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Today we set out with 40 people. We fought Bv, Ctrl, Ef and Tlp. Thanks for the fights guys. All hail Zoism!
We were dd'ed on the NorthEastern Sperm hill. Control rushed and the fight began. Both clans were doing lots of damage, until Exiled Force rushed killing a couple of our stragglers that were south, we ran to the Western hill then south to Sperm hill. Control rushed Sperm hill, we fought for a couple mins on Sperm hill. Exiled Force was still sniping both clans I believe. We were outnumbered heavily so we called a regroup 18 ports. Then we heared we had some people on 13 ports so we ran there. We had around 15 and waited for Control, they rushed and cleared a lot of us. We kept on returning but it was pointless due to use being outnumbered heavily so we just told the people at 13 ports to go to Edge.
Intense Redemption starting - 35
Control starting - 40+?
Exiled Force starting - 35
Intense Redemption ending - 15
Control ending - 30+?
Exiled Force ending - 0? (None in sight)
We heard BV were Lvl 30 wild East single strip. We rushed them in single, they ran down south and got on the northeastern hill of Sperm hill. We quickly took control of the fight and out-spammed them. We cleared them within minutes and quickly got out before any clan crashed.
Intense Redemption starting - 35
Bloody Vikingz starting - 40
Intense Redemption ending - 35
Bloody Vikingz ending - 5 in single
We heard Exiled Force were North of Mossies. So we ran up and found them East of mossies. We hit them by surprise and quickly killed around 10 of them. They ran into single Mossies and then ran on top of the Portal west of Mossies. We then started 1v1ing for a couple seconds until they decided to run south to North Western BH stairs. Them not knowing it was Multi we ran up the stairs and started fighting for 5 Mins until we cleared them.
Intense Redemption starting - 39
Exiled Force starting - 35
Intense Redemption ending - 37
Exiled Force ending - 0
We then heard BV was at Bh bank. So we hopped and rushed BV from the west of Bh bank. We quickly cleared them and saw that Malice was south of BH stairs.
Intense Redemption starting - 35
Bloody Vikingz starting - 30
Intense Redemption ending - 35
Bloody Vikingz ending - 0
After we cleared BV we saw Malice south of BH stairs and rushed them. *NOTE* We still hadn't banked from the EF fight and the BV fight. So we were going into our 3rd fight still low on food, prayer, and run. So we rushed Malice south, they had around 25. We cleared them and then TLP rushed and cleared most of us.
Intense Redemption starting - 35
Malice starting - 25
The Last Pures ending - 60? (Crashed after we cleared Malice)
Intense Redemption ending - Around 30 after Malice fight, and like 15 after TLP crashed
Malice ending - 0
The Last Pures ending - 60?