Well with the holidays coming up we knew our pull wouldn't be as high as it normally would but we ended up leaving Edge with 40 we then later peaked at 53, we wanted to start our trip out with a good old 1v1 to bad we couldn't recive that. Our scouts found Fatality at ports we quickly rushed in and controlled the fight, Chaotic crashed as usual Fatality rushed to Bh and we continued fighting them we almost cleared them out when Ctrl rushed in aswell having fought 2 clans and being low on opts+food we decided to regroup.
Zenith Starting: 45
Zenith Ending: 39
Fatality Starting: 40?
Fatality Ending: 30~ when they went to Bh
Chaotics CC Starting: 40
Chaotics CC Ending: 31
Ctrl Starting: 52
Ctrl Ending: 52
After Chaotic crashing us we wanted revenge, im sorry Ctrl for hitting your fight, we rushed the gap of alter and took control of the fight we pushed into Alter clearing out Chaotic before they could log out and save there pixels
Zenith Starting: 45
Zenith Ending: 40
Chaotic Starting: 35?
Chaotic Ending: 0
Ctrl Starting: 40?
Ctrl Ending: 30? i think you dipped.
After clearing Chaotic, Fatality rushed in we held the alter for a good few minutes we held our lines of Zee up and began to push them north out of the alter to gap were we finnaly picked of there remaining few! Zenith had triumphed!
Zenith Starting: 40
Zenith Ending: 25~
Fatality Starting: 35?
Fatality Ending: 0 on the battlefeild
After defeating Fi we decided to set up at fight with Chaotic we defended at the sperm hill after waiting for 15mins Eop must of scouted us and rushed us we began to fight back until we realised how large there opts were so we called a regroup in clanwars! thanks for the fight EOP.
Zenith Starting: 40
Zenith Ending: 25 in clan wars
EOP Starting: 65
EOP Ending: 55?
Videos:coming soon!