You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: *****, I HAVE
You: hi!
Stranger: a\
Stranger: ****
You: you have a *****?
Stranger: yeah that
You: cool
You: how big is it no ****
Stranger: like
Stranger: [--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------D
You: wo thats long
Stranger: i no rite
You: how do you fit it in your pants
Stranger: i wrap it around me
You: oh wow i want to see that
Stranger: 5$
You: 4.50$
Stranger: 6$
You: no
You: 4.50$ or no deal
Stranger: 4.95
You: really?
You: 45 cents
You: get over it
You: 4.50
Stranger: nope
You: wow
You: sad
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
You: hi!
Stranger: hey
Stranger: asl?
You: asl? is that a mistype?
Stranger: from>>>///
You: from?
Stranger: asl;?//
You: 17m usa
Stranger: what u do?
You: im kind of a big deal
You: u asl first
You: asl me
Stranger: what
Stranger: 20 m india
You: india
You: do you fix computers?
Stranger: no unlimited
Stranger: have u need?
You: you fix unlimited computers?
You: you will fix my computer?
Stranger: fuckeer
Stranger: *****
Stranger: ****
You: you mad bro?
Stranger: ok
Stranger: do u send me ur id?
You: id?
Stranger: email id
You: i want ur business card in case i ever need my comp fixed to be completely honest
You: no you may not have my email
You: did your supervisor not tell you not to ask for my info like that
Stranger: ok
Stranger: on orkkut
You: sorry i dont speak indian
Stranger: its english
You: orkkut is not english buddy
Stranger: no idian
You: idian
You: wat is idian
Stranger: indian
You: bic boi
You: like a sum bod ee?
Stranger: its short form of india
Stranger: u will never progress
You: your country is still poor
Stranger: nd ur
You: nope
You: 1 of our states alone has the 4th largest economy
Stranger: we r so rich
You: india is full of people with no hygeiene
You: you are not rich
You: you get bombed by pakistan
You: roflmao
Stranger: i think ur poor
Stranger: have u need DOLAR i will send u
You: you will send me money?
Stranger: ya
You: wats ur email
Stranger: if u need
Stranger: ur
You: all i need is your ipp
You: ip
Stranger: ip"?
You: k?
You: give me your ip and i can send you my email?
Stranger: i will call u
Stranger: body
You: no
Stranger: ru feard
You: am i feared?
You: yes i am trembling
Stranger: why
You: you people are scary
You: dirty and all
Stranger: its ur internal courgy
Stranger: mind lesss person
You: im mindless?
Stranger: sstupid
You: no you
Stranger: ys
You: no
You: im not
You: you are
Stranger: u comparable person
Stranger: m not
You: you done yet?
Stranger: give me ur mob. no.
Stranger: if u dont feard
Stranger: ya
Stranger: do u want mine
You: what is a mob no
You: one of ur little cult signs
You: ?
Stranger: +919602814496
Stranger: its my nomber
You: thanks
You have disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: hey
You: hi!
Stranger: asl
You: asl
You: no u
Stranger: u first
You: ok
Stranger: i was faster
You: ok u win
You: 9 male usa
Stranger: yep:D
You: u
Stranger: 9?
You: 9 and 3 fourths
Stranger: just kiddin
You: im almost 10
You: u?
You: asl
You: asl me
You: now
Stranger: 19 m france
You: wow
You: tu es un merde stupide
You: right?
Your conversational partner has disconnected.
You're now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!
Stranger: 킹카 내껄로 만들기 프로젝트
You: hi!
You: gtfo
Your conversational partner has disconnected.