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Everything posted by Pal

  1. No, it showed he was on VD's ml, he's also on "Enigma" and "Anti Enigma unit". If he was still in Eg why would he be on Anti Enigma unit ml lol.
  2. Overs were on, MP agreed to turn them on because we done it on their day and time. We only agreed to turn them off AFTER the first round to stop them crying. Also, MP brought non ml, not us. Good job being an idiot, congratulations.
  3. Xo Eab or whatever went to single when being piled Does it really matter anyway
  4. He left Engima like 2 weeks ago, go ask them. So did MP.
  5. Violent Demise vs Maturnal Pures Round 1 - (Nulled cause we attacked them when they were 4 squares away and one of them ran onto our dd l) Round 2 Starting: VD - 19 MP - 14 Ending: VD - 15 Round 3 Starting: VD - 18 MP - 14 Ending: VD - 16 Round 4 Starting: VD - 12 MP - 13 Ending: VD - 11 MP - 0 Pictures:
  6. You didn't rush anybody, it was us rushing you. What are you talking about? Drop it now seriously, pics + vid shows we won
  7. No you don't, I said we told returners to go to bh and we regrouped there and went back in about 20 seconds. Why are you even arguing any more, pic shows we won.
  8. Mabye he said it cause almost every post on the thread have been idiots trying to claim two one itemers and two people in gear cleared 13 VD members
  9. kk end of topic That's 5 seconds after the video ends or so, you see two white dots (not seven ********) and one of them being your 1 iteming leader running away. The guy in mith ran to bh.
  10. LOL MARC WINS Doodle, that post was definetaly not sarcasm. I would definetaly not like it if you were to get the **** off this topic.
  11. Correct, you had two one itemers at the VERY BEGGINING of the fight, we probably toook the east and went to chaos altar to regroup. And you were just chilling at the chaos altar after we ran off cause we knew we had no chance, no way could we ever kill two one itemers, someone in robes and someone in mithril. Or you could just watch the video and see what REALLY happens!
  12. No, the picture shows someone in gear attacking a person in a VD cape and two 1 itemers also attacking him whilst bobo picks up his gear. VD are already fell in and about to leave. If the whole of CR was there on that one pile why would three VD, two of which look like they are fell in, be standing still doing nothing? You're an idiot, stop posting on this topic pls
  13. Like I said, the picture the CR member shows there were 4 left when we left, and two were 1 iteming. Even if there was 7 on the minimap and they did rush (which they didn't) the latest pic of the fight you have is two people and two 1 itemers attacking a VD person with none of VD being able to attack the people in gear nor wanting to attack the 1 itemers.
  14. There wasnt even 7 dots on the minimap, there was five, two of which were 0 itemers, two of which were the people shown in that one pic attacking our last level 70 and one of which was that idiot who was in full dhide at the fight
  15. Yea I see two CR in that pic who have items attacking the last level 70 after just killing the second last and VD fell in unable to help about to leave. Good job posting a pic that shows you lost though? Doesn't look like we're returning in that pic either, and we're there so we aren't wiped.
  16. If your own member is admitting you had three left that could only attack one person then you obviously didnt have seven people charging at us. And if you had seven people charging at us and we were going to run away or lose or whatever you're saying we done how would you end up in the chaos alter with ten people? You're a ******* retard, get off this topic
  17. Yeah Jatt, that was about 10 seconds before what happens in the video.
  18. Doodle; Taken from PC. Pretty sure I don't have to upload a video to prove you didn't have seven people. Nobody was fell in rushing at our exact direction. And no, it was more, "Oh no they're all 1 iteming **** this lets leave"
  19. Lmfao, you came into #vd-clan saying 'wow how did you guys regroup so fast gf' ect. Lets say one thing then another on pc/pw to make our clan look good! If there was seven CR dots they would've attacked us, we didn't get attacked after that. The one member was the only one there who could attack anyone, he was also our highest level. EDIT: Your members have also admitted the only people they had left were the ones we couldn't attack, they also tried to say they won because they killed our level 70 after we left. They're saying there was 3 and now you're saying there was 7. Yeah it was only half of it, the end.
  20. Violent Demise's Saturday PK Trip Today we started with thirteen people, which is a decent pull for us. We peaked at 14 and had about 17 differant people turn up throughout the trip. We start early and no other clans were pking for about an hour. We killed random people and teams of massers for a bit, then scouted two Carpediem members and asked if they were pking. They said yes but they had 18 people, so we decided not to fight them. After 10 minutes of Enigma trying to kill us we realised there was nobody else out so early so dded inside the chaos altar and informed CR of our location. They rushed two minutes later. Violent Demise vs Carpediem Marc thinks that he's good at tanking now cause he tanked a few mains last week, so he stood out to get the majority of CR to pile him. He tanked quite a while, and we managed to get the numbers a bit more even before he died. The fight was very even throughout, and both clans had about 6 left. All of VD got dragged outside the altar by a CR member, and after killing him we regrouped at bh quickly and got a fall in. With the returners we charged CR just south of the obliesk with about 11 people, and killed the rest of them. Good fight CR. Starting: Violent Demise - 13 Carpediem - 17 Ending: Violent Demise - 7 Carpediem- 1 (Only three of our members could attack their last person as he was level 79, and a few CR including ranks had returned 1 iteming so we left. Four ending if you count 1 itemers.) Video: After this the only other pure clan out was Enigma who we had no chance of beating in a fair fight, so we ended. About 6 members went with IR on their trip afterwards, dunno what happened there. Was a good week, thanks to CR for the great fight. Pictures: http://img196.imageshack.us/i/screenshot018h.jpg/ http://img9.imageshack.us/i/screenshot019yao.jpg/ http://img5.imageshack.us/i/screenshot020ypx.jpg/ http://img196.imageshack.us/i/screenshot023n.jpg/ (None of these are cropped so I didn't add tags.)
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