My fondest memories would probably have to be:
When TGG first reopened we were pulling 40, and fatality and foe were fighting at sperm hill next to clan wars, zell got a war speech and I think shroom recited the Z0 speech from IR, we rushed fatality and foe with 40 people while they had about three times as many, then cp eop and mm ran into the fray and it just became one big cluster, I had fun because we were ballsy as ****, in a good, happy kind of way. We were messing around in ventrilo and having a good time.
When I first helped build Complete Domination with Blue stanger, trile, sl0w Burnz, Pink Clay, Iraqi4range, Mario Deleon, ******* Cody from MG!!! ******* hell! and the one and only legend, MG F T W!!! I liked dominating the LPC scene and recruiting all the other lpc clan's members, we then went into the med level scene and started a big rivalry with Calamity. I miss having p0ke hack our forums and our vents because he was mad after every trip lol. I remember beating EOP and CP in preps daily, and beating back FOE in Chaos Altar, (but they were split apart and confused as to who to go after, us or MM) but it was still fun and I remember the feeling of great accomplishment after that. Complete Domination wasn't anything professional, we were a bunch of spastics trying to make names for ourselves, we fought with each other all the time, but somehow we made it successful and (in my mind) taking #1 f2p med. I miss all those guys, I miss you too Logan, even though you were an incredible ****** at the time, you're still a part of my history, and I miss it (we continued our rivalry in Battlescape with Annihilation and Trilogy lol). Sadly we closed due to inactive leadership.
I remember joining P0kes clan Control and having that big rivalry with zenith and Fatality. I remember meeting I am canadien in Control and having the best of times with that guy! #Napkin givers for life man, I miss you wherever you are (tear). I remember taking notes on p0kes f2p calls to learn so that one day I could found my own clan and make it successful. Honestly p0ke was a ******* legend, still is. I miss him, even though he blatantly tried ******* me IRL and kicked me from Control because some kid got mad at me and wanted his account back. (He even called my house phone and we argued in my garrage ROFL!)
There were many more good memories in my time playing Runescape.
With all these good memories, there is always that one bad memory.
My bad memory was watching my community tear themselves apart, with trolls, dishonorably fighting, fake topics, and dossings/hackings. I've made multiple topics stressing that we needed to change, but I just ended up getting trolled out of Pure Warfare by everyone. I'm sad that I quit before the end, but I knew my time would have been miserable here. I used to look forward to every day in this community, everyone was cool, and you could literally pick up a conversation with anyone without getting negatively trolled or IP tracked. I used to be able to just pick up like 5 guys from my clan's ts or ventrilo and go multi pking. but now we can't do that because everyone is too busy getting turmoil or summoning, or they think it's a waste of time. I'm sad that the pure community ended this way though. FOE and FI deserved a great end to their legacy. They are legends in my eyes. Glad MM came out on top, glad people had good trips, but FOE and Fatality will always have my sympathy.
I have had many other good memories on Battlescape though, I still continue to do so too. There were some bad times in Battlescape, but I believe we are making a come back.