Recorded by [Z]kJ
This past month Zenith have been improving the pulls and organization and have improved massively, today we massed up 49 (with about 4 scouts) Zenith warriors ready for battle and headed out for some action our pull later grew to 55 warriors. We wanted to start our day off with slamming chaotic and thats just what we did, we scouted chaotic outside of clan wars and quickly rushed in pushing them off the hill and quickly clearing them out. thanks for the fight chaotic!
Zenith Starting: 45
Zenith Ending: 35
Chaotic Starting: 37
Chaotic Ending: 0
After defeating Chaotic we asked Fatality for a F2p battle and they glady accepted the fight was held at ghost hut, we defended fatality rushed in quickly followed by TLP, Z held the gap and pushed out TLP with the help of Fi, thanks Fi :)
Zenith Starting: 45
Fatality Starting: 45?
TLP Starting: 37
Zenith Ending: 35
Fatality Ending: 35?
TLP Ending: 20~ at sperm/clw
After fighting TLP we decided to set our Pkri back up we fight was held at Green hill, Fi rushed from both sides tring to flank us but we kept together on the top of the hill and pushed Fi into Sc we rushed back out onto of the hill and began to take control of the hill with some masser team rushed in behind us taking Zenith out we called a movement North to get away from them but they wouldn't budge we rushed into Sc with 30~ and logged.
Not claiming a win against Fatality ( too bad the mains had to crash that )
Zenith Starting: 50
Fatality Starting: 40
Zenith Ending: 30~
Fatality Ending: 15~
After fighting Fatality we heard TLP+Fi were ending we heard FOE+CP+EOP were taking part in a massive cluster we got ready and rushed in the fight lasted for about an hour, im not clamining a win from anything im just putting this because it was alot of fun :)