Recorded by [Z]kJ
Recorded by Jake|Rwj_Is_Faq
After a great trip last week we wanted to continue the fun and thats just what we did, we hit a few bumps acheiving our goal but we managed it, we had word that chaotic was lurking around Mossies we rushed up there to find nothing when CT+CH rush in from both sides and sandwhiched us we held our ground and focused on Chaotic we pushed Chaotic away and began to fight CT when Fi,MM,Hy etc rushed in clearing it out, both CT+Z were left on the battlefeild before it was cleared it could of gone either way
Zenith Starting: 50
Zenith Ending: 46
Chaotic Starting: 40?
Chaotic Ending: 10 sniping
Ctrl Starting: 40?
Ctrl Ending: 38 confirmed
After battleing it out at mossies for awhile we banked up and walked down to Sc where we found Ctrl in Sc we asked them to battle and we rushed out and dded at Obby waiting for them, when ch runs in and ctrl comes out sandwhiching us again, we called a swift movement north and played aggresive we began to push them up north into sc when hpc crashes.
Zenith Starting: 50
Zenith Ending: 45
Chaotic Starting: 40
Chaotic Ending: 0
Ctrl Starting: 40
Ctrl Ending: 38 confirmed
After fighting ch+Ct again we decide to roam around the wilderness looking for some fights when a main clan of about 30 rushes us spamming "Kill Zenith" not sure what was happening we attack back and quickly push them into clanwars, picking up our rune we went into Clw and hopped.
Zentith Starting: 45
Zenith Ending: 45
Random Mains Starting: 30
Random Mains Ending: 0
After banking our rune we got word Ch were fighting Hysteria at ghost hut we quickly re-geared and rushed up there sorry for crashing but we weren't letting ch get away that easily, we rushed ghost hut and took control of the hut with our spams up high we pushed into HY+Ch and pushed them through the gap up to sperm hill were we quickly cleared them out, when Ctrl rushing us we began to fight ctrl when hpc rushes in and clears it out.
Zenith Starting: 40
Zenith Ending: 34
Hysteria Starting: 30
Hysteria Ending: 0
Chaotic Starting: 30
Chaotic Ending: 0
Ctrl Starting: 40
Ctrl Ending: 40
Hearing that most clans had ended we turned and asked MM for a pkri to end of our trip, we new we would be outpulled by quite alot but we gave it a shot, we lost.
Zenith Starting: 36
Zenith Ending: 0
MM Starting: 75
MM Ending: 75?
Videos:coming soon!