If all the ex-TGG actually come together for the remake then i can see them being #9 F2P in no time.
FOE will stay dominate and will have a better year in the P2P servers.
MM will still hold on their F2P reign
E compete and have weeks as #1 F2P,also improving on P2P will be #5
CP will still hold their formal rank and won't move up, might see slumps in the near future and will struggle to do P2P trips
DP~ Will slump again, all the unloyal ex cy will quit it to join a better clan or decide they want to remake CY again.(based on the past)
M~ Don't say ya moving up much, opts can improve but it may not help to the already intense
IR~ You might of had your biggest peak this year but unless you get your bad rep out of your way i don't see IR surviving for much long, or back to their formal prime.
FI~ Will be back only if your leadership is strong, it has to work together and if it's just a 2 man job then FI won't survive. I see a heated rival between FI and TLP both F2P and P2P, with most of the wins in TLPS favor in the beginning of the year. Once again if the leadership is good enough FI can overtake TLP in F2P, and have good fights in P2P.
C~ Don't say you doing anything special this year, and might have a high chance of closing.
DV~ Sorry guys, the chain-reaction already took affect and it could of been handled better if you had another leader/rank do all the leading and forums crap/speeches. This way when kide quit people wouldn't of panicked and started to quit. I really can't say what DV will face, just to let you know clans like CP and EOP have been through this. All i suggest is to start focusing on F2P more then ever.
EOP~Been in a slump for more then a year and only had a month of glory. Ive heard EOP ranks were always fighting but it was month's ago and it might of changed. Too soon to tell if EOP are going to make it to a good year.
TLP~Had 2 really good months in P2P outpulling FOE and MM by a scale and were dominate for a few weeks. It's dwindled down to kicking our inactives and it's easy to say that TLP will remain in the top 3 P2P clans for months to come. I see TLP more focused on F2P then ever before, gaining ground to be #4 F2P and then having another ML boost.