The Last Pures:
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Friday, June 18, 2010
FOE approached Cory asking for a prep, as the Pure Clan Tournament was up and running again. The rules were simple, 40 Vs 40 Minimum, being matched opts if bigger. The prep was set for this Friday, the 18th, and this would serve as a starting as a rebuilding point. Our numbers didn't seem too big at the time, and it was within 15 minutes before the Prep started that our opts would grow in heavy size, 67.
We Massed World 99 BH, peaking 64 at the time and 67 was our peak, we weren't expecting an amazing pull like this as real life was going to be causing some troubles not only for us, but for FOE too.
TLP came in confident to this war, destined to win, the first round was 62 Vs 62, we were spread out equally, as was FOE. When it started, FOE pushed through the middle, nearly breaking, but the barrages clumped them together, making them easy kills. After that, TLP wrapped around FOE to claim the victory, giving us the early 1-0 lead. The secound round was more of a challenge, at 65 Vs 65, they were confident to tie this up. As it began, we quickly hit them, outpiling and tanking was a key factor to this round, FOE seemed to be clumping, and couldn't fall back. They got caught through our barrage piles and the second round was now TLP's. In the third round, it was again 65 Vs 65, and we were looking to make it a 3-0 Sweep. We assured that they couldn't out tank us and we proved superior of them, TLP claimed victory at 3-0. Pictures and videos are posted below of our victory.
^^Obese Aka #1 fat pker. Only first round thou
more vids will be up shortly!
Round 1:
Tlp: 62
Foe: 62
Tlp: 52
Foe: 0
Round 2:
Tlp: 65
Foe: 65
Tlp: 31
Foe: 0
Round 3:
Tlp: 63
Foe: 63
Tlp: 38
Foe: 0
Final Score:
3-0 TLP
Round 1
Round 2
Round 3
Respect Foe, GF guys!
Thanks for the Prep Foe, Tlp had fun.
Suscribe today!