I think you should really consider joining Zenith. I have seen you around the Pure Community and I know what you are capable of doing whether it is from you GFX Abilities to showing a consistent mature ways into improving a clan.
I saw everything you did for The Hatred and I was like "DAMN! I want that kid in my clan!"
It would be very nice if you joined Zenith. Majority of our member base is last year of High School as well as a few in college. Our member base is very loyal and knows how to have fun.
As for our leaders, Ryan\Hormone and Josh\Co0kiezs are on pretty much every single day with other elites etc. I used to be in the clan and led with Josh as leader at one point and he is one of the most organized and most dedicated people to have in a staff channel when it comes down to Spies/Leaks, Forum Organization, to even making every little topic he makes perfect (OCD), While Ryan helps the clan improve with warring etc.
As for community, I don't think any words would sum up Zeniths community. Its filled with laughter and fun. If your the type of guy that wants to get on TS3 and not have to worry about nerds talking about Runescape. Its more about having fun, how your day was, troll some tinychats. Our forums are amazingly active, and are filled with some mature discussions. As for even going beyond that, we have had several IRL meet ups from Manchester to California and a road trip being planned for everyone on the East Coast this summer.
As for Pure Warfare maturity levels there are those 1-2 members that will consistently flame on PW, but other then that comments are always told to the member base to keep it to themselves.
I am in your same situation where I am in college, and are focusing more on my studies more then anything. It would be MUCH appreciated if you could at least stop by our IRC or drop an Intro on our site. You never know there could be some old friends there.
Our clan is also consistent with pulls, and has a nice member base who are not idiots.
~ Lawson