MM's Clan Directory
After a slightly late start to the trip due to the soccer (football) game we came out looking for a quick fight which is what we got. We hopped to easts to find FOE and rushed them.
We quickly took control of the hill and they tried to regroup on low ground and we pushed them right into single. The fight didn't really last super long but thanks.
MM Starting: 70
MM Ending: 65
Foe Starting: 66
Foe Ending: 0
Well after that it was impossible to get a fight. We ended up having to run into DP vs CP (sorry guys) and we cleaned that up pretty quickly.
Now after 10-15minutes with no action it was time to set our trap cards. We logged out in multi to FOE's world knowing they couldn't resist a "gwas" however it was not a success. We pushed them north and spammed "nice try foe" and they ran into the altar to seal their deaths. We pushed into the altar and cleared them.
MM Starting: 75
MM Ending: 60
FOE Starting: 63
FOE Ending: 0
Now we were weren't getting a clean fight so I told everyone to be prepared for getting 2v1. We rushed FOE just near BH and FI rushed us seconds after to help FOE. We quickly moved inside the graveyard to snipe and held very well there. After holding a while we ran into BH and re rushed the FOE+FI 30-50 seconds later. From here we pushed the pond and ran them into clan wars while FI went w93 giving us a chance to rush FOE alone.
We rushed FOE at the bottom of stairs we cleared FOE and went to altar where FI soon hopped back from safe world & FOE + FI rushed us in altar. We were clearing FOE and FI rushed in and we worked on lasting a while to get a regroup. While half the clan was fighting in altar we got a 180 opt regroup and rushed the FI+FOE fall in at 18 ports.
We managed to fight at the portals for a while using BH and soon they both went into BH and we went altar. We set up at altar waiting for FOE+FI to rush but this time DP + CP rushed and we started to fight them. After almost clearing them FOE + FI rush in and we called another regroup at 13 ports.
While all those clans were at altar we got a 150opt regroup at 13 ports and rushed altar and ran into CP+DP and started fighting them. Once again FOE+FI rush us and the fight stayed around SC. MM ended up pushing FI+FOE into SC and CP+DP rushed our main group keeping the fight going.
EOP arrived and gave us a hand to clear CP+DP and the fight seemed over. We got the fall in and walked to BH where we were rushed by FOE+FI in the same team capes. We just got our much needed bank and handed out EOP our team capes.
We rushed FOE+FI at hills and we controlled the north hill and CP+DP rushed us. We pushed them to single and re-rushed the other hill and controlled it. Again CP+DP tried to hit us again and we pushed them to single once again and then rushed the hill north of clan wars. After 5 minutes we regrouped sperm hill with 180+ opts and FI+FOE rushed us. We pushed them off the hill then pushed the north west hill to clear them. AGAIN CP+DP rushed us and this time we went into clan wars and rushed from the west side to clean the entire fight this time. From here FOE+FI tried to hug clan wars but after 5 minutes the fight was over.
Big thanks to EOP!!!
MM+EOP Starting: 100ish
MM+EOP Ending: 75ish
Foe+FI Starting: 100ish
Foe+Fi Ending: 0 on the battle field
CP+DP Starting: 70ish
CP+DP Ending: 0 on the battle field.
Gf to all clans, Thanks to our supporters.