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Today Intense Redemption set out to our weekly P2p Pk Trip. We peaked at 50 Intense Redemption members. We fought Ctrl, Z, Fi, Ma, and Outrage.
We set up a PKRI with Outrage. We had 38 starting but we had a lot of lates. We spread south of gap. They didn't rush us, and we heard they were at GDZ so we ran north, got a north to south spread and rushed east. We quickly cleared them and left. Good fight Outrage and thank you for the fight.
Intense Redemption starting - 38
Intense Redemption ending - 46
We then heard Control was hiding in Single as usual. We went there and hit them in Single. Control being who they are they all ran and were scared to come into Multi. Typical.
Intense Redemption starting - 47
Intense Redemption ending - 47
We then set up a PKRI vs. Zenith. We went on Sperm and they rushed. We were spread North to South. They rushed us from the East. By the looks of it, it looked like they outnumbered us. We kept on fighting for several minutes. We out-returned them and eventually cleared them. The remainder of them ran to 18 Ports.
Intense Redemption starting - 45
Intense Redemption ending - 37
After we cleared Zenith Sperm we heard they were regrouping at 18 Ports. We rushed and the fight lasted a long time. We were winning until TLP crashed so we just ran east and logged before they killed us.
Intense Redemption starting - 45
Intense Redemption ending - 35 Before TLP crashed
IR vs. M
Intense Redemption vs. Massacre
We then heard that Control was at 18 Ports. So we rushed there and Massacre was there along with some Control stragglers. We cleared both of them quickly. We went into Chaos Altar to pray. We heard Fatality was a BH bank so we went to rush them and then Control rushed from the East. We ran southeast, so we were positioned North of Chaos Altar and fought Fatality + Control. We were clearing Fatality, and then they ran to BH bank. So we rushed BH bank to finish them off but unfortunately Eruption of Pures rushed so we just ran and logged. While this whole fight was going on, Control being afraid to fight us 1v1 camped 18 ports and were killing our returners.
Intense Redemption starting - 45
Intense Redemption ending - 30+ Before EOP crashed
After that, our competition were too afraid to fight us so they all ended. No other clan had the balls to fight us so we were forced to end as well.