Violent Demise is a top low level clan that has been open for almost a year. Our history dates back to 2006, however this version of Violent Demise was made in March 2009. We have a common interest in Pking and pride ourselves on our organisation during Pking trips, which we have weekly.
Both options all require 1-25 defence, 45+ hitpoints and TeamSpeak downloaded. If you require help downloading or using TeamSpeak, refer to this topic.
Option 1:
70 Strength
57 Hitpoints
Option 2:
70 Range
57 Hitpoints
Marc (Porygon)
Josh (I Wbd I)
Alex (Pal)
Sean (Blood Prinz
Drake (Pixxxxxel)
We don't do a wide variety of events, neither do we do the same thing over and over. Our main event is our weekly F2P PKing trip, which is held every Saturday. We do unofficial trips/miniwars/30 minute preps during the week. We also try and do as much P2P as we can, but as a low requirement clan sometimes it isn't possible as none of our rival low level clans want to war in P2P and we have to fight high level clans.
Violent Demise was formed off a merge between Obliteration, led by Oblit3ration and Obliter4tion, and Fractured, led by I Tee Bag I, Dish--Soap, and Beezlebub PK on a different account. Through not much time at all, Violent Demise was competing within the top 10, and had one of the most fun communities. Though eventually it came to an end, and Violent Demise ended off as a top 10 clan, competing with clans such as Against All Odds, The Hatred, KO Pures, and more.
Though VD died, several members stayed in touch, and it showed how great VD's potential was with former members obtaining ranks in other clans. Eventually, a reborn version of VD was made primarily by bro--of--str and Josh. Here was another clan, a different community, yet it was highly enjoyed by everyone in it. After internal struggles with the boards getting hacked, Violent Demise finally shut down.
Now, comes this version of Violent Demise. Our goal is to not emulate what the former Violent Demise was, but the factors that made it great. Our fun, active community, activity and organization in PVP, and great leadership will allow ourselves to succeed. And to this present date, this is exactly what is developing. We're dominating in PVP with our organization and the clans among our competition with superior leadership and experience from clanning back in the earlier years of RS, and participating in some of the top pure clans in RS. This version of VD has established a level of stability, and our goal is to keep steadily improving while having a fun atmosphere to hang out in.
Violent Demise Youtube - Videos of most wilderness fights by RadianTrollz