Recorded By [Z]kJ
Recorded By [Z]Jake|Cpt
After yesterdays pcl we had some quite high hopes, our forums were fully up and we were ready to get back out there, with an impresive pull of 64 we knew that today would be quite special which it was despite the amount of fights :) we parted edge bank ready for the action, we started our evening off by fighting Fi. Our scouts found Fi walking down Bh we located them and rushed the fight lasted a few minutes and was quite intense we eventually pushed Fi South before Eop came out.
Zenith Starting: 60
Zenith Ending: 54
Fatality Starting: 50?
Fatality Ending: 10~
After our fight with Fatality we wasted no time getting back out there, we quickly hopped and banked and CT had asked us for a Pkri which was quickly accepted, CT defended maze. As we rushed in seconds into the fight our ventrilo goes down but that didn't stop us we turned to our ingame spamming and took control and cleared Control out, thanks for the fight!
Zenith Starting: 48< cc count from the vid.
Zenith Ending: 36
Control Starting: 42
Control Ending: 0
Fatality approached us asking for a re-match and that what we gave them. The fight was to be held at sperm hill, we defended tip of the sperm hill and Fatality rushed in the fight was quite even until we called a push and began to push Fatality off the top of the hill, before a winner could be determined CP,TLP etc rushed in. Thanks for the fight Fatality!
Zentith Starting: 46
Zenith Ending: 38
Fatality Starting: 49
Fatality Ending: 20-30? confirm please.
After our fight with Fatality we decided to try our luck with FOE, tonight it seemed lady luck wasn't with us :( Weldone Foe.
Zenith Starting: 37
Zenith Ending: 0
FOE Starting: 45
FOE Ending: ?
Shout out to [Foe]Sick/Sefket who helped us friday setting up our new site, Thankyou!
Videos:coming soon!