Well we started our trip today with our heads down low, as a lot of staff had left this week and members as well and got hit with a giant slump. We slowly progressed our way back, these few days with a lot of new members, we had an ownage trip today. We Are Royalty approached us asking if they could embark on this epic adventure we said hell yea! Zenith massed up 42 members ready for some fun which later raised to 56 when WAR turned up :), the future was headed in the right direction. Our first fight of the day was with Negative we heard they had pulled 46 amazing job. We rushed Negative at the lava gap and took control of the hut and quickly pushed them out down south where fog used to be, We had been victorious! EDIT: heard it was DB,CO,N sorry for crashing the cluster.
Zenith Starting: 50
Zenith Ending: 48
Negative Starting: 20?
Negative Ending: 0
We had word that there was a cluster going on up at gap, we quickly banked and took out our rune scims ready for battle we charged up there to see a clan going by ST? we rushed onto of the dwarfs hill taking control of it they moved to the lava gap trying to regroup but we pushed into them and caused them to spread out we picked off there final few and the battlefield was empty of white dots.
Zenith Starting: 54
Zenith Ending: 45
Strike team Starting: 45+
Strike team Ending: 0
After defeating ST we were low on prayer and food so we got a fall in ready to bank as were spread out Control rushes in trying to catch us off guard, we called a movement north and clumped up togethier picking off any Control member who tried to push into us, after picking off a few of there members we called a push south and rushed into them with our scims out pushing them south, after a final push south they were spread out all over there stragglers ran to mossies and it was over.
Zentith Starting: 45
Zenith Ending: 20~
Control Starting: 42
Control Ending: 0
After fighting CT+ST we set out to bank, our scouts found CO at sperm hill we quickly rushed up there, by the time we got there they had begun to fight DB (Sorry for crashing it) we pushed on top of the sperm hill and cleared out whatever was there.
Zenith Starting: 40
Zenith Ending: 40
CO Starting: ?
CO Ending: 0
DB Starting: ?
DB Ending: 0