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Everything posted by Quode
By far, the best introduction topic ever created by a clan, LPC or otherwise :) Great founding staff, a great vision, and a great amount of dedication towards community/organization, if I was active and playing Scape, I'd be so many levels of interested... Hell, `Ashley I'd even train you a noob account for you LOL! :-P I have a level 50 that would be perfect for this... Oh well sometimes life is more important :)... Nonetheless, great topic, great vid Charlie, and I think Wilderness might wanna watch out for when NME decides to actually take it, because ONE organized LPC can legitimately do more damage than any coalition of HPC alliances, Pure clan/Runepure (slash) tank alliance, or MPC cluster... I might hit you up Charlie, although we've never chatted much before lol, I'm very much a supporter of NME
Woops it double posted me :-/
@Xpknrockemox I LOVE YOU!!! :) As to the rest of the clans I suppose... MM/FOE: Will continue to shout #1 rank whilst only battling themselves, then as they realize they're bored of nobody caring about their rank they'll start hitting other clans. As either clan becomes overly boggled down on weekend trips, PW will see HF make it back into topics... EOP: Can go up or down, but they always seem to explode on summer/winter when school sessions are out... Last summer they had an intense rivalry with DP, and they ended up closing... IDK it's going to be aggressive with them because like it or not they are pretty much the Wilderness pure clan that PW watches out for on weekends. TLP: Underrated and overlooked often, every summer I think people say that TLP is going to finally snap loose of their chains and just become this scary Wilderness force in both servers, but tbh I'm not sure, because they're very chill and really only like P2p lol. Will see though. FI: Going to have a heated few months with EOP to come I'm sure... They'll bash CP/CT when they can but I can see them either rising to the challenge or falling, but either way it's gunna be hard. CT: Picking up alot of momentum, P0ke's an e-thug, and I can see them hitting FOE/MM if they get bored... Look for them to have a good summer. CP: I have no damn clue, but I know they aren't going to close lol CH/M/Z: All are going to be battling each other I think, they have alot of (re)building to do, and I wish them the best. EF/O: If these guys stay stable, and continue to rise... Idk could be them sniping or AC'ing for the bigger clans we'll see. They're gunna make building hard for CH/M/Z though I bet. Ummmmmmmmmmm aside from that you have Enemy(I think?)/N/TH who will pop around here and there, and ofc BV will have massing events/crashing lol. But yeah, overall I think it's going to be a fun summer.
Lol matched? TR easy. TGGv1 vs AAOv1 matched f2p prep 1def cap all dangerous CLW
Maybe if hacking Solo caused anything along the lines of EOP's closure your comment would be successful... Sadly you and your clan are merely Clan Warrers now with glorified uniforms and rune armour sets to make up for your lack of addy. And btw, you'll notice that Solo nor any of EOP are overly upset about the account thing, it's the fact it was a LEADER from the "last" pure clan and that him and people like you find a sort of childish powertrip from such an occurrence... However, I believe in letting people play the way they wanna play, so I wish you well and the rest of your lads as your Clan Wars 2008 era is reborn :)
And so, MM takes RS seriously ^_^ Fair thee well ogre(s)!! As you deliver, so you shall receive :whistling:
Best of luck yo
Looks like you should go wherever you're most wanted or have most fun in. Outrage looks like they're stalking you :P, but I think you should also look into Fi/EOP, although if you join one you're going to be constantly fighting the other lol
We are REALLY under the covers
Quode replied to pwna fella/ko n00b 2h's topic in Clan Discussion Archive
+1 :thumbsup: -
*sighs* Charlie I remember when I was a noob in Pure clanning and got ****** when you left EOP :-P But yes, I'm liking what I've been seeing in EOP the past year. Who are you? Yeah, I'm sure they were bored late Feb through early April... That's why they kept complaining about EOP and why MM had HF? And how both FOE and MM will only 1v1 Prep each other? and 2v1 anybody else? Nah, EOP has always been in its own game. MM and FOE can have fun enough trips hitting each other {Edit} apparently {Edit} if they won't stand to 1v1 EOP... Fatality made the mistake of not waiting until EOP actually slumped to talk crap about them, so the saying goes "Talk sh1t get h1t". As to Control and CH and CP, well the Wilderness is the Wilderness, one reason why I admire EOP is that they don't treat the Wilderness as Clan Wars when all of the other CLANS there treat it as such. Maybe other clans should stop doing weekend Wilderness trips and just do PCL?
WAR EOP + CT vs FI + CP f2p cluster both teams share cape with team clan
I dont think theres a problem with it except that according to PW rules you have to have a memberlist that at least fills a certain quota out for consideration. Good question though
If you could take someone from another clan
Quode replied to 8loodyarch3r's topic in Clan Discussion Archive
FOE- I Pk Mods I (legend) MM- Itz True G (beast warrer) FI- Ssj4pure3 (gfx/editor) EOP- Jonty/Tastemyscim (wit/balls) CP- B S E Rs (might be a z but anyways he wears rune :):)) TLP- Must see IRL pics to choose CT- Cassidy (seems good warrer) CH- Idk EF- iSlow Burnz (pro mith) TH- Ummmm dunno forget guys name lol M- Inu TR- No clue WAR- Xpknrockx or w/e lol (dedicated) -
If they all pull, CT + Outrage + WAR just from #'s Malice Vs Ch f2p matched opts 15v15?
Ily Russ <3<3<3 I'm sorry I don't have time to scape anymore :-/... And that I went 40 defence on ya lol :P
Actually, ill correct you, he said "was" meaning in the past as a pure community. and 20 defence has been the wall that seperated pures from mains from 2k6-2k10, but other then that. i agree with the rest of it, any clan that accepts 21 def isn't pure by original meaning, but w/e. Actually i'll correct you, 30 defence was around long before 2010. The "wall" that has seperated pures from mains has always been that pures wear robes and mains wear armour. Black and Mith armour isn't pure. And there is no difference between 20 and 21 defence lol. Of course the only relevant clans that don't allow higher than 25 defence now (MM and Ct) only do it so they have an excuse for when they lose, or something to brag with when they win. If you want to actually become a pure clan, cap it at 9 defence and don't allow anyone to wear armour at events. Then i'll actually be mildly impressed. Of course it won't happen because whatever clan does that will slump and die. And Raijin pwnz. ^ what this guy said lol There's hope for a true monk robes pure clan to exist, i just dont know if people would do it at higher levels
This whole topic coulda been interesting in old wild, but not with the Jagex updates that give rune armour the splash advantage to begin with... Also, if you tried to get the pures to fall in even with their own leaders just imagine the shitstorm that would fly after the main fight(s) was/were done? In F2p this scheme has no hope... In P2p it'd be World War Wildy from level 45+ on... The fights would drag into single and be impossible for RS servers to handle. The sheer manpower would cause disconnections Let pures be pures and have fun fighting pures, forever and ever amen
Youpayme2bump? <3 :)
I'm taking down Malices' Ts now because of you and Wally, just saying. Inu can cry later gl Oshit Just got real
Great job TLP :) Much love for you guys <3
? I take offense at being labelled as a retard with no contradiction to any of my observations and no justification behind said claim I'm DEFINETLY calling your mother and telling her that I'm yanking child support if she keeps sending you to a school where you aren't taught to debate... Ty4takingtimetobecriticizedtho :) :)
1.stop acting like you're big cause you aren't 2.why haven't you declared yet? you told me you were gonna like 5months ago owait cause you guys are back to slumping already http://www.fairfaxunderground.com/forum/fi...you-mad-tho.jpg Why declare when we can slap you around on the weekends m8, common sense now Stay on topic please. ye but do you?no. common sense now m8 your clans already back to slumping Oh my, i didn't realize Itz True G's mommy gave him his computer back... Pretty sure that clans that think they're big claim to be big. EOP's boasted quality and efficiency, not numbers. If you feel like they need to declare on you and win ONE fight to be declared better than you, but instead they just have fun and make your clan look like a riot of AIDS spamming these forums, then in this situation i think it places you in the "youmadbro?" category, as well as merely serve as an attestment that just because you try to make rules for people to follow, AND you think you're the best of the best because you're the only one who wins them... Then how can you even argue? EOP has obviously been intent on having fun weekend trips that smash the opposition by their code of honor, with themselves and themselves ONLY (no green mains), and judging by the vids and topics the past few months, they appear to have succeeded to me. The real question here is, based on your own classification of "#1" and the refusal of other clans to accept your terms, doesnt that seem to insinuate that you are not in fact the better clan since you can't win save under your own rules? And even then, do you always win under your own rules? EOP has boasted to be a PKING clan. One that is pure and alone, and they have done a marvelous job of backing it up. They've even done events following YOUR clan's rules and won. Perhaps they are the big guys here. "If you can't beat them, you sure as hell better get to where you can, cause unless you join them they're going to make you feel like the scum that god pooped out after he created hell"
Loved original leadership MM Liked TGG and DP v1 LOVED WATCHING OLD SCHOOL EOP AND FI F2P WARS!!! '06-'07 for most hectic trips lol Ummmm idk A looked cool and Malice v1 was chill That low level clan with the pink skirts/black aprons was beastin :P