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We set out to our weekly P2p pk trip peeking at around 35. We fought Ct, Cp, Fi, Outrage, Eop, WAR, and Zenith.
We heard Control hopped to our world and that they were at gap. We ran to GDZ and spread and attacked from the north. WAR apparently was at Dwarfs and attacked Control from the south. So we both sandwiched them not knowing. We both cleared Ctrl and WAR went south so we just went north to GDZ to defend for a second fight.
Intense Redemption starting - 30
Control starting - 40+?
We Are Royalty starting - 30
Intense Redemption ending - 27
Control ending - 15? Running east to single strip
We Are Royalty ending - Around 20 south at Dwarves
After Control ran, we went North into GDZ and spread north to south. They rushed again from the east. We fought for a bit and then Eop crashed from the west sandwiching us so we moved East to New Gate and then WAR crashed from the south and then Fatality crashed from the south also. We then just went north through the gate and hopped.
Intense Redemption starting - 28
Control starting - 30+?
Eruption of Pures starting - 50+
We Are Royalty starting - 30
Fatality starting - 50+
Intense Redemption ending - 15
Control ending - 0
Eruption of Pures ending - 50+?
We Are Royalty ending - 0
Fatality ending - 50+?
We then heard Outrage was at dwarves. So we rushed from the north. We fought for a little while but we were heavily outnumbered so we ran north to the gap, they followed and we just barraged the gap. They managed to pull through the gap so we ran back south of the gap doing the same thing. We kept on barraging the gap. We were clearing Outrage and then Eop hit us from the south so we went east and into single and hopped to a safe world. Almost all of outrage was cleared, Eop cleared the rest of them up though.
Intense Redemption starting - 30
Outrage starting - 40+
Intense Redemption ending - 25 before Eop crashed
Outrage starting - 10-15 before Eop crashed
We set up a P2p PKRI with Corrupt Pures. We defended at Dwarves. They rushed from the West. They were returning via canoes the whole fight while we were returning via GDZ teleport. The fight went on a for a while. CP members were hugging single at mossies so we moved North east to the gap and waited for them to rush us. CP followed us and we started fighting at Gap. We ended clearing them at gap. We went east to single and hopped. A couple of our members stayed behind to loot and Cp re-rushed with around 10, then claiming they cleared us by killing 2 of our members. Even though they had no one on the battlefield and we waited minutes for them to come but they didn't so we ended up leaving.
Intense Redemption starting - 25
Corrupt Pures starting - 25
Intense Redemption ending - 20
Corrupt Pures ending - 0
Video for the PKRI vs. CP
*Coming Soon*
Thank you for the fights everyone :)