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t7emon arrow

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Everything posted by t7emon arrow

  1. Home of the defenceless is preety cool imo most people wouldn't take that phrase and mistake it for home of the weak people.
  2. It's funny how people choose to divert attention from the real situation at hand because they don't want to deal with it. As I said in my opening post this is not a flaming topic or w/e you would prefer to call it. I'm sure I could find a video somewhere of every pure clan (members) in rs commiting a nh offence and I mean all pure clans whether they were booted or are still in the clan to this day. I just used this example because it was new/relevant to the topic sorry if I offended people I did not mean to do so i'm just trying to bring more attention to a clear issue in the pure community. I can go and find some from every clan if that would make people feel better. For all those that are attempting to cuss me out because I changed from 1 defence to 30 defence on a java browser game thus rendering my opinion obsolete please take a look at yourselves carefully because if you don't realise your full of rubbish there isn't much hope for you in the real world. In 2005/06 until just recently people hated 20 defence I didn't really mind it but I guess people will and do cry about things please just get over it's not worth hating over. If that's how you naturally are in real life then please go ahead, but if your mature enough to not let an internet browser games discussions/arguements influence your judgement too much please use your sense and refrain from attempting to be offensive. I ask one thing from people be normal. I would like to think people on these forums don't conduct themselves on these forums as the would do in real life.. Thanks
  3. Glad to see you guys back in the freaking mix gj fi :)
  4. It's going to be interesting foe are no where near underdogs in this war they are a very well based p2p clan and have been number 1 in p2p for ages with their mage averages and requirements for entry being quite high I think the war will go in FOE's favour. I think it's a bit unfair to make TLP's members sit due to having 30 defence just because FOE don't accept it I say if you war a clan you war them straight if you don't like their minority of members with 30 defence don't war lol. I'd love to watch this war / see videos, the summoning on is going to make the battle very hectic I'd prefer it to be off so we can see who's organisation is better but it will be an entertaining war none the less good luck to both parties.
  5. I completely support karl's and shes wet now's statements to me it's absurd and doesn't help the spirit of the game at all being in the pure community is all about making the game better and more enjoyable (fun) for ourselves in the community via clan rivalry fun miniwars and other events pures tend to take part in. No honour acts such as rushing, pjing, praying and ofcourse teleport shouldn't be accepted under any grounds it's time to be strict? I just wish other clan leaders would take the same stance if your clan is an honour clan uphold the rules and punish members who do not abide by the rules. It's sad to see flaming on a topic made to benefit the pure community, my defence level on the game does not dictate my ability to discuss topics about the pure community and I happen to be high council of a clan which is part of the pure community. You need to get over your obsession with runescape accounts, regardless of if I had a 1 defence account (which I used to be) or a 30 defence account im still the same person behind the account so your comment is useless. Ofcourse 13th you might not give a damn but essentially "honour" clans shouldn't claim to be honour if their too scared to uphold honour rules/ethics strictly do you not agree? That is the essence of this thread, it is attempt to bring honour back into the pure community the way it should be. Flaming on a topic like this just makes your immaturity more apparent.
  6. Don't you mean '10er :\ First of my account was made in 05 :X and i've only ever had a pure (t7emon arrow) so I know about pure pking and what honour is supposed to be about. I can accept that nh kids pray first at drags but it doesn't mean people in honour clans can automatically pray ofcourse the rule is if your a prayed upon you can pray back regardless but Tagging praying 1st and pjing is unacceptable idgaf if your pking at mage bank and especially against other pures...if it was 99 def tanks then maybe i'd sympathise but the antics shown above are dispicable.
  7. Very nice topic try to fix the photobucket pics goop.
  8. This topic is not about flaming or baiting so please refrain from doing so. I'm just pointing out something is wrong with honour in pure clans these days and it needs to be adressed immediately. I for one will boot anyone in eop who resorts to the sort of antics shown above. These days pjing and praying is acceptable....I'm here to say NO that **** is not acceptable if you want to be no honour gtfo out of honour clans :\. If you showed this video to people 2/3 years back all the people in that video would be booted no second chances what happened to beign strict. After Bh came along everything went downhill but we got wilderness back to an extent it's time to start rectifying the situation in my honest opinion.
  9. Do you guys agree there is no more honour in clans these days compared to 06/07 this is not a flame or a bait all clans have these nh kids time to take action on what is and what is not acceptable? Discuss
  10. You guys are gnna laugh at this when you see video 8 and 9
  11. Anymore updates on if mystic top protects over staff? or any other pking items? btw is that your pure with all that nice 3rd age :o?
  12. Please tell me your trolling bro :x
  13. Cool story bro I have 99str 99mage 95prayer 99range 99hp 30def 75att I am 100combat the same level as some of your maxed 20 def people in mm if you don't think it doesn't matter to me because in the end most opinions are obsolete infront of the general accepted def levels and 30 def has been seen as the limit for pure clans for a very long time now and it's not going to change due to this thread or any other multiple threads people may make. People are complaining more now because 30 def actually has an advantage lol and the people in EOp that have 30 defence got it whilst in the clan and are ranked so they were not kicked just because other clans don't like it. I was 1 defence a couple weeks back if they kicked a high council just because he got on the limits of the defence level for pures i'd be preety suprised. Theres a limit for a reason and just because it is taboo to you doesn't mean it should be avoided at all costs get over yourself, Eop has been around since 05 and is not closing anytime soon and it's funny you say we're going to close when you guys had one of your worst weekends last week :x and Eop has remained consistent.
  14. Volt that's an ownage avatar you got there golden sun ftw On topic: I agree honour has become wittled down to it's knees and no-one follows it these days I remember rushing was no honour running from fights was no honour pjing was no honour tagging was no honour I guess people stopped caring after 06 I personally don't indulge in any of the above activities I'ts just second nature to honour pk although I do admit this slack of on honour rules has pushed me to run from fights with tanks etc I used to just give out free 75k tricks if I lost a fight nowadays I think what's the point he wouldn't do the same for me? I will pj a kid if it's revenge some people have to get what they deserve etc :x
  15. Ava's accumulator has a +2 to range bonus advantage of accumulator and is more inclined to retrieve arrows as well as the fact you collect steel arrows instead of iron arrows whilst idle.
  16. Would be a nice fight tbh if it was matched i'd say tlp but foe might outpull tlp so i'm not sure what the outcome would be in a full out situation but yea the rules stated seem fine to me. 7) Rules Of War: Overs on, 20 def, summon off, corrupts off, miasmic off, all pvp off. This way the battle will be decided more on organisation rather than the ability of people to pay for corrupt armour etc. Miasmic should be off because it affects the battle to a great degree in my opinion making the war less relient on organisation. The new staff of light should be allowed yes it does hit more but it's only 5% bonus on top of ancient staff that's like arguing the fact that ancient staff's are too powerful so people should use waterstaff's and as they do't effect the speed of a players attacks like miasmic barrage does I don't see the problem. Also if your going to war tlp you war tlp's member list you shouldn't say 30+ def is untolerable because they obviously have some in the clan if you don't like it I say don't war them the same goes for curses. The curses shouldn't be an option as they are a primary combat stats that directly effects combat in player vs player situations summoning is commonly toggled on and off because it is a secondary combat stat (e.g. active benefits of summoning are only released when a familiar is summoned) and in my opinion they get in the way of wars it should be more about the organisation of the members participating in the war not the fact that people have steel titans hitting 80s on the opponent. But ofcourse that's just my take on the situation.
  17. That was the 30th of january aka the week before this topic was made so wtf are you talking about if your going to post atleast be accurate.... either purewarfare is full of lies or it's full idiots and you sir seem to fit the bill for both parties.
  18. Agreed it's the same way a level 3 combat account isn't a pure it's about the imbalance of stats which is not towards defence.
  19. Thanks for the information question does it protect over dds and mystic top? If i does it might be useful for +1 pking.
  20. Why flame on your own topic..and talk about p2p when it was an f2p miniwar which is extremely insignificant let alone the fact that EOP have destroyed MM in many f2p miniwars and p2p miniwars. It's funny how you talk about p2p when EOP cleared you in 30 seconds on sunday and you lost to DP. Made this topic to make it seem like your not slumping? Reality check? But good job on the miniwar though.
  21. You got good idea's tbh sparatic stick with them i'll probably do something similar but idk. I don't wana go out on valentines day its too obvious so I might set something up at home.
  22. Agreed if that's how foe and mm want to conduct themselves by teaming then so be it we will just watch you in disgust. EOP didn't start teaming of any sort last week we wanted Foe 1v1 EOP had 90 opts and foe had about 70 why would we want to team? MM and foe teamed because mm were threatened by epidemic's opts/organisation and foe had lost to EOP in f2p a few too many times for their liking that month and thus the teaming began. You guys brought yellow capes in inventory the first time you stepped into wild we had to remass when we learned you had teamed so we could put on the same cape. I'm fine with you posting in our topic but please no lies pure warfare is already full of them. MM conspiring to team with foe before any fights had began EOP and E were in their respective clan capes and you guys had your yellow capes in inventory. "Just chill, foe are with us" "Foe are straight west" ^^ hopefully this topic will be peaceful now and those silly antics stated above will cease. That's E rushing MM and then 15 seconds later foe crashed what a coincidence? Oh look MM is spamming off foe because you saw blue capes and mistook them for foe who were going to join MM on the hill seconds later. Epidemic leaders told Eop leaders about this altercation and ofcourse we helped we don't like to see no honour in pure clan warring scene. Keep it Legit/Honour and stop snitching stop lying.
  23. I was a 1 defence pure for 4 years about 6 weeks ago I got 30 defence from quests and 95 prayer I'm now 100 combat and the 1st maxed turmoil gs pure. Not gnna lie im loving it idk if it's just me but back in the day pures used to be the kids wreckking with like 30-30 dds specs at about 75 combat pure to me meant low defence and alot of ownage. Nowadays jagex have over powered defence way more than it used to be in 05/06 when rfd torso etc came out. Back in those days 20 def pures used to be laughed at for having defence but over the years they slowly started being accepted as initiate pures. Now it seems alot of people are aiming for 30 defence due to the new prayers etc.. before the new prayers came out the cap on the pure community was 30 defence and that was the absolute maximum and it has been for a long time. I'm 30 defence and I personally don't want to see the cap lifted from there because otherwise in a couple years "pure" clans are going to start accepting rune pures and that would be terrible in my opinion. I say stop getting above 30 defence. On topic: I think this topic is a rant because your getting worked by people with defence in the pure community it's 1-30 and everyone knows that those are the limits if your getting owned in clan pking because your 1 defence get defence or stop crying lol there are many detriments to higher cb when it comes to 1v1 pking so they do get a benefit in clan pking deal with it... As for prayer that's even worse than the defence rant I was a 1 defence maxed gs pure with 70 prayer for about 2 years and if you said I wasn't a pure for that reason I would have thought you had a serious case of the downs tbh :x 70 prayer was really helpful in wars and even in pking and it gave me a nice rounded 90 combat as a maxed gs pure I loved it tbh.
  24. Very nice clips editing was decent too gj :) but 2k10 has just started many more videos will be coming out :D
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