Zenith's Saturday Pk trip!
Well tonight all we really wanted to do was go out and get some clean fighst but sadly that couldn't happen, instead we got invs of loots. We managed to peak a strong 42 pull tonight and managed to do alot of work with it. The first fight of the night was against quite a few clans in a cluster.
Z v KP
Tonight we saw a new clan out called KP, aka Kaos pures. We were regrouping at GDZ when a green cape clan rushed us from the east, We were quite unorganized and spread out but still managed to pull it togethier quite easily, and started to pick of there remaining members.
Well we found IR spread out on top of the maze hill we spread and rushed from single strip focusing on the clumps IR got in, We pushed IR into new gate while Outrage/WAR? rushed us from behind we ran to GDZ and got a regroup and then rushed back to maze hill to take on Outrage we quickly hit outrage from the east and wrapped around then pushing there remaining few into single.
We heard IR was fighting at gdz so we headed up there to see what was happening when we got up there we found Outrage instead, we pushed them from gdz hut all the way to gap and took it from there, after a few minutes Havoc came up from the south and cleared the remaining Outrage members. We then walked to GDZ cause Havoc are cool. inb4 LOLTEAMING?
After fighting in numerous clusters we decided to get a pkri with IR, it began at dwarfs we knew we were outnumbered but took on the challenge anyway, IR's mains were on our ranks the whole fight we started to loose quite significantly but being smart we called returning off and had everyone tele up to gdz at once where we re-rushed IR who were sitting at gap. after a good 10minuites of this Havoc came up and we decided to let Havoc have there fun and left with 24/30 in a fall in. Zavoc doing work.
All these fights were clusters, every clan in a cluster is going to have a different point of view of the fight. I'm simply posting our point of view of the fight.