MM's Clan Directory
Alright well after yesterdays performance with FOE teaming with the world to take down MM and making themselves foolish we knew they have fallen into our web. We headed out with about 80 people and peaked around 85ish for the trip and held strong opts the whole time.
We started with working on our old tricks and of course FOE having great leaders they fell for it. We spread south of lava gap and waited for them and they charged us from 2 different gaps where we focused our barragers on the east which seemed the bigger group. Within 2 minutes MM rushed north of gap to clear them and then left to north BH stairs because Welfarers rushed MM's side.
MM Starting -81
MM Ending - 68
FOE Starting - 86
FOE Ending - 0
Now after playing with FOE by hitting their stragglers & loggers to **** them off they hopped right beside us at FOG. They rushed out FOG and MM took control of the fight right away. However even though HF were EP DDing at FOG FOE decided to keep fighting so respect to them. Shortly into the fight FI showed up to repay them for what happened yesterday and then EOP + CH joined in to give a hand to FOE.
After 5 minutes we made it look like we were getting pushed and dragged to level 15. From here we returned from BH and had the fight in the bag when they couldn't stay beside FOG entrance. Within 5 minutes we pushed to portals where their last members were. After we pushed to clan wars and then pushed back to BH to confirm the battlefield was clear.
MM Starting - 76
MM Ending - 64
FI Starting - 35
FI Ending - 33 (confirmed)
FOE + EOP + CH - Starting - 135 ( 80 FOE, 45 EOP, 15 CH? )
FOE + EOP + CH - 0 (regrouped in safe zone 15 levels away from the fight)
Thanks to the clans that fought us and the members that attended this trip, it made it out to be a good one.
First Fight pics:
World war 4 fight pics:
Special thanks to True Whip for donating to our banks: