Violent Demise's Saturday PK Trip
Today we started with thirteen people, which is a decent pull for us. We peaked at 14 and had about 17 differant people turn up throughout the trip. We start early and no other clans were pking for about an hour. We killed random people and teams of massers for a bit, then scouted two Carpediem members and asked if they were pking. They said yes but they had 18 people, so we decided not to fight them. After 10 minutes of Enigma trying to kill us we realised there was nobody else out so early so dded inside the chaos altar and informed CR of our location. They rushed two minutes later.
Violent Demise vs Carpediem
Marc thinks that he's good at tanking now cause he tanked a few mains last week, so he stood out to get the majority of CR to pile him. He tanked quite a while, and we managed to get the numbers a bit more even before he died. The fight was very even throughout, and both clans had about 6 left. All of VD got dragged outside the altar by a CR member, and after killing him we regrouped at bh quickly and got a fall in. With the returners we charged CR just south of the obliesk with about 11 people, and killed the rest of them. Good fight CR.
Violent Demise - 13
Carpediem - 17
Violent Demise - 7
Carpediem- 1 (Only three of our members could attack their last person as he was level 79, and a few CR including ranks had returned 1 iteming so we left. Four ending if you count 1 itemers.)
After this the only other pure clan out was Enigma who we had no chance of beating in a fair fight, so we ended. About 6 members went with IR on their trip afterwards, dunno what happened there. Was a good week, thanks to CR for the great fight.
(None of these are cropped so I didn't add tags.)