Recorded By Jake|Zerg Aka Mr J
Recorded By [Z]Gummy/Jack[/
After an amazing two weeks this week we knew we had to up our game we started to mass at edge bank and set out with 45 Zenith warriors ready for an action packed evening, our pull later grew to 52. Our plan today was to hunt down chaotic and hit them every chance we got, after waiting for some clans to come out we heard there was a cluster at Hills, we got our spams ready and rushed in we quickly cleared it out.
Zenith Starting: 45
Zenith Ending: 43~
Exiled Force Starting/Ending:30/0
Exlusive Starting/Ending: 30?/0
Complexity Starting/Ending: 25/0
We then hopped worlds, we heard that there was another cluster at Hills we rushed in to see fatality spread out we rushed in and held our ground we saw that EF were sniping us from the east we called a movement east and pushed EF away, we then rushed back north and continuted our fight with Fi, we held our ground at the ghost hut and began to slowly push Fi to clanwars, FOE then crashed.
Zenith Starting: 45
Zenith Ending: 39 (cc count)
Fatality Starting: 38
Fatality Ending: 30
After fighting Fatality we finnaly heard Chaotic had left there mass we got word that they were north of Bh, we rushed up to find another cluster, we rushed down and pushed the fight north to the lava, where we cleared the fight out, we got a quick fall in and hopped out.
Zenith Starting: 47
Zenith Ending: 43
Exclusive Starting/Ending: 30?/0
Exiled Force Starting/Ending: 30?/0
Other clan(i couldnt see who it was):20?/0
We got word that IR was lurking aroun Fog we quickly banked up and hopped worlds, we rushed Fog and quickly pushed IR into Fog, sorry about hitting you guys when you had a PKRI :/
Zenith Starting: 40
Zenith Ending: 40
Intense Redemption Starting: 20?
Intense Redemption Ending: 5~ in Fog
We asked Chaotic for a fight and they glady accepted, Z were to defend at Green hill. Chaotic rushed in with there Chhh and tried to push us of the top of the hill, we held our ground and pushed them away from the top of them hill north and cleared them out.
Zenith Starting: 43
Zenith Ending: 39
Chaotic Starting: 36(we scouted you)
Chaotic Ending: 0
After beating Chaotic we approached TLP for a fight and they accepted we rushed the sperm hill, but they pushed us back and won the battle, Goodjob TLP :)
Zenith Starting: 43
Zenith Ending: 0
TLP Starting: 40
TLP Ending: 33?