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Everything posted by Speshls

  1. M4n don't bother arguing... It's fine and they aren't getting cocky about it.
  2. Making Mayhem since 2004 VIDEOS/PICTURES CAN BE FOUND AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST We started massing and it seemed like we were going to have a bad day. The last 10minutes of massing everyone logs in and we leave with 70 people. We peaked with around 75 today at our strong point. Today we heard a clan was having a birthday so we themed our trip around them and wanted to wish them a crappy birthday like we've done with many others :). We wanted to clear our biggest threat of the day first though. We found FOE pretty quick actually and headed off to greet them. We rushed in and quickly koed a bunch sticking to our new plan that has been working for us. FOE tried 2 salvage it by moving back and setting a new location but we called a push and pushed them from North Bh Stairs area to spider hill where we got a fall in as some mains came. Starting: Final Ownage Elite - 65+ Mayhem Makers - 70 Ending: Final Ownage Elite - 0 some ran, others logged but none were left on the battlefield Mayhem Makers - 60 After we fought FOE we decided we wanted to find DV giving them a happy birthday. However DV was at east drags waiting for something and Epidemic was at hills. We quickly charged E and took their hill and pushed them from a north hill to the south hill and then again to the sperm hill. The fight was crashed by IR as well but we cleared them as soon as they charged in. We went to clan wars after clearing it and went to bank. Starting: Epidemic - 60? Mayhem Makers - 65 IR - 30? Ending: Epidemic - 0 Mayhem Makers - 50 IR - 0 After our banking we spotted FOE again but we ignored them and went after DV. We had DV still sitting in east drags but we were waiting for them to come out. We sent in a few scouts and 5 minutes later DV started showing some activity and moved to multi. They grabbed a hill which we quickly charged and took over the hill. We cleared DV within a 2 or 3 minutes which is understandable because of our tactic. Starting: Devastation - 65 Mayhem Makers - 70 Ending: Devastation - 0 Mayhem Makers - 65 We heard FOE were out again and we were pumped to send them packing. We had a location on them and they seemed to know where we were as well. We were at chaos dwarves coming down when our scouts confirmed FOE were charging us. So we pot and run into them quickly koing a large majority of them. We quickly called a push south and pushed them from 32 wildy all the way into clan wars. Starting: Mayhem Makers - 75 Final ownage Elite - 65 Ending: Mayhem Makers - 65 Final Ownage Elite - 0 Videos http://www.youtube.com/user/MayhemMakersTube ^Subscribe for MM's latest wins and pk videos. Pictures
  3. I don't think FI went out today? I didn't hear a word about FI all day and I had a lot of leaks today :D .
  4. MM - Cleared FOE x2, DV x1, E+IR X1, random pures E - Big opts and beat us ( kind of crash ) at the end of trip. FOE - Bad day but opts would have put you here. DV - Nice opts but still need more practice.
  5. I can already tell you are wrong. MM doesn't accept run ins because we enjoy the surprise :). DV will pro bably beat TLP and give MM a good fight.
  6. I demand a demotion! Anyways I didn't really notice it but I guess thanks for the apology.
  7. Is this going to turn into another 3 hit u pure thing. He quits and comes back 6-7 months later and everyone hypes him up saying he'll bring to bring FI to number 1 and they are in an all time low. Can't wait to see the topic of Jibs return expecting him to make Epidemic number 1 ( if they don't die before then ). Won't effect the pure clan world in any way.
  8. Would be nice if more clans did PVP / BH.
  9. sure join #mayhem-makers and PM me
  10. What clan are you in? Want to set up a battle to see who sucks at p2p?
  11. P2P PVP today. FOE - Nice opts guys. MM - Beat TLP & IR and would have beaten FI if they showed... TLP - Would have beaten FI if they showed not sure how your entire trip went. IR / FI - Heard IR had big opts and probably would have put up a good fight vs FI. FI / IR - Good luck rebuilding R[]FL!
  12. It's not the first one :P . I remember one in very start of 07 with a lot of mauling from h0zy & 4zn along with a lot of unitedterm
  13. Again you went to altar than hills and you met with MM. The ranks were talking so stop acting like you know what we were doing.
  14. Making Mayhem since 2004 VIDEOS/PICTURES CAN BE FOUND AT THE BOTTOM OF THIS POST We figured most clans would have huge opts today so we knew it'd be a tough day and it sure was. We left our massie location with about 70 people and picking up 75 before our first run in. We were hunting FOE for the longest time but HF was blocking us most of the time until we got the perfect moment to hit them at hills while HF was at dwarves. HF interfered at the end of the fight but MM clearly won the fight ( you can be the judge when vids are out ) Starting: Mayhem Makers - 75ish Final Ownage Elite - 70ish Ending: Mayhem Makers - 65ish Final Ownage Elite - 0 After our regroup we went hunting for E seeing as they had big opts. We had their world and hopped at altar and to our surprise E walked right into altar as we were logging in. They started running to clan wars but stopped at the trees where we feasted upon them. Starting: Mayhem Makers - 70ish Epidemic - 55ish Ending: Mayhem Makers - 70ish Epidemic - 30ish ( ran to clan wars ) This was our second run in with FOE and they charged us by 13 portal. Quickly Mm was pushed into the trees but we regained our momentum and pushed north. Within a minute of us pushing it to BH HF run in and crash. We called a regroup 13 portal and recharged into the fight with 45 people and pushed everything in the way to BH. There was no clear winner here since HF did crash early into the fight. Starting: Mayhem Makers - 55ish Final Ownage Elite - 55ish Ending: Mayhem Makers - 50ish Final Ownage Elite - 20ish ( in bh? ) Third fight today was around 30/40 minute PKRI with FOE which was an intense battle and both sides had great fun. MM started off by being charged by FOE at altar and FOE pushed us west to those trees and were doing good but MM kept fighting and managed to push FOE back and cleared them. We got ending opts and 30 seconds after FOE rushed us again where we pushed them to FOG and banked. When we left FOG FOE was waiting there and we fought for about 20 minutes before we relocated which was organized to be at hills but FOE took a cheap shot and charged us at level 12. They had full prayer while we had none and we called another regroup into FOG and talked to FOE to actually meet us at hills this time. We went without prayer and walked up to hills and FOE charged up taking over the hill. We were pushed back to ghost hut and fight was in FOE's favour until their prayer dropped and we got some quick koes. We pushed them from sperm hill to east hill into single and walked down. FOE returned but we were already at level 4 and decided to bank where we ended since everyone was out of supplies. Starting: Mayhem Makers - 50ish Final Ownage Elite - 50ish Ending: Mayhem Makers - 40ish Final Ownage Elite - 0 Videos http://www.youtube.com/user/MayhemMakersTube ^Subscribe for MM's latest wins and pk videos. Pictures foe in single at the end ending opts for today (35-40 people if u count the ppl not fallen in) idiot calling me 1 itemer in a non-prot world.. gg 60 defence When we were getting pushed at altar and had an epic comeback. 1 v 1 during that fight with cha0s pur3 And the rest on Teddy Overall loot pics (forgot some, like 100 nats and other addy arrows plus a few kills)
  15. YO RETARD CAN YOU READ WHAT I SAID? We were supposed to fight at hills then but FOE charged us at level 11. We just said go to FOG since FOE wanted to try and take a cheapshot to win. IRC log <Speshls> yo ******* idiot <Speshls> we are in fog <Speshls> cus we want the fihgtr north <[Foe]Pur3> i see that <Speshls> i pmed ur leader <Speshls> and <[Foe]Pur3> were out ehre north lmao <[Foe]Pur3> come get us <Speshls> he wont ******* talk back <Speshls> okay <Speshls> meet at hills <[Foe]Pur3> hurry up then <Speshls> thats hills? <Speshls> u are ******* stupid <[Foe]Pur3> cry me a river P.S. Pushing doesn't mean you win... LOL
  16. We pushed you from ghost hut to sperm hill to east hill and went to east drags with 112-124 ending and walked down WAY before you returned with your 40 people. We were already at level 4 when you returned. You expect us to stay there on no food and prayer? Get real. 6:00 and on is your little hills fight. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i9_IJkzLTc0
  17. Na I'm talking about the last fight. You must have a selective memory lol. I know which part you "pushed" us to fog but that's because we were supposed to fight at hills and we called another regroup in FOG and 5 minutes later we cleared up at HILLS.
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