With yesterday being a very slow trip and us not getting much action I wasn't sure what today would bring, we started massing for our p2p trip and to my amazement we headed out with 50 Zenith warriors ready for an action packed night and that's just what they got later peaking at 55 members, tonight consisted of fight with CP/CT and Fi.
At first, We just roamed around the wild waiting for anyone to come out and fight us with CT chilling back in there lobby for a good 20mins we knew we weren't going to see them any time soon. We got word that there was a cluster on the sperm hill we quickly rushed it to see some Ch/Eo/H members remaining we quickly swept it out when foe rushed us from behind.
Zenith Starting: 50
Zenith Ending: 50
Cluster Starting: 30~
Cluster Ending: 4~ ran off to ca
We got word from our source CT were roaming around where sc used to be, we quickly rushed them pushing them up the stairs clearing them out, as we got to the top of the stairs CP tried rushing from crater they got caught in-between the gap and our magers took advantage putting them in a clump this lasted a good 2mins the fight was very even when FOE rushed again.
Zenith Starting: 50
Zenith Ending: 45
Control Starting: 40
Control Ending: 0
Corrupt Pures Starting: 45?
Corrupt Pures Ending: 35~
Fi approached me asking if they could set up a pkri we agreed they defended up at gdz, we rushed in from the east pushing them west we wrapped around them and started to control the fight the fight was pretty even for about 5mins with CP rushed us from behind sandwiching us, we called a movement south where CT had come up trying to trap us we cleared them out and held south we rushed back in this went on for about a good 30mins with CP/Fi/Z taking control of the battlefield at different times, CP left the fight which left Fi/Z battling it out and some CT kids trying to dds spec us. The fight lasted a good 55mins when we had cleared gdz with 25 ending, Fi ranks informed me they had left the fight for reasons I'm not aware of, this was when CP re-rushed us with there full invs we decided to dip after this.
Zentith Starting: 45
Zenith Ending: 25
Fatality Starting: 45
Fatality Ending: 0 on the battlefeild
Corrupt Pures Starting: 35~
Corrupt Pures Ending: 0
Videos:coming soon!