After a few weeks of low pulls, tonight's pull was most unexpected. Tonight we started massing and managed to hit a 47 peak, With Intense redemption ignoring our run in requests every time we asked them. Tonight consisted of numerous fights against TLP/CP/Fi/IR/NME
Log started: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 10:13:47 Central Standard Time
<[Z]Ireland> PKRI?
<[Z]Ireland> Zo
<[Z]Ireland> Zo
<[Z]Ireland> Zo
Log ended: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 10:28:52 Central Standard Time
Log started: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 10:14:00 Central Standard Time
<[Z]Ireland> pkri?
<[Z]Ireland> [iR]iraqi_mage
<[Z]Ireland> [iR]Iraqi_Mage
<[Z]Ireland> [iR]Iraqi_Mage
<[Z]Ireland> [iR]Iraqi_Mage
Log ended: Sat, 3 Sep 2011 10:28:51 Central Standard Time
The first fight of the day was against TLP. After wondering around the wildy aimlessly hoping IR would step out of single or atleast log in out of lobby TLP hit us at gap. We ran to Gap hill and took our range out and focused north with range out we called a movement into gap when IR crashed, We moved east and got a regroup while TLP/IR fought we rushed back and focused on IR. When IR was cleared we walked south and left.
Zenith v Cluster
After Clearing the likes of IR it looked like there trip was just sitting in singles all day we decided that there members would have fun doing that. We then tried to find Control after the amount of talking they did this week while they had a fun time chasing around Chaotic and spamming Thug life we managed to catch up with them hitting a cluster between NME/TH/EF we quickly logged in west of Ca and got our white line's of Z up and pushed north CT was mostly cleared by time we got to the top and we then focused on NME being the big green clan they now are and pushed them south we then got a fall in and walked in the BH crater as TLP was coming.
The second fight was against Corrupt Pures we rushed 18 ports where CT/CP were fighting I think and we quickly got on top of them and took control with our scims out, CP tried to move the fight but we pulled range out and followed them to east BH, Where NME/FI came in
After fighting CP, we ran into NME next to piper we quickly pushed them to gap and called at regroup at GDZ. We were low on opts when Fi rushed us we moved into the east side of gdz and clumped up with range out killing any Fi member who decided to come in. After beating Fatality we logged out.
Zenith v NME
After fighting Fi Nme had got a regroup at piper, We rushed them with scims out and quickly clumped up on top of them dropping there low levels instantly, After awhile the battlefield was clear and we walked to gap hill and then left.
Zenith v NME
After fighting NME we decided to setup a planned run in with them, Being outnumbered by around 5-8 we knew we would have to play hard, We ran into each other under the gap and well.... To cut this whole paragraph short minutes later we had both cleared each other around 10 times each so we got a fall in and decided to log out, Thanks alot for the fight NME it was alot of fun.