This week we really didn't expect to pull anything over 30 we had over 15+ inactive topics for the weekend, but we still managed to peak at around 45 not amazing but we had alot of fun with our pull. Our night consisted of fight after fight after fight with various different clans. Overall it was an enjoyable trip.
The first fight of the day was against Outrage and Bv both clans claiming they were going to **** on us this weekend so we decided to give them a visit.
Zenith Starting: 45
Zenith Ending: 45
Outrage Starting: 40?
Outrage Ending: 0
Bloody Vikingz Starting: 30
Bloody Vikingz Ending: 0
After clearing both Outrage and Bv we decided to aim for clans with much higher pulls, we found out that CP and Fi were fighting at dwarfs, we rushed in and they quickly ran off south we killed as many as we could before they logged.
Zenith Starting: 45
Zenith Ending: 40
Corrupt Pures Starting: 40?
Corrupt Pures Ending: 0 at the battlefield
Fatality Starting: 40
Fatality Ending: 0 at the battlefield
After fighting Fi/CP we decided to roam around the wilderness for abit finding anything we could we hopped to Fi's home world hoping they would be there to our surprise they were dd'd in the woods above graveyard we rushed in and got on top of them, sadly MM/FOE both crashed. By the looks of it we had the upper hand of the fight.
Zenith Starting: 41
Zenith Ending: 37(cc count)
Fatality Starting: 45
Fatality Ending: 25~
We ran into BV at 13 ports, sadly we couldn't really attack much of there members so we killed the ones we could and left.
Zenith Starting: 40
Zenith Ending: 40
Bloody Vikingz Starting: 30
Bloody Vikingz Ending: 10 we couldn't attack
After fighting Bv we wanted to have a clean rematch with Outrage, we dd'd east of gap and Outrage rushed us. We held our terrortry the whole fight, Outrage started to run east we quickly chased them and cleared the battlefield.
Zenith Starting: 40
Zenith Ending: 33
Outrage Starting: 40
Outrage Ending: 0
After fighting Outrage, we heard that EF had just won there fullout and had a nice pull so we decided to pay them a visit, we rushed them east of gap under new gate. Sadly we found out that it was a cluster between M,WAR,TH,EF we pushed them along new gate and got a fall in.
Zenith Starting: 40
Zenith Ending: 33
Malice Starting: 35?
Malice Ending: 0
Exiled Force Starting: 40
Exiled Force Ending: 0
The hatred Starting: 25?
The hatred Ending: 0
War Starting: 20
War Ending: 0
After taking part in the cluster we were low on food so we decided to get a fall in and re-bank we were walking down through gap when IR rushed us from the side, We moved onto the hill and pulled range out quickly dominating anyone who came close to us. The fight was even till we pushed south into them and finished it off.
Zenith Starting: 33
Zenith Ending: 22
Intense Redemption Starting: 31
Intense Redemption Ending: 0
We heard CP and CT were fighting at North bh, we didn't want to have another 5 hour battle up there so we stayed at ruins. as we were waiting at ruins CT rushed from the south they must of been cleared. So we rushed them and pushed them south they ran up to bh stairs while CP rushed from the north we turned round and pushed them up north. This whole rushing re-rushing re-grouping thing went of for 30mins we finally had cp on the top of bh stairs were we cleared them. While getting a fall in CT rushed from the crater we turned around and pushed them back into single. After both clans being cleared of bh we got a fall in and dipped. I heard CP/CT stayed after we left and carried out the fight.
Zenith Starting: 39
Zenith Ending: 33 when we hopped at bh
Corrupt Pures Starting: 30
Corrupt Pures Ending: 0 at bh
Control Starting: 30
Control Ending: 0 at bh