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Everything posted by Speshls

  1. What clan do you enjoy fighting the most in F2P? Anyone who will fight us. What clan do you dislike fighting the most in F2P? I enjoy all fights in F2P. What clan do you enjoy fighting the most in P2P? Again I enjoy every fight. What clan do you dislike fighting the most in P2P? Again I don't dislike fighting. What clans do you like mini warring against? clans that don't have specific "mini war teams" What clans do you dislike mini warring against? Old FI (all 110s lol) Which clan would be your resort clan if something had happened to yours? I would quit since no clan is like MM. Which clan will you always hold a grudge against? Any clan that shows disrespect to us will get paid back fully. What clan gives you the easiest kills? FOE they simply can't handle us. What clan makes it hard for you to kill people? DP. They stick together very well in F2P however we always get the job done. Which clans give you the most flame free fights? DP seems to be the clan that doesn't complain about us.
  2. Anyone else seeing the Mahatma effect other than me? He showed up to Saturday and we took down 3 clans teamed up and had 70+ ending :tongue: .
  3. MM - Took on multiple clans at once in a few different occasions. GAP DP - PWNED FI & cleared FOE FOE - Didn't do ANYTHING but opts keep you here. FI - Just starting to get even for last weekend. You can expect more :whistling: .
  4. 10mins in dangerous and 1 hour doing interclan lolplz Overall MM FOE DP/FI
  5. FI had 18 ending people in clan wars don't ******** lol and we never went in clan wars, stayed there, and hopped to safe worlds unlike the opposing clans. Us getting "cleared"? Pushing out of the ghost hut. YOU HOPPED WORLDS??? How is that not getting cleared?
  6. FI had 138 opts and TLP had about 120 so don't try and make excuses. You crashed us on Saturday & Sunday so we are just starting to get even. Also we wrecked you in the ghost hut lol. TLP + FI basically dded on that door and died and we pushed right out lmfao.
  7. It's not propaganda when it's true?
  8. MM's Clan Directory As usual we head out for F2P on Friday. However NO clan was in F2P today which was disappointing. With around 80 people we went out to F2P and picked off #Snipe and other mains until we decided to chase FOE. We hopped to P2P and searched for FOE. Soon finding them in a +1 world and hopped when ready. As soon as we logged in FOE hopped to world 71 and ended their trip with inters. We scouted around for a bit and found FI at sperm hill. We rushed from single drags and hit FI and within seconds DP rushed in which was a surprise because they usually do PCL. Quickly we cleared out the cluster and got a fall in on sperm hill while DP & FI regrouped in safe worlds. ========================= MM Starting: 225 MM Ending: 225 DP Starting: 150? DP Ending: 60 inside clan wars FI Starting: 150? FI Ending: 90 inside clan wars ========================= Now we went for FI and found them on BH stairs. We quickly charged up BH stairs which resulted them to run to single crater where we chased them down. ========================= MM Starting: 210 MM Ending: 210 FI Starting: 150ish FI Ending: 0 ========================= So we were hunting for TLP and someone told us they were at giants. We rushed giants to find FI + DP and we quickly cleared it out. ========================= MM Starting: 210 MM Ending: 210 DP Starting: 120? DP Ending: 0 FI Starting: 120? FI Ending: 0 ========================= Now we were hunting FI and found them in single. We quickly rushed and they ran to multi where they teamed vs TLP. The fight was a long hard fought battle from both sides. We had a few regroups on different hills to help us succeed but FI+TLP caught on quick. We called a regroup in the ghost hut which they rushed and this was the turning point. They fell right into the trap and we evened the opts. We pushed outside and pushed to sperm hill. Around this time FI called off returning leaving TLP all alone. TLP quickly followed FI and hopped to safe world. THANKS FOR TE GREAT FIGHT GUYS :yes: . ========================= MM Starting: 200 MM Ending: 170 FI + TLPStarting: 260ish FI + TLP Ending: 78 which logged to safe worlds in clan wars ========================= Thanks to all our supporters!
  9. F2P Friday MM - Easy P2P Friday MM - Ended FOE in 10 minutes of being on P2P LOL. FOE - Oh shame... FI + TLP Alliance - You didn't beat us... You went in clan wars and logged while we were at sperm hill/ghost hut lol however it was a very tough fight. DP - Not sure?
  10. Well a bunch of pure clans claim to be honor but it seems only a select few of these clans actually uphold these rules. Sure every clan has a member who breaks the rule but this topic is about these honor clans turning a blind eye to to the individuals that make fools out of the clans system along with the entire clan. This rule seems to be overlooked the most when it comes to P2P pking at drags (or hybriding anywhere basically). I was probably one of the most active drags pker in 06/07 and praying 1v1 or teleporting was not tolerated and rarely overlooked. However if you look at clans now it seems most clans turn a blind eye to praying 1vs1 at drags with the exception of a few. Who do you think this is? Is this because they are scared to lose a member to avoid their slumping or do you think there is another reason? Example of what I mean and some of the higher tier clans turning a blind eye to their rules. http://tinypic.com/usermedia.php?uo=JDduC2...eQ82oh4l5k2TGxc (22:43:34) <@[Foe]True> hi (22:43:36) <%Dutchie> wwo fail lukey luke (22:43:36) <[MM]13th> http://tinypic.com/usermedia.php?uo=JDduC2...eQ82oh4l5k2TGxc (22:43:45) <@[Foe]True> link me 2 somethin that wont keylog me (22:43:58) <[MM]13th> yeah (22:44:03) <[MM]13th> i own tinypic.com (22:44:03) <@[Foe]True> tinypic keylog (22:44:05) <[MM]13th> u got me (22:44:06) <@[Foe]True> no but rly (22:44:07) <@[Foe]True> send me the legit link (22:44:10) <@[Foe]True> not the dumb ****** redirect (22:44:18) <[MM]13th> its a video (22:44:20) <[MM]13th> ****** (22:44:30) <+[-Reevesy-]> steroids lol (22:44:41) <+[-Reevesy-]> luke ur retarded - Truth. Maybe he should take True's rank. (22:44:51) <+[-Reevesy-]> its steroids pray 1v1 (22:45:07) <@[Foe]True> u **** ^ Basically true whip flaming and making a ******* out of himself. (23:11:01) <[MM]13th> is foe steroids striked for praying 1v1 or not (23:11:01) <@Kyle|Failed_Again> ? (23:11:05) <@Kyle|Failed_Again> no (23:11:08) <%[Foe]Steroids> gutted. ^ FOE ranks turning a blind eye to the NH that goes on in their clan.
  11. MM went 5-6 weeks on FOE just before E started to pull big in F2P. F2P MM FOE DP
  12. F2P MM - Easily hold this FOE - Needs more F2P work DP - Hold this but FI has some hype atm. FI - Hope all that trash you talked for a 13-14 day prep won't get you slaughtered. Also organization isn't anywhere near it used to be. P2P FOE - Easily hold this MM - Needs more opts in P2P TLP / DP - Not exactly sure but TLP seems to be picking up recently (opts wise). DP / TLP - DP probably still have the edge but not sure for how long. FI - Not really sure on your P2P performances. Can't really count this weekends anyways.
  13. MM's Clan Directory http://youtube.ca/watch?v=eQisPNzw0LU http://youtube.ca/watch?v=8ee5w_9ROTg We started our trip with and had a slightly low pull but we managed to gain as the trip progressed. As usual only FOE was out so we knew we were going to fight them. Even though out opted 7 people we didn't count ourselves out. FOE charged from south of New Gate and MM held the fence basically the entire fight. After about 3-4 minutes we called a push south and broke FOE apart and cleared them. ========================= MM Starting: 62 MM Ending: 47 FOE Starting: 69 FOE Ending: 0 ========================= We were still gaining opts at this point and FOE came back trying to get revenge again. They hopped to our world and rushed us south of BH. MM held together really tight but FOE got their **** together. FOE tried a push attempt but it didn't work and from there we pushed back and ended the fight. ========================= MM Starting: 64 MM Ending: 53 FOE Starting: 66 FOE Ending: 0 ========================= Now we fought FOE again at clan wars area. Their out opted us by to much and couldn't hold. We tried to regroup fast but just called it off. Was a good fight. We then decided to ruin a main war and cleared about 15 of the mains before they teamed and chase us out. From here we ended our trip. Thanks to all our supporters! [imghttp://www.runescapetop.com/up/images/a0d48.png[/img]
  14. FOE beat us 3 times? LOL Slammed FOE out opted at new gate. Beat them south of BH out opted again. Lost at ghost hut out opted. After that we ruined a main war and suicide to TT. MM - Unquestionable FOE - Still #1 at propaganda apparently. No one else pks..
  15. Once FOE broke their alliance with TLP I didn't hear **** from TLP. The alliance was broken about a year before the wildy was gone so TLP wasn't affected. All clans suffered members leaving because of wildy removal but I wouldn't say TLP was the most affected.
  16. We are already weekday pking. Last 3 days I must of been pking 6-7hours with small MM teams.
  17. Speshls


    You meet MM's hybrid reqs. You're welcome to apply if you feel up to it.
  18. I wouldn't go by most votes. I could post a topic on MM forums and have the votes up to 50 within the day... Go by what appeals to you. DV THOUGH
  19. No sign ups for MM. Made a topic about having a few fights with FI since you'll have the opts for a fun fight. FOE may have them though because I'm told they're sweating about going back to #4 f2p since DP has a massive ML now days. Wednesday Pking MM - Ended FOE and heard we killed FI (wasn't there for FI). FOE FI

  21. Oh dw they are. 1. 0wnage 2. DV GAP 3. Malice.
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