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Everything posted by Speshls

  1. Hard as in? We don't even have sign ups.. F2P. MM EOP FOE CP
  2. Yea Jack xy2z is ******* amazing. He was paid a **** ton for doing that lol.
  3. Yea everything EOP has is stolen. From banner to sayings. Weekend. MM EOP FOE
  4. I know for a fact that it matters in MM. We still stick to our old rules but shame other clans haven't... Not like I run their clan so not much I can do.
  5. He hasn't hacked a forum yet bro. He's just warning you guys so you might want to take that warning and stop.
  6. Def not coming to MM if you wanted to. Also why the **** is everyone trying to recruit a scammer? What ******* happened to all these clans...
  7. God dam newfag... Adelias did an epic Cabbage bomb ages ago.
  8. Someone ban this idiot already lmfao. P.S. Nice EOP Legends & Bank pic topics, good luck next weekend. Might want to shut up while you can. Anyways communities like this killed the clan world. Clans will do anything for publicity even if it's all lies and that makes the other clan 'mad' which in the end causes flames. It was much worse for MM back when we started using these sites since it was run by tyrants and it was basically an anti-mm site. At times I wish we never got into PC/PW and do consider taking our clan stuff somewhere else due to all the idiots that have joined.
  9. Not sure if you're the best dead clan... I'm sure DS or DI is. Was fun while it lasted.
  10. Not here to argue with EOP no namers. Rest In Peace Epidemic.
  11. Prob being trolled but whatever. It's better to see you go while I still have a sliver of respect for the clan. Some of the things you said and ******** teaming you did over the last month really wasn't what I liked to see but whatever we won... Better you close at #2 than turning into another EoP.
  12. Pure Nicks was HC... No way in hell was RD epic :confused: .
  13. EOP due to E only pulling 20% of ML and slumping. TLP vs FOE full out clan wars. edit: P2p derp.
  14. Lmfao :laugh: . Anyways I don't see the clan world getting any bigger. I really haven't heard of many new clans springing up and catching attention of pures so it'll slowly shrink. I just see more propaganda spread by clans trying to make themselves look better.
  15. DP - E pulled 26 to their last P2P trip... Obviously can't compete with any clan in P2P. 20% pull from their ML, R[]FL. IR vs Carnage F2P
  16. I just went SSJ2 on forums bitches
  17. Andy, Peace, and Muse from MM's leadership were always people I looked up to.
  18. Speshls

    MSL Finals

    Yea I find watching more fun than playing most of the time. Few **** people in MM play together (me being one) and have quite a bit of luls tho.
  19. Free to Play. 1. MM - Proving why we are #1 and why we've been #1 for basically 9 months or so now. 2. EOP - Giving you the #2 spot since your pulls have been better than E... Stop being puppets though and shoot for the stars while you can. 3. E - Slumping and losing members fast due complete tyrant leaders. Clueless leaders also lead to bad organization in big opts fights. 4. FOE - Sadly numbers put you here. You have great organization but not enough opts to compete. 5. CP - I've been hearing about you but haven't seen you at all in PVP though...
  20. videos Well this weekend we knew E would go to extreme lows to try and hold a top spot and slow down their slump. Sadly they've manipulated EOP into it and they joined sides with Epidemic. We contacted FOE earlier that week to see if they would side with us to take down this little "alliance" EoP have. Thanks to FOE for backing us up. We started off wanting to fight E 1 vs 1 and E charged us on the middle hill. Within 30 seconds EoP rushed us as well and MM were stuck fighting 2 clans vs 1 for about a minute. FOE came in and MM switched to our set team capes and started to take control of the fight. Shortly into the fight HF crashed ( EoP called them ) and MM + FOE cleared the entire place and left HF alone. ========================= MM + FOE Starting: 170ish EOP + E Starting: 185? HF Starting: 50? =========== MM + FOE Ending: 100ish EOP + E Ending: 0 HF Ending: 35? ========================= Jibs PMed us to set something up and we figured it was a 1 v 1 but sadly E knows they can't compete and stayed with EoP. EOP + E massed together so MM and FOE met up at mossies and charged E at piper. It was a clean fight with E trying to push early but MM + FOE calling pushes and clearing it up pretty easily. ========================= MM + FOE Starting: 399 opts ( 158 people ) E + EOP Starting: 399 opts ( 180 people ) =========== MM + FOE Ending: 250ish opts E + EOP Ending: 0 ========================= Third fight started at altar with us being down from fighting Exodus & HF earlier. E + EOP charged altar and the fight begun. It lasted a while until CP + DP crashed it soon. MM regrouped at FOG quickly and rushed EOP + E at BH but they logged and we only picked off 25ish that didn't make the log out in time. ========================= MM + FOE Starting: 350ish opts E Starting Options: 399opts =========== MM Ending Options: 180 opts E Ending Options: 0 on the battle field, all logged to w14. ========================= We called it off after that and ended with bs fest. Thanks again FOE for the honorable act. .:: Pictures ::.
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