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Iraqi Mage

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Everything posted by Iraqi Mage

  1. Anything 2 defence and over is not pure, nuff said.
  2. It's actually supposed to be all the good people disappear and then the bad ones stay and live in misery for the next 5 months until in October they all die and the world just ends. Anyways this is BS. How can someone mathematically calculate when the end of the world would be? The only one who knows is God. And even in the Bible it says nobody knows the time or date of Judgement Day but God himself.
  3. If you are going to ***** about a clan having 30 defence pures, THEN DON'T ******* FIGHT THEM!
  4. Mains are vastly overrated in the Pure Community. But I agree it would be fun but Foe/Eop/MM are drama queens imo and would just end up having a cluster before we even hit the mains lol.
  5. Iraqi Mage

    #1 p2p

    Your ******* terrible and a disgrace to pures.
  6. Noob Squad back in like 2004 or something
  7. Your clan is dead. Wow I never knew TLP died :mellow:
  8. No, you don't realise. We don't care about you hitting us, go ahead. It'll hurt you more than it'll hurt us, the only thing we'll be using shovels for is to dig the R.I.P grave for TLP after your members realise how stupid you are for chacing a MPC clan because they hit a soft spot. I don't think TLP has respect from any-one except ambition at the moment, who also have no respect from any-one. Right, members are going to be mad that we are getting free loot from a **** clan week after week.
  9. I see the rope around your waist so stop faking it kid.
  10. I'm 73 Farming atm and I might do what you did and just Farm and while waiting train woodcutting. So make a guide for 70-99 :P
  11. Ikr, even Eop slumping hard.
  12. That would be crazy. I think Pures would out number them 2v1 but I think it would all come down to returning and the size of banks. And since they are all Billionaires in those main clans they would win lol! Ctrl vs Havoc Full out p2p matched 1 def all off
  13. Well havoc has been talking **** so they'll be having their trips in single/lobby. We fight high level clans too Eop Fatality and Cp. If you guys are putting so much effort into hitting Havoc all over some words exchanged over runescape you guys got to take a step back. Please keep having your spies app (they aren't hard to catch) and please focus your weekend trips on us. I can only hope that you stoop to such a level where your main goal is to not do what is best for TLP (trying to stay as an hpc) but chasing mpc's around. Keep shootin yourselves in the foot, Havoc loves the challenge ; P. Note: Ever, please don't consider Cp and FI HPC's you should know better. First of all we wouldn't hit you guys if your ranks didn't talk so much ****. If you keep crying about us hitting you guys then tell your members/clan to stop talking **** and saying they could beat us in matched full out when you guys would decline a full out matched, and then when we ask you guys for fights in Wild you guys decline. PS: You didn't catch our Spies
  14. Pretty much anything that Zo said is a hilarious quote, even if he isn't trying to be funny.
  15. TLP. We have mini's everyday and are the #1 matched pure clan.
  16. Aren't you a leader and you tele'd from us? Thats just sad man. You got to lead by example and die like a man ;)
  17. Good fight everyone, was a very fun trip.
  18. Im looking for CP's old forums and also Noob Squads but can't find it :(
  19. Good fight Eop was very fun. TLP #1 Matched.
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