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Everything posted by Coz

  1. Coz

    Healthcare has passed

    Hahaha you did not just say socialism is good! Ha you sir should be a comedian :bunny: And spending money on war...hm...I bet you are one to think we are there for oil aren't you...come on tell me. And money on space...its about learning where we are and how we can use other resources, you do know that because of our "space" programs we can use satellites which help (war, weather, technology to name a few) We have discovered possible water trenches on Mars, meaning life may have been sustainable at one point. You seem to lack the knowledge on how these things you find as wastes are helping you on a daily basis. Once again your socialism is killing me, I am literally laugh with my friend at your comment... Go back to school bro and read a history book.
  2. Coz

    Healthcare has passed

    This is single handily the worst thing ever. Taxes are going up, I have to pay for other peoples healthcare, if I earn something why do I have to spend it on someone else? Create jobs...right...thats why people in the insurance industry are going to be laid off....This only proves how arrogant and selfish Washington DC is. I hope **** goes A-Wall really. To show that this should not have been passed. Pelosi is to Hitler, as Obama is Idiot. /topic
  3. The Last Pures: Memberlist | Forums | Tlp Events History | About Tlp b 4 rr 4 g 3 :: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sFvwn5xbkfI March 21, 2010 Aussie Trip Our max pull to this trip was 30 which is a normal to high number for us! Aussie is TLP's time and it was nothing but that this weekend. We ran into MM/FOE several times and with the occasional loss of an opt had no real trouble cleaning them up. TY for fights and look forward to more next week. Opts :: MM - FOE - Will update if given :: Maybe 25? [ In no order, mix of MM/FOE fights ] Suscribe today! Thank you for fights, and GF. See you next weekend maybe.
  4. What do you all think? Please be mature, if you are idiot/ignorant I will ask to have your post removed.
  5. Yeah but lowering to that level does not show the "better" of the two. You proved better in F2P, but your actions didn't prove anything. GF and grats on win.
  6. Grats on your win....however....immature at certain times which made in my eyes your win almost comical.
  7. It was a bad day for TLP, we will re-bound. But thanks for your input. Kyle, I would say something but I know I will get warned....so....just imagine everything negative I could say to you and thats it. PS. I would have been better with Adam's account :biggrin:
  8. Nah ^ But Jay was able to help me.. Thanks man!
  9. GF DP.. I was a bit saddened at how we did against you, but only way to go, up. I look forward to more with you all. You have improved greatly from when I last remember a "fight" with you all. GL and keep it up! GF again! Respect guys!
  10. So I had to remove mIRC and I recently re-dl'ed it. Before I removed I had it set up so my personal nick was displayed to me a different color. Like I am half op in a channel for example and usually I would see my name as orange, but I found a way to make it so I saw myself as purple. I forgot how I did it and I was wondering if anyone here knew. Thanks.
  11. Glad to see that it is fair, PvP = which ever clan bitches enough to get the win (with returners/crashing etc) CW = A winner and a loser. Winner : FOE Loser : MM
  12. Out of date, we have lost a few accounts with high def, so actually it is...I would say 10 overall if averaged, out. We have a few 30 def people but idk why you all think we have the highest def average....EOP/FI do if I am not mistaken...
  13. I am pretty sure girly men in pink is also... On topic, the more you ***** and post these topics over and over the less respect I have for your clan....
  14. P2P :: FOE TLP MM DP Obv is Obv
  15. I kinda like it tbh, sick of seeing 30 - 30 specs, now see like 300 - 300 lol >.<
  16. I am pretty sure I apologized and said we are going to make the rules for defined for next time around. Useless posts are useless nothing is going to be changed this time around....lets deal with it.
  17. Not gonna try to argue with anymore people but I will give you an exception...I bet you are one of those people who use wikipedia for research topics right :down:
  18. Ok didn't PM him your right, but you think I am the only one here with Mod rights....I mean it says led by Anthoni and myself. Next time we will communicate better and make the rules much more defined so no one can complain and yell.
  19. You just agreed saying your sig has nothing to do with Color, read the definition I posted and I hope you can understand, if not I am sorry and GL next month.
  20. Nicks was not entered because of the theme, the theme was Color, not black and white. col·or·ful (klr-fl) adj. 1. Full of color; abounding in colors 2. Characterized by rich variety; vividly distinctive @ Anthoni, SOTM, should be entered and voted upon before end of the month, thats why on the first one entry runs for first 28/31 day month then a few days for voting so ready to start a new on the first of the next month.
  21. I don't know where Anthoni is, I am guessing he got busy and forgot so here is the voting topic.... :: SOTM #2 - Colorful :: Vote for the sig that you think is the best GRAPHICALLY. The winner will be announced Tuesday Night!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Due to late posting) :: GL to all those you entered :: Havoc uNeeQ SpIttles Mini TRiXx
  22. Not flame at FOE so Cory you can't strike me <3 When we MM a threat?
  23. GF FOE, I wish my comp was better but I know this wont be the last time we meet. Thanks for breaking our first almost 100 man pull in 4 years, we may have lost but as pointed out on our forums we have achieved so much...I love forward to future wars [because I know there will be more]. Grats again.
  24. Um pretty sure TLP rocked your ****....But yeah you wouldn't post that would you....
  25. I find it funny, can someone answer something, is it correct for a leader of the #1 P2P clan 1 item with his clan following on a FOE trip? And our leadership is perfect for this event, sad that FOE got their way or would have backed out, so they cried like bitches till we gave them summoning. And MM what are you doing here, you got rocked on valentines day when FOE was the only clan to pull 80+... nice slump in P2P? Looking forward to dropping a bomb on some dome pieces.
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