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t7emon arrow

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Everything posted by t7emon arrow

  1. I don't want to talk with you tbh your preety obnoxious but none the less i'll post. You seem to have a problem my friend where did I say EOP are #1 anywhere in that post? Unlike some cocky webcam happy idiots who decide to proclaim themselves as the top clans I an EOP High Council and p2p Leader set out on trips to have fun and do work I couldn't give a toss about clan ranking squabbles their pointless and subject to opinion and thus are never resolved. So don't come to this topic getting defensive about my statements. Don't tell me there are three trips a week either EOP go out whenever we feel like having some fun and may I remind you we were at the saturday and sunday trip and we did work at both trips? If you ask any EOP member whether they had fun at our weekend trips expect a good response I also have some nice videos I'll upload very soon of our p2p trip.
  2. People seem to forget EOP has been around since 05 officially even when we were pushed to pulling low opts at trips we didn't give up and look how we're doing now went from 25 people at f2p to 112 last trip? Contentding with foe and MM at the same time. Preety decent imo and alot of people forget we were #1 f2p for about 2 years and we even did our fair share of p2p beating foe go look at the history. You guys flaming is pitiful just say gf and see you next week you can talk smack in your own topics not here no-one should post after this flaming it's actually pointless we've been pulling 90+ consistently for 3 months imo it's the flamers clans who are having a big serving of slump salad.
  3. Fun trips today guys first time EOP went at it in p2p gtta give props for that, as for the wars i'll post the videos of the times we beat foe at dwarves (when we rushed from gap) and when we rushed from moss giants. We took a defeat at BH which was fair play our spreading was terrible, also you guys returned with a remass at clan wars after you died at moss giants/chaos dwarves and rushed our battle weary opts after we cleared you but you beat us fair at bh tbh :). EOP beat MM at hills also then pushed tlp back to clan wars although tlp stood ground (5 minutes) way longer than mm did lol can anyone say slump salad? MM were cleared by EOP within 30 seconds and I heard DP beat them too anyone know? i'll be uploading MM's defeat in the future aswell. Hope to see you guys next week saturday and sunday, btw we had 10 fi with us a friend from fi asked if they could join our trip for fun I agreed thought it was no biggie lol p2p is very fun.
  4. Obviously EOP were #1 on saturday id put mm at #2 cp at #3 foe at #4 due to have lower opts and running from cp a couple times hopefully the teaming will stop next saturday the former top clans obviously feel threatened by our presence and hence they team hopefully next week they get their cahones back. Thanks for the fun.
  5. ------------------------------------------ ♠► t7emon Arrow ◄♠ Maxed 1 Defense GS pure pking video 7 (VII) - The Last Stand Link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UBOTnATBj9E Hey people this is a new vid, as most of you already know I got defence recently so this vid is "The Last Stand" of me as a 1 defence pker I hope you enjoy it. Btw this is how I pk ^^ takes alot of getting used to and it's alot of lag vidding but I get some of the highest quality that's ever been seen in rs pk videos watch it in HD if your ready for that. This is an old stat pic but yea I had 96 mage and 99hp during this video instead but no big deal its about the pking not the stats: - Watch it leave me a comment on youtube and rate/subscribe/favourite :) - Peace!
  6. Respect to epidemic as a clan you did achieve alot I remember when you guys were new and you used to pull 40 to trips and get laughed at then when every1 started trolling you you guys kinda rose up and used it as momentum, it used to be funny when people said "im in epidemic" but nowadays you showed every1 your top contenders (even beat MM once or twice right?) well gl with whatever you guys do in the future just have fun with it. To anyone who will attempt to say im licking ass you must be in some crack, im just saying what I want to say if you don't like it you have the green light to attempt to troll me. Peace
  7. Oh look 1,700 views on topic but only 120 replies I thinks we got got /moderated :( gf mm + foe at chaos altar see you and a cpl non memberlists next week no teaming please
  8. Owned Oh rly bro and it's also on video HF attacked EOP via the clan wars side. FOE stop hiding 70+ pull from 111 memberlist + juniors (slump salad anyone?) EOP vs FOE would've been painful for you guys but hey since you teamed with MM you get another week to mass +5 opts woot ownage!
  9. GJ on deleting all our replies and proof fair enough deleting spam pictures but don't mess with our legit posts this is pure-community v2 nowadays.
  10. "omg why go after foe we be scared to fight" is the feeling I get from your post Man up or foe should stop talking **** claiming they #1 or some **** truth is walli and connor have run foe into the ground and dave would be ashamed. We're here to defeat clans idgaf what your excuse is don't cry when we come after you. [caps mode awn]WE WANT TO FINISH YOUR CLAN STOP HIDING BEHIND MM AND GET SOME BALLS FOR NEXT WEEK OR DON'T BOTHER STEP IN WILD[/caps mode awf] Your clearly in a hell of a slump pulling 70 to f2p with a 111 ml + juniors stop trying to wait it out I promise it'll be less painful if you don't hide next week.
  11. Kindly make your way here if you like to hear see the truth if not keep being fed lies by setup pictures and fake irc pm's. http://pure-warfare.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=6046
  12. Let's get back to the real story eh MM + FOE + HF at clan wars = EOP + E pull back, Oh look we fight at Chaos altar where your lvl 120s can't attack us and you get cleared in 2mins. Now I admit you guys won at chaos dwarves but you had mains attacking us before you rushed as well as your 20+ intros/mains/fgts on mm forums that think they can come to trips. BUT YOU GUYS GOT CLEARED IN 2 MINS AND YOU TALK ABOUT #1. MM I concur that you leave foe alone next week so we can deal with them abruptly we wanted to 1v1 them today and found out you guys already had 2 capes in invent and had combined to oru dismay. FOE also can't say **** you run to MM for them to pick up your slacky 70 opts of rubbish so that EOP's 90 opts of non signups wouldn't wreck your ass all night. NEXT WEEK NO TEAMING.
  13. Great job eop next week will be more clobbering and gj downing alot of high lvl foe today when we had already ended trip :)
  14. You meant to say sharpest knife in the draw not smartest right? I hope? lol Anyways goood fightttt see you next week bro
  15. Lol MM can't talk about mains atleast 10% of their opts come from forum guests and mains. Anyways goodjob epidemic on your trip today you did well I heard you were owning foe before MM decided to crash like pros any1 link me a video?.
  16. Like I said guys gl for next week this week was fun any1 that wants to 1v1 dm me in p2p can do so if not please stop talking thanks.
  17. Cool Story BRO Good fight foe see you nexxt saturday.
  18. When we went into the war we had about 77 people falled in including scouts etc so we actually had about 73 when we ran out of clan wars and every member of eop was falled in but ofcourse all foe members will say we had 90+ because they can't bear to just say the two simple words "good fight" and leave it till next week. Hey I can do that too "omfg foe had 120+opts and eop had 35 opts and we still won" ok ok Fact is our scouts confirmed you had about 70 opts but still you will say you didn't we both know what happened :)
  19. Cool story bro upload the video we had already cleared mm out of the area before you guys came point is you rushed when we had already wasted supplies but when it was a fair and even fight you got worked how you gonna try deny that? Admit it when you lose everybody loses.
  20. Actually that's from last week and the reason why you were not attacked is because we concentrated on the main section of foe in the trees which lead to us winning we don't go hunting for target pixels like you but good job on helping your clan. That's when we cleared foe to lava gap and mayhem makers "anti crashed".
  21. Ok let me break it down for your feeble mind, my point is when we fought in the trees with no interference we cleared you guys with ease and the evidence is on video in my last post. But after we were weakened from fighting mm + we had RSD mains attacking us like mm already explained they were crashed from north and we were all spread and **** you guys got a couple kills and think you own or that is some kind of achievement? I would think so since walli made it one of his points and clearly left out the fact you guys got worked north of clan wars initially. Stop talking rubbish if your not going to argue don't call my statements idiotic your effectively acting as if your not trying to argue with me when you obviously are thanks bro peace see you next week.
  22. Honestly most of the people flaming probably died a couple times and can't afford f2p supplies or some **** if not then grow up the trip was fun if you got downed you got downed it's a game and we're here to have fun lmao.
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