Zenith's Sunday Pk trip!
We didn't really expect to pull alot to our P2p as alot of our rank team couldn't make it and alot of members where away. We still managed to peak at 40 Zenith members ready to continue with the climb.
To start off the night we heard there was a cluster up at dwarfs and ran up there to join in on the fun, when we got up there we found out it was Outrage and some EOP stragglers we quickly rushed up there and swept it out pushing Outrage all the way south into ruins where we finished them off.
Zenith Starting: 40
Zenith Ending: 35~
Outrage Starting: 30
Outrage Ending: 0
Eop Starting: 30 stragglers
Eop Ending: 0
After fighting Outrage we stayed at dwarfs for awhile to collect our loots we got a fall in and walked down to edge, Outrage had regrouped and rushed up from edge catching us in a fall in, we quickly got out of it and spread wrapping around Outrage the battle comeneced for a good 5-minutes when EOP re-rushed the fight, we rushed into CA refilled our prayers and rushed back out Outrage was cleared and it was just Z and EOP now. FOE quickly rushed in and cleared the whole fight.
Zenith Starting: 40
Zenith Ending: 33 in Chaos alter.
Outrage Starting: 30
Outrage Ending: 0
Eop Starting: 50?
Eop Ending: 45~
After fighting EOP/O we decided to look for CP, we found them roaming around level 50 wildy we rushed up to maze hill and took control of the hill we started to push them into new gate when TLP crashed.
Zenith Starting: 40
Zenith Ending: 38 south in a fall in when TLP hit
Corrupt Pures Starting: 35
Corrupt Pures Ending: 25~
After fighting CP and our fight being crashed we wanted to get a clean fight with CP, we set up a pkri at hills, but this quickly turned into a cluster of IR,CP,CT,Z the fight lasted for around 30mins with 2 clans fighting in differant locations at each time. the fight moved to level 13 port where Z v CP were battleing it out we cleared them and Control stragglers came over we cleared them. After having level 13 ports cleared we got a fall in and left, we didn't want the fight to continue like last night. After we left CT v IR kept fighting over at 18 ports.
Zenith Starting: 35
Zenith Ending: 26 walking to edge finally
Corrupt Pures Starting: 35
Corrupt Pures Ending: 10-15 sniping returners at ports
Control Starting: 25
Control Ending: 0 (at 13 ports)
Intense Redemtpion Starting: 20?
Intense Redemption Ending: 0
For all the retards who don't understand that clusters everyone wins at one point in them, I'm am simply stating the part that we won. =D