Well the last year of Zenith has been amazing, We've had our highs and lows but tonight we achieved our goal we reached the highest point, Pulling 67 Zenith members. Alot of Ex-Zenith members knew about this date and they came back to show off there pride, We left Edgeville with 85 Zenith members! the first fight of the day was the fight we have been waiting for. We approached Ctrl asking for a fight they accepted we knew this would be the fight of the night, They rushed us on the sperm hill we quickly dominated them pushing them all around the sperm hill when they called Negative for some help we pushed both clans down to gap when they were almost cleared Foe rushed us.
Zenith Starting: 75
Zenith Ending: 55
Control+TR Starting: 75
Control+TR Ending: 10~
After the ctrl fight we asked ctrl for another run in we set the fight up just south of level 40 gap, we rushed into Ctrl after about 2minuites into the fight Negative came from behind us helping there big brothers ct we were taking care of both clans when FOE rushed.
Zenith Starting: 70
Zenith Ending: 45
Control+TR Starting: 70
Control+TR Ending: 45~
Negative Starting: 30
Negative Ending: 0
Without banking and low on numbers we walked up to maze were we found Striketeam with the same amount of us we rushed them and quickly cleared them when we turned round EF was there we rushed back at them and quickly cleared them out.
Zentith Starting: 45
Zenith Ending: 40
Striketeam Starting: 40
Striketeam Ending: 0
Exiled Force Starting: 40
Exiled Forced Ending: 0
After taking on 4 clans without banking CT had rerushed us with there full opts and food we knew this was going to be difficult, We ran from the gap to the back of the maze which quickly drained ctrls run being low on run caused them to walk through the maze where we took our advantage and defended on one of the maze entrances killing them one by one as they walked into our trap, after a few minuites of fighting we gained the upper hand and called a movement when CP rushed in.
Zenith Starting: 40
Zenith Ending: 32
Control+TR Starting: 50?
Control+TR Ending: 20~
We then regrouped, we got word that CT had switched there capes this raised some suspicion amongst the ranks we then found out they were teaming, we Pmed our good old allies WAR and asked them to come along and have as much fun wrecking CT as we had been doing, our pull had now raised to an amazing 96 pull. we found CP locations hopped over worlds and quickly rushed them we rushed them and pushed them into single, TLP then rushed us from behind we turned round and cleared them.
Zenith Starting: 90
Zenith Ending: 85
TLP Starting: 70
TLP Ending: 20~
After quickly clearing out TLP, Control rushed us from behind we turned back around and quickly cleared them out.
Zenith Starting: 90
Zenith Ending: 90
Control+TR Starting: 70
Control+TR Ending: 20 ran off to save there pixels.
After fighting both clans we decided to leave to fight and go bank up, After banking up we asked CT for another run in, after making us wait for a good 15mins and trying to lure us into CP we left the area. While walking off to sperm hill CT rushed us from the back trying to catch us off guard we turned around and pushed them in one switch movement down to Hills, CP/MM then rushed in and we left the fight.
Zenith Starting: 60
Zenith Ending: 40 (before CP came)
Control Starting: 55
Control Ending: 20
we walked down to CA and got a regroup of about 40, we rushed sperm hill and found about 30 CT there we quickly rushed them and cleared them out quickly.
Zenith Starting: 40
Zenith Ending: 35
Control Starting: 30
Control Ending: 0
After clearing CT a few times we got bored and left them we found CP in the trees and rushed them they Imediatly ran into single away from us, with us only killing there stragglers.
Zenith Starting: 65
Zenith Ending: 65
Corrupt Pures Starting: 60
Corrupt Pures Ending: 45~ in single
Videos:coming soon!