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t7emon arrow

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Everything posted by t7emon arrow

  1. ROFL gtfo http://pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6718 Now go do something about the nh no honour kid? I guess mm is gnna let him slide they used to do that alot back in the day I don't see why they would change.
  2. Baws comment. He was an eop member got defence without anybody knowing then came to a war waited to be the last person to be attacked and put on rune to make us look bad. ****** tactics if you guys can't see that you need serious help because your being fooled by a chump. If you know that this occureed and your still trolling go ahead and waste your time idiots. EMPHaSEEES
  3. Agreed 30 def has the bonuses of addy defender 3rd age robes (100m a set) pros armours etc and ofcourse the mike tyson 1 hit k0 that is turmoil. im just waiting till everyone stops crying about it just like people cried about 20 defense I remember in 06 I was 1 def near maxed mauler people used to flame the **** outta 20 def now they get less heat and are generally accepted. We won't turn into rune armour mains doing dragon slayer etc there are rune pure clans for that. Most times people say they don't like 30 def because they're getting owned by it or something seems like more crying. How about we work on honour and making the community more fun :x
  4. NH NH NH! Quote tags and quotation marks for emphasis atleast people are getting a good lol out of this I guess. AND YES ALEX I R MAD BRO U MAD BRO CUZ MADNESS IS KEWl.
  5. if you got like 200mil to spend on corrupt armour etc and have fun pking then yea if not stay 1 def pking it's nice specially with a bgs or ags. Coming from a previously maxed 1 def godsword pure who is now 30 defence.
  6. He was an eop member got defence without anybody knowing then came to a war waited to be the last person to be attacked and put on rune to make us look bad. ****** tactics if you guys can't see that you need serious help because your being fooled by a chump. If you know that this occureed and your still trolling go ahead and waste your time idiots.
  7. I wonder if MM will even take action let us see :o I hope they do people need to learn to honour pk especially against other people in the pure community.
  8. Good troll skills 13th :D but yeah I read the topic 70% of it was trolling and spamming but there were some intelligent people in there too. The smaller the shield the bigger the blade and I garuntee my blade is the biggest :D but on a serious note im 30 defence myself and I think if people are going to push it to the extremes atleast have the sense to not get over 30 even by whip mistakes or w/e. There won't be rune pures in pure clans (ridiculous notion). There are rune pure clans for that purpose where the req is 40+defense. 30 def have been around in pure clans for ages and there aren't even that many, it just seems like now people have turmoil on a 30 defence pure people have started to cry :o. 30 def is present in the pure community at a low % get over it your acting like theres clans with a 30 def average when in reality there are probably 15 people with 30 def in the whole pure community (which I garuntee has over 500 pures in it). P.s - People thinking 1 person has the authority (for a reason that I can\'t imagine to be plausible) to write a \"pure rule book\" and kick out people they don\'t like sounds like hitler orientated regime. /Mode Flame awn. Go Go Go!
  9. That's a very biased comment lol all honour clans kick for teleporting and give atleast a strike or two for praying 1v1 idk where you got your information from but yea. This topic was made in order to make the rules stricter not to cause any sort of flaming or unnecessary altercations.
  10. Sweet I just made this topic to raise awareness of nh kids they shouldn't be allowed to get away with it. As for the people saying rune in med clans don't be silly there are rune pure clans for that like vh hf and px you will never ever see rune in a pure clan I can preety much garuntee you of that so stop over exaggerating :X
  11. You guys did very well hopefully we'll do it again sometime I like how you guys in dp are respectful and don't flame after wars.. If only every clan was like that you guys know we're out there to just have a bit of fun and practice. Just to clear up misconceptions I was there but I am a p2p leader/HC although I do know how to f2p I don't have as much influence as goop and w0w2many who were both not there. So we tried our best with what we had and it was a goodfight over all tbh respect to dp.
  12. Honour back in the day was based on respect for other players to increase enjoyment of the game now people don't give a **** simple as that.
  13. Meh making topics won't help seems like we just gtta accept that faggots will nh and give them a taste of their own medicine when they use it against us in the wilderness.
  14. He said he doesn't want turmoil beats me why but he's still a beast pker.
  15. Turmoil is very fun :) (1st maxed turmoil gs pure)
  16. Support it'll be preety amazing if both you guys get a maxed cc :D
  17. I support rest assured any EOP members logging into mains or even "scouting" on them will be dealt with abruptly. (Even though I can assure you it does not occur) But I can only speak for EOP just thought i'd take a step like honey garlic did.
  18. @walli Fair enough I guess I misjudged your character and gave you too much credit where it wasn't warranted. Seems like people are on board with what im saying check out this thread: http://pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6446 Similar type of topic but less trolls
  19. Every time you quote me in your posts you say something along the lines of: "omfg 30 defncesss your opinion dont mattaaa fawk sake 30 defence I mad bro I trolled you you MAD BRO" Go check for yourself it's pitiful you need to relax your fingers and stop flaming / trolling it's not a very productive hobby if you don't like me im sure there is an ignore function on this website that you can utilise. On topic: As I said before it will be a nice fight to watch and I hope this war will help both clans gl to both of you.
  20. I don't know why I bother attempting to try and make the pure community better sometimes again you people insist to go off topic what armour you wear doesn't have anything to do with honour in the wild or what this topic was originally supposed to be about. Forget it somebody lock the thread please that's what all you kids wan't when someone tries to decrease the amount of nh in the wilderness to better the pure community you shoot him down what does that say about you and your clan.
  21. Whether you like it or not walli yes I did go from 1-30 defence, yes I still am HC of a pure clan and yes im not going to go away. So you can keep crying about it and ignore the task at hand or you can stop crying get over it and help with the situation as one of the leaders of an influential pure clan. Your a smart guy why stoop to the levels of all the 13 year old trolls?
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