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Today Intense Redemption went out on our weekly P2p PK Trip. We peaked at 55 IR members. Our main goal was to kill Zenith, which we did plenty of times today. But unforunetly they massed for 2 hours and then came out. And even after they came out they stood in single until we hit them. We ended up fighting Zenith 3 times and winning all 3 fights. We also fought Outrage, and beat Zenith + Havoc + Mains in an hour + PKRI.
Outrage was below gap in the strip, so we rushed them and killed a couple and the rest logged out. They waited in Lobby and then we got in lobby too. Right when they hopped, they were still in Multi so we just gwased them and killed them.
Intense Redemption starting - 55
Intense Redemption ending - 55
IR vs. H
Intense Redemption vs. Havoc
So after massing 2+ hours, Zenith finally had the balls to step foot in the wild. But, they waited in single. So we rushed them at East drags, they ran west to sperm and we chased them all the way to 18 ports where Havoc then crashed. We cleared Zenith at 18 ports, then EoP crashed so we ran south and left.
Intense Redemption starting - 55
Intense Redemption ending - 30 before EoP crashed
We then spread on top of New gate waiting for any clan to come hit us. Finally Zenith came and rushed from the south. The fight lasted around 25 minutes until their remaining members ran to GDZ, we followed but Havoc was there so we just let all the Zenith kids die while we went in single and hopped.
Intense Redemption starting - 50
Intense Redemption ending - 38
IR vs. H
Intense Redemption vs. Havoc
So we asked Zenith for another pkri. We defended at Sperm hill, and then Zenith rushed from the west. Soon after fighting, Havoc crashed. Zenith and Havoc ofcourse having mains as usual. We kept on fighting. This PKRI lasted over an hour and a half. In the end we completely cleared the battlefield of Havoc + Zenith + Mains.
Intense Redemption starting - 49
Intense Redemption ending - 34
Thanks for the loots Zenith again!! Hopefully you guys can get some better return sets to actually have a chance next time. See you next Saturday ;)