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Everything posted by Lawson

  1. 2 kills? Probably killed some one like maddafakas.
  2. Goodjob lads looked like you had a fun trip, keep it up :)
  3. Great job lads, finished my college assignments!
  4. Sucks, I have no sympathy for your clan what so ever.
  5. Goodjob guys doing a great job wish I could of made it.
  6. Our first pile was alevel 98 and a level 96, If those were the 2 lowest levels IR had you should of done alot more than a 2-1 :) Thanks for the fight IR, Was a better way to end the night than RvB. But I'm not sure why you beg for a prep when all you do is bait/flame when you win Again thanks for the fight was fun, Maybe we could set up some more :)
  7. Omni/Derrick did a great job setting it up, but ****** clan leaders will be faggots.
  8. Goodjob guys, how was the levels today?
  9. Inb4 Toxine replys "I do what I want"

  11. Thanks for the fight TLP, Was alot of fun. We need some work on our matched F2p.
  12. Today was Sunday the day everyone says we can never get things done and we just are not that dominate force we tried to get more P2P practice this week with preps vs EOP/Fi/SKO and in the end i think it payed off. We set out today Peaking at 41 Zenith members ready to get some loot we as the Zenith staff knew that IR would probably easily out pull us as it is there server and with Outrage closing Into them they should have no problem steam rolling us all day sadly they where wrong.Also 1 year ago today Logan\Owl and Kj joined Zenith <3 Join our community at Zenith-rs.com .:Video:. We knew Ir would love to start there trip off with a nice little hit on Zenith, So we went to new gate and waited when suddenly to my surpize SKO logged in on top of we quickly called a movement north and started to fight SKO killing most on LOG-IN it wasn't long before the block head ZO and his 50 Minions came charging in with protect from melee and d scims. We quickly moved west a little bit letting IR get slumped in the gate because we knew we had no chance fighting them on even grounds when they had a good + 12 on us a couple minutes later we called to get west a little more until we where on the Ports at this point a good 20+ IR where sitting ina huge square basically saying "wait let me just take off my **** and give it to you". Soon after TLP Rushed from the south so we went in the Castle and logged. Z vs SKO About 10 Minutes later we went looking for Fatality being the friendly green men that they are but instead of staying in Multi long enough for us to hit them theyn decided to just DD in the gap and just be free XP for FOE " LOL YOU DIDN'T THINK I SEEN THAT BUT I DID " so with Fi regrouping for the 6th time we decided to find SKO we quickly rushed north of the gap and found SKO all spread out we chased them west until the last one was dead then went to mage bank and left. After Clearing SKO we decided to find our friendly Addy daddy Friends in CP we heard they where having a PKRI with CH and so we hopped at Corp. We quickly jumped out and we found a cluster of lil guys and havoc " Nice 24 Pull Bro's your not Competition" we quickly rushed east to the Lava to find SKO/H/CP we pushed south to the ruins where we all went to lobby hearing that FOE was rushing from the north and IR was coming from the south. After a quick bank we went back to New gate where not long where we rushed by IR once again we quickly moved North Clumping them in the gate and barraged the hell out of there 35+ Nig rangers we managed to fight for a good 5 MInutes until some main clan in red capes rushed us both we then went to lobby and i began to dial 1-800-SY and 5 Minutes later got a the good word by the good man himself. <[Z]Logan\Owl> some main clan <[Z]Logan\Owl> red version of team 29 cape <D3nny> w 82 ng? <D3nny> lol cleared With a smooth day of P2P pking we where looking for a good closure of the day Fatality asked for a PKRI at Hills we gladly accepted. we defended south of the gap and waited Fi then rushed us bassicly in a fall in ? not sure if they realized it was sunday but anyway we managed to get half there clan in a huge clump and then pushed through the gap soon after there wasent many Fi left but of course the good ol boys from Final ownage Elite came rushing in to stop the constant spanking of our lil green friends. This is us barraging Fatality in the gap .:Pictures:.
  13. Where did my addition go Aidan wtf
  14. He's EOP ?????????? so eop accepts mains now ?????????? owned
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