Zenith's Sunday Pk trip!
The past 2 weeks haven't been great for Zenith but since our full out against IR was accepted everyone has stepped up and our pulls have increased drastically, Today we knew IR would be trying there hardest to beat us. Tonight we started massing and managed to peak at 53 and focused all our energy on our good friends IR.
Coming soon!
The first fight of the night was supposed to be with Fi but HF hit us we hopped worlds and walked down to single IR knowing how many members we had lost to HF they thought they would be able to take us on but they were truly mistaken. Even being out opted by 12 we still decided to run to sperm hill and defend, IR rushed us and tried to quickly clear us out we spread south of sperm and held our ground and eventually pushed IR north before the fight could be decided Havoc decided to rush. We ended with 26/33.
The second fight was most defiantly the funnest with our full opts (52) we knew we could easily take IR (46) we rushed the new gate and quickly took over dominating everything in our way. The fight lasted for around 30mins with Zenith having the upper hand the whole way through as we were walking to GDZ we saw 40 people in IR capes/Hat turns out it was Havoc playing dress up we moved south and walked down to edge to say hello to IR.
The final fight of the night was against IR I'm not going to go into full detail because this was one long fight, It lasted for well over an hour. We rushed IR at sperm hill and took over then Havoc joined in the fun, All we did was focus on IR for the whole fight clearing them whenever we saw them trying to regroup. At the end of the fight we decided to leave as IR was cleared and it was just Havoc left fighting us.
Thanks for all the fights tonight, it was fun.