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Everything posted by Marty
was an amazing action-packed trip
we da best
it was +2 then +1 and then even... reason for us having more the first 2 rounds is because we were seriously disadvantaged(in levels, but not in brain power) watch the video retard
40s and 50s ripping 70s 80s and a 90 lol.
http://www.threatexpert.com/report.aspx?md...9a6ec672ec63a88 i'll probably make a tool to check if your infected & do all this for you at a later time Start up in Windows Safe Mode Open up Task Manager and kill any processes running under your user(not system) with the following name(s): explorer.exe, iexplorer.exe, server.exe Run the Windows Registry Editor and delete any registry values referring to "%RootDrive%\directory\CyberGate\install\server.exe": HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Active Setup\Installed Components\{X3345FLR-12IQ-3C01-1K75-CU1KOA37JVG1} HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\policies\Explorer\Run HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\MediaResources\msvideo HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MediaResources\msvideo HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer\Run HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows Script Host\Settings HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\ZXZ [*]Go to your root drive(probably c:\) and delete the folder "directory" and its contents. [*]Go to your appdata folder and delete a file that is named "<your computer username>log.dat" and then your probably free from that scum :) some known youtube channels that he posts his trash on: http://www.youtube.com/user/woopssafty http://www.youtube.com/user/shadowgod170 (i think?)
Well lets look at my topic Fight 1 - I said we ended in clan wars because of mains, CP can claim a win, i claim it as a cbf, but i stated what you have said. Fight 2 - I said CP won Fight 3 - I said we won Please read the topic next time before making idiotic remarks Telling the truth ≠ idiot remarks I'm going to point out and comment on all the lies in this topic and then we can see who is telling the truth. We did not leave the first fight, we lost and told our returners to quit returning to the fight and instead return to clan wars, and shortly after regrouped in our homeworld. We were never in a 1-1 tiebreaker. We lost 2 fights in a row putting us in a 0-2 position, and then won a fight ending us with 1/2. I wouldnt call getting attacked by 2-3 mains getting "rushed". Complexity were not 4 minimaps away, they were inside of the altar getting prayer, and then moved to the west side. I'm sure I missed some other ******** but I think the above proves my point. Also, your topic sort of combined the 2nd and 3rd fight making it unclear that there was actually 3 fights. And the funniest thing of all: Your complaining about CP having mains when I'm pretty sure you were on an account named "Pm to snipe" which just so happens to be a main itself, correct me if I'm wrong.
This topic is very embarrassing, and filled with mostly lies. I believe that it is completely wrong that we have are unable to report the truth about today's trip, but sadly I have no say in the matter. I understand this may be in retaliation to the lies that may or may not be in CP's topic, but either way I believe it's completely unacceptable. A truthful recap of todays trip(I'm only listing the fights that involved CP): Some of CP's opts may be off and I'm sorry if they are. EOP vs CP #1 Location: East of Ruins, inside the trees. Amount: 69 vs ~70 Winner: CP EOP vs CP #2 Location: East of North-East BH Stairs Amount: 67 v ~68 Winner: CP EOP vs CP #3 Location: Chaos Altar Amount: 65 v ? Winner: EOP (CX did came west inside the altar, although they were separated from the main groups and did not attack either clan) In conclusion, I'm sorry for the ******** in this trip recap and I hope it never happens again.
**** yeah
Learn a different programming language that offers more.
I don't see how doing this would decrease the time it takes for Windows XP to boot up. Your just causing the Windows search Indexing Service to start 40 seconds after boot-up rather than 8 minutes. How could this possibly affect how long it takes to boot up Windows XP?
Most malicious files will set their file attributes to hidden to attempt to hide itself, which may lead to difficulties on the 3rd step for some people. Click here for a tutorial on how to see hidden files on Windows. Also, I don't advise people go on a cleaning spree through there registry unless they know what they are doing as there is a chance you will **** **** up. I recommend using something similar to AVG Firewall, which alerts you whenever an unauthorized program is attempting to access the internet.
MG is in need of a new site and/or help
Marty replied to Mg F T W's topic in Programming and Web Development
I'll help out, msn is Marty@rspserver.com -
I like COD4 & COD5
I only play for clan related events.
Malice's site looks real nice.
I was in your clan in like early 07, & you payed me 50k 2 train you to 60 att XD
I made this for the PC Site like 2 weeks ago, since the project I guess is dead now, I'm going to release everything I made. Example: http://rspserver.com/marty/statsigs/ You can Download it as a .zip or copy & paste the code below. & yes the images are very simple, I'm not very good at graphics so I didn't even try, you can make your own if you want to use it. $x = array('27', '79', '134', '187', '239'); $y = array('9', '30', '53', '78', '101'); Those are the coordinates for where the levels will be displayed, so that you can make it fit in with your custom images. index.php <?/** Runescape Hiscore Lookup* By Marty(K L E O S)* www.epidemicclan.com*/$url = "http://rspserver.com/marty/statsigs/";?><form method="POST"><input type="textbox" name="username" value="K L E O S"><input type="submit" name="submit" value="Go"><br /><input type="radio" name="image" value="image1">Image 1<br /><input type="radio" name="image" value="image2">Image 2</form><?if(isset($_POST['submit'])){ $sr = $_POST['image']; $username = $_POST['username']; $username = str_replace(' ', '_', $username); if($sr == "image1") { echo('<b>Your Signature</b>:<br> <img src="'.$url.'sig.php?username='.$username.'&type=1"><br>'); echo('<b>For Forums:</b> <input type="textbox" value="[IMG='.$url.'sig.php?username='.$username.'&type=1]"><br>'); echo('<b>Direct Link:</b> <input type="textbox" value="'.$url.'sig.php?username='.$username.'&type=1"><br>'); } else if($sr == "image2") { echo('<b>Your Signature</b>:<br> <img src="'.$url.'sig.php?username='.$username.'&type=2"><br>'); echo('<b>For Forums:</b> <input type="textbox" value="[IMG='.$url.'sig.php?username='.$username.'&type=2]"><br>'); echo('<b>Direct Link:</b> <input type="textbox" value="'.$url.'sig.php?username='.$username.'&type=2"><br>'); } else { echo('<b><font color="red">You did not choose an image, so one was selected for you.</font></b><br /><br />'); echo('<b>Your Signature</b>:<br> <img src="'.$url.'sig.php?username='.$username.'&type=1"><br>'); echo('<b>For Forums:</b> <input type="textbox" value="[IMG='.$url.'sig.php?username='.$username.'&type=1]"><br>'); echo('<b>Direct Link:</b> <input type="textbox" value="'.$url.'sig.php?username='.$username.'&type=1"><br>'); }}?> sig.php <?php/** Runescape Hiscore Lookup* By Marty(K L E O S)* www.epidemicclan.com*/$username = $_GET['username'];$type = $_GET['type'];//$username = strtolower(str_replace(' ', '_', $username));if(!$username) {$username = "K L E O S";}$index = @file_get_contents('http://hiscore.runescape.com/index_lite.ws?player=' . $username);if ($index != "") { $lulwut = explode("\n", $index); $overall = explode(",", $lulwut[0]); $lol['att'] = explode(",", $lulwut[1]); $lol['def'] = explode(",", $lulwut[2]); $lol['str'] = explode(",", $lulwut[3]); $lol['hp'] = explode(",", $lulwut[4]); $lol['rng'] = explode(",", $lulwut[5]); $lol['pry'] = explode(",", $lulwut[6]); $lol['mag'] = explode(",", $lulwut[7]); $lol['ck'] = explode(",", $lulwut[8]); $lol['wc'] = explode(",", $lulwut[9]); $lol['flt'] = explode(",", $lulwut[10]); $lol['fsh'] = explode(",", $lulwut[11]); $lol['fm'] = explode(",", $lulwut[12]); $lol['cra'] = explode(",", $lulwut[13]); $lol['smi'] = explode(",", $lulwut[14]); $lol['min'] = explode(",", $lulwut[15]); $lol['her'] = explode(",", $lulwut[16]); $lol['ag'] = explode(",", $lulwut[17]); $lol['th'] = explode(",", $lulwut[18]); $lol['sl'] = explode(",", $lulwut[19]); $lol['frm'] = explode(",", $lulwut[20]); $lol['rc'] = explode(",", $lulwut[21]); $lol['hun'] = explode(",", $lulwut[22]); $lol['cs'] = explode(",", $lulwut[23]); $lol['sum'] = explode(",", $lulwut[24]); if($type == 1) { $image_URL = 'image.png'; } if($type == 2) { $image_URL = 'image2.png'; } else { $image_URL = 'image.png'; } $image = imagecreatefrompng($image_URL); $fcolour = imagecolorallocate($image, 255, 255, 255); $fsize = 5; $x = array('27', '79', '134', '187', '239'); $y = array('9', '30', '53', '78', '101'); $row = '0'; $column = '0'; foreach($lol as $s_key => $value){ $value[1] = str_replace('-1', '1', $value[1]); imagestring($image, $fsize, $x[$row], $y[$column], $value[1], $fcolour); $row++; if($row == '5'){ $row = '0'; $column++; } } $overall[1] = str_replace('-1', '1', $overall[1]); imagestring($image, $fsize, '230', '100', 'Overall:' . $overall[1], $fcolour); $username = str_replace('_', ' ', $username); imagestring($image, $fsize, '240', '115', '' . $username, $fcolour); header('Content-type: image/png'); imagepng($image); imagedestroy($image);} else { echo("You have entered an invalid username or the username was not found on the hiscores.");}?> 2 images:
Against All Odds