. Also, not to beat a dead horse, but since it hasn't penetrated your thick skull yet, MM gets no advantage from 1 def gear, just less of a disadvantage. i see so you are saying we declined because you declared with 1 defence.. ah so it is an advantage i see. oh but wait now 1 defence is not an advantage. noooooooo this is all just propagandaaaaa and we can and will call ourselves legends of p2p because we have many solid years to back up the statement. Likewise i dont really think, nor does anybody who means much to in my opinion, anybody cares what you want to call yourselves with your run of high opts. woooooo crazy curry, you are well cool you mate. I have sat through this many a time, then sat through the time which will come where the tables turn and i have to facepalm everytime a mug in foe acts exactly like you and thinks he is the big balls because we are pulling big and winning a lot at the moment. that being said though, not winning much lately. Taking the scraps in the wilderness like good boys. Keep doing exactly what every other clan allows you to do in the wilderness... maybe fix up them leaks first. I'll start by pointing this out. If I were to go pking on a maxed main in edgeville wearing full dharok's, and I fought a med lvl (70 def) in the same gear, I would utterly destroy him, despite only being 29 def lvls higher. You can't possibly say that I don't have an advantage over the med lvl despite us using the same gear. That's the exact same level difference as between a pure and a turmain. Even if the gear is the same, the higher combat account has a distinct advantage. Therefore, if both sides were to wear 1 def gear, the side with all the 1 defers would still be at a disadvantage. Anyways, on to all the lies you feed your members and this community. So, the main reason FOE declined is because their pulls are pathetic and you can't compete, but not according to your propaganda. You decline a 1 def cap fullout but then say this: As I have already gone over, 1 def cap is not an advantage to us, it is simply limiting the disadvantage to just levels rather than levels + gear. So you would accept a fullout with no def cap because you think you would win if you could use better gear than MM's 1 def pures, but not when the playing field is equal (and not even equal, you still get 34 def levels on us)? That's strange, because I seem to recall you saying this: Seems a bit contradictory, doesn't it? Looks like that's another lie FOE's been feeding its members and the rest of the pure community. But don't worry Walli, you're not fooling anyone as you continually raise your def cap in order to compete. You can cling on to the past. Yes, you used to be the #1 p2p, but under the current leadership, who, based on your leaderboards, are your puppets, your clan is dying, having been relegated to #3 p2p and #6 f2p. We are the "big balls" as you say because nobody can match us in the wilderness in either server, and until that changes, everyone who isn't hiding their head in the sand as you are knows that MM is #1. As for our trips, when we have the most kills just about every single Saturday and Sunday, it's pretty difficult to dismiss that as scraps. But then again, I guess that's all the current FOE amounts to: scraps. Obviously I haven't been around that long so I don't know how you got out of previous slumps, but something tells me that it wasn't by lying about your losses and spouting propaganda. Look where that got EOP. This time last year they were pulling 130 and competing with MM, now they pull a third of that, around 45 and fight CP. When we were getting destroyed by FOE in p2p when I joined, we didn't pretend that we were winning. We blamed ourselves and used it as incentive to improve, and here we are, the undisputed #1 in p2p now. Maybe it's time for you to let someone else take hold of the reins of FOE because it seems like you don't have the mental capacity nor the character to man up and drive your clan forward. Alternatively, you can keep feeding your members and the community lies and watch as it slowly asphyxiates your clan. One being that MM has in the past declined wars with us when things didnt suit them or when they knew they would be outpulled... How about the past p2p fullout declarations from mm that you've locked and deleted off foe forums? We fought you in f2p 113(us) vs 126(you) and still won. The past p2p fullout declarations? WE declared them even though we didn't win. Months ago you preached **** about how good your clan did on p2p weekends now you're going back to the good old 'hey we wanna have fun' excuse . :teehee: Please walli come up with some more excuses man. getting tired of hearing the same ones <_< Give us the full out war??? if i remember correctly the pulls were reversed at that time and we still accepted it. you just admitted to yours and your clan's hypocrisy :thumbsup: ""You havnt been around long enough clearly to witness or even experience the countless mm slumps "" you speak like you have. :mellow: Just don't post man you aren't even in foe anymore. and if you come up with your 1 def account argument. i could get on a med level with turm, wear one def armor and show you that combat levels + defence matter no matter what you wear. Then again, I could use your logic and call you inferior because you can't beat me when i have my barrows armor on :whistling:
**** torres. ramires put chelsea back in the game with his goal. that **** can play football
Why? If we create a machine with a consciousness by duplicating all the neural processes that lead to consciousness, don't we have a consciousness consisting entirely of matter? What is consciousness if not matter? Hoping I live to see that day, then I'd probably stop believing in some higher power :whistling: (too bad it will probably never happen)
i just don't get the difference between a massive ball of neutrons that was always there making a big bang and a god that was always there creating the universe. just pure faith from both perspectives